ARTICLES AND VIDEOS - November 2023 |
How did time begin, and how will it end? |
The physical and philosophical problem of time |
Big Think |
Purposeful universe |
Aeon |
Science communicators need to stop telling everybody the universe is a meaningless void |
The Conversation |
Is the Universe fine-tuned for life? Here are 3 answers |
Big Think |
The Big Bang Survives Two Tests |
Evolution News |
Does This Fix the Kalam Cosmological Argument? |
YouTube - Reasonable Faith |
The multiverse is unscientific nonsense |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
The multiverse: Better in fiction than in real life? |
Mind Matters |
A Philosopher Rejects the Multiverse but Embraces Mythology |
Evolution News |
'Dark Big Bang' Theory Argues a Second Cosmological Origin Event Could Help Resolve Dark Matter Mystery |
The Debrief |
New Data Spell Trouble for Dark Matter's Biggest Competitor |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
"Why I Went to WAR with Stephen Hawking!" |
YouTube - Leonard Susskind |
Many physicists assume we must live in a multiverse - but their basic maths may be wrong |
The Conversation |
Why Even Einstein Couldn't Unite Physics |
Universe Today |
Milky Way-like galaxy found in the early universe |
UC Riverside News |
How Black Holes Consume Entropy |
Universe Today |
The challenge to dark matter, MOND, is wrong |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
Distant Barred Spiral Galaxy Shouldn't Exist? |
Hossenfelder vs Goff: Do electrons exist? |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
Hossenfelder vs Goff: Debate about electrons sparks social media! |
Mind Matters |
Meet Strange Metals: Where Electricity May Flow Without Electrons |
Quanta Magazine |
Earth's axial tilt as a design feature |
Creation |
Geologists link continental flooding to subduction, with consequences for geologic gaps and the rise of complex life |
UCSB News |
Protists Add to the Cambrian Explosion |
Evolution News |
Kraken Hypothesis Provoked Darwinist Revenge |
Evolution News |
Chicxulub: A Consensus With Big Questions |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
New microfossils suggest earlier rise in complex life |
Penn State University |
Cambrian Bryozoa Come and Go |
Evolution News |
Modern mammalian ear pushed back in fossil record |
Nature |
Darwinism Is Useless in Fossil Discoveries |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Birds set foot near South Pole in Early Cretaceous, Australian tracks show |
Science Daily |
Unknown animals were leaving bird-like footprints in Late Triassic Southern Africa |
Science Daily |
James Tour Called These Researchers' Bluff |
Evolution News |
Origin of Life Challenge RESULTS + HUGE announcement w/ Lee Cronin & James Tour |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
James Tour and Lee Cronin to Discuss Origin of Life at Harvard Roundtable |
Evolution News |
Dr. Lee Cronin & Dr. James Tour on Science and the Origin of Life, Cambridge Faculty Roundtable |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
Christian Chemist Trounces 10 Leading OoL Researchers |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Homochirality and the Origin of Life |
Apologetics Press |
The Biggest Questions: How did life begin? |
MIT Technology Review |
Proteins Are Rare and Isolated - And Thus, Cannot Evolve |
Evolution News |
Defending Axe on the Rarity of Protein Folds |
Evolution News |
To Create Functional Proteins, Evolution Would Need a Miracle |
Evolution News |
New Paper Sees "Paradigm Shift" Against Junk DNA |
Evolution News |
Ten "Anomalies" Contradict the Junk DNA Paradigm |
Evolution News |
The New Post-Junk-DNA Paradigm of Molecular Biology: RNA Genes |
Evolution News |
Roundup of Functions for "Junk DNA" Supports the New RNA Gene Paradigm |
Evolution News |
Why having two copies of each chromosome is important |
Science Daily |
The Sense of Hearing Is a Masterpiece of Engineering |
Evolution News |
The New Quest to Control Evolution |
Quanta Magazine |
Centromere structure and function: lessons from Drosophila |
Oxford Academic - Genetics |
How DNA Is Packaged in Sperm Cells |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Illuminating protein space with a programmable generative model |
Nature |
Conceptual and empirical bridges between micro- and macroevolution |
Nature Ecology and Evolution |
Did Biological Information Accumulate Gradually? |
Evolution News |
40 failed predictions of Evolution |
Creation |
Human Vestigial Organs: Some Contradictions in Darwinian Thinking |
Evolution News |
Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Are mutations random? |
Oxford Academic - Evolution |
This Video DISMANTLES Darwinian Evolution |
YouTube - Answers in Genesis |
The Eyes Have It: Another Case of Evolution Falsification |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers: Human cerebellum aids higher cognitive functions |
Mind Matters |
Natural Selection as Great Designer Substitute |
Evolution News |
Human vs Chimp: Part 1: An honest appraisal of our differences |
YouTube - Biblical Genetics |
Human vs Chimp, Part 2: Digging deeper into our roots |
YouTube - Biblical Genetics |
Human vs Chimp Part 3: A deep dive into how statistics are being misused
| YouTube - Biblical Genetics |
Mutation bias in bacteria |
Microbiology Research |
Plant Fungus Has Been Caught in an Evolutionary Leap |
Science Alert |
Optimal control of gene regulatory networks |
Science Direct |
Intricate Design Found in Sperm Cells |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
More Details on Sperm Design Published |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
How cell identity is preserved when cells divide |
Science Daily |
Our brains don’t really rewire, neuroscientists caution |
Mind Matters |
Why do trees have differently shaped leaves? |
Washington Post |
Much more than waste: Tiny vesicles exchange genetic information between cells in the sea |
Science Daily |
How the Caterpillar Got Its Legs, or Not |
Evolution News |
Speciation Is Not Evolution |
Answers in Genesis |
Epigenetics: Performing the Genome |
Evolution News |
Wonders of Creation: Bats |
Apologetics Press |
Wonders of Creation: Chameleons |
Apologetics Press |
An ''Early'' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats |
Will the octopus ever find its way into a tidy evolutionary tree? |
Mind Matters |
What do bees’ joy and pain really tell us about insect minds? |
Mind Matters |
25 Years Later, Embryonic Stem Cell Research Has Been a Complete Failure |
LifeNews |
Extreme strength observed in limpet teeth |
Royal Society Publishing |
The Superior Programming that Makes Plants Look Smart |
Evolution News |
The Piano and the Pianist: Genetics and Epigenetics |
EMBO Reports |
Mendel's Peas: Inferring Data Falsification in Science |
Evolution News |
Interface systems and continuous environmental tracking as a design model for symbiotic relationships |
Creation |
Colliding ribosomes activate RNA repair |
Science Daily |
The social and structural architecture of the yeast protein interactome |
Nature |
When did humans first start burying the dead? |
Mind Matters |
Darwinism Is Useless in Anthropology |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Were Neanderthals and Humans the Same Species? |
Evolution News |
Neanderthals were the world's first artists |
Science Daily |
Momentous Discovery Shows Neanderthals Could Produce Human-Like Speech |
Science Alert |
Neanderthals: More knowable now than ever |
Knowable Magazine |
Evolutionists predict a super bottleneck; reality tells us we'd all be dead |
YouTube - Biblical Genetics |
Exopsychology: The psychology of no one we ever knew |
Mind Matters |
Homo Naledi Probably Didn’t Bury Their Dead Or Make Rock Art After All |
IFL Science |
No scientific evidence for cognitively advanced behaviors and symbolism by Homo naledi |
Science Daily |
'No scientific evidence' that ancient human relative buried dead and carved art as portrayed in Netflix documentary, researchers argue |
Live Science |
The archaeological finds that show art is far older than our species |
New Scientist |
Where did they all go? How Homo sapiens became the last human species left |
The Guardian |
World's Smartest Atheist Finally Admits What Christians Knew All Along |
YouTube - Apologetics Roadshow |
Is Religious Faith Compatible With Scientific Thinking? |
Psychology Today |
The Best Argument for God - New book |
Patrick Flynn |
Toughest Question on the Soul (LIVE with JP Moreland) |
YouTube - Sean McDowell |
Understanding the Limits of Scientism |
Evolution News |
Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Big Science Has Lost Its Way |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Americans losing faith in science and scientists: study |
Christian Post |
Pew: Post-COVID, trust in science dropped significantly |
Mind Matters |
The Logic of Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
Dembski Won the Argument with His Critics; New Edition of The Design Inference Shows How |
Evolution News |
The New Design Inference: William Dembski Updates a Classic |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Ahead of New Book Edition, Geoglyphs and Natural Features Test Dembski’s Design Inference |
Evolution News |
The Genius of The Design Inference |
Evolution News |
Design: A Scientific Proxy for Intelligence |
Evolution News |
Is Design Compatible with Evolutionary Theory? A Theologian Weighs In |
Evolution News |
Causal Capabilities of Teleology and Teleonomy in Life and Evolution |
Organon F |
Directed Goals in Living and Evolving Systems |
Mind Matters |
Rewinding Paley's Watch (Part 1) |
Answers in Genesis |
Rewinding Paley's Watch (Part 2) |
Answers in Genesis |
ID and Wallace's Intelligent Evolution |
Evolution News |
Alfred Russel Wallace's Greatest Journey |
Evolution News |
The Outsider: Alfred Russel Wallace's Reputation in the Darwinian Era |
Evolution News |
Darwin and Wallace Read Malthus Differently, and That Made a Big Difference |
Evolution News |
Bayesian Probability and Intelligent Design: A Beginner's Guide |
ID: The Future |
Mimesis and the Reception of Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
Mimetic Behavior in the Scientific Community |
Evolution News |
Pressure, Propaganda, and Persecution in Mimesis |
Evolution News |
Is Design Compatible with Evolutionary Theory? A Theologian Weighs In |
Evolution News |
Want to Harmonize Evolution and Design? First Check the Data |
Evolution News |
Can evolution create free will? A neurologist says yes |
Mind Matters |
Free Will and the Sapolsky Paradox |
John Horgan |
Determinism vs. free will: A scientific showdown |
Ars Technica |
The free will debate really heated up this year |
Mind Matters |
Only an immaterial mind can ask “How does life work?” |
Mind Matters |
Will neuroscience ever accommodate immaterial consciousness? |
Mind Matters |
Karl Haushofer: One of the More Important Persons to Influence the Events That Led to WWII and the Holocaust |
Answers Research Journal |
The Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: historical evidence, implications for today, teaching for tomorrow |
The Lancet |
Darwinism Played a Central Role in Nazi Crimes |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
The Other Side of the Scopes Monkey Trial: At Its Heart the
Trial Was about Racism - New book |
Jerry Bergman |
The divide between art and science is a mistake |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
How big is science's fake-paper problem? |
Nature |
When Science Influencers Polarize Our Politics |
The Honest Broker |
'The Science' Suffers from Self-Inflicted Political Wounds |
Reason |
What's Wrong With Peer Review? |
Wall Stret Journal |
Why Research Fraud Is Getting Worse |
James G. Martin |
Attempt to tackle censorship in science begins well, falls flat |
Mind Matters |
Claim: What consciousness studies needs is more Darwinism |
Mind Matters |
Yes, the film on near-death experiences is another “hated hit” |
Mind Matters
Re-Thinking The 'When' And 'How' Of Brain Death |
Woke Watch: The Ideological Transformation of Medical Journals |
Evolution News
Model collapse: AI chatbots are eating their own tails |
Mind Matters
Forecasting the future of artificial intelligence |
Why AI Can't Compute Consciousness |
YouTube - Philip C
Passing the Turing Test Is No Guarantee of True AI |
Evolution News
The mind-body problem is ruining our health |
The Institute of Art and Ideas
A New Organization Enters the Battle Over Academic Freedom |
The Dispatch