ARTICLES - September 2020 |
Does physics today point to mind rather than matter only? |
Mind Matters |
Can Evolution Explain Physics? |
The Gospel Coalition |
If The Big Bang Wasn't The Beginning, What Was It? |
Forbes |
Some Physicists See Signs of Cosmic Strings from the Big Bang |
Quanta Magazine |
A 5D universe is plausible given the data |
Medium |
Black Holes From the Big Bang Could Be the Dark Matter |
Quanta Magazine |
'It's mindboggling!': astronomers detect most powerful black-hole collision yet |
Nature |
Science with Sam: Is our reality just one part of a multiverse? |
New Scientist |
The Rise of the Modern Geocentric Theory Movement |
Answers in Genesis |
A New Cosmic Tension: The Universe Might Be Too Thin |
Quanta Magazine |
Physics and information theory give a glimpse of life's origins |
Aeon |
Australian telescope finds no signs of alien technology in 10 million star systems |
Science Daily |
Ten million star systems: No alien tech |
Uncommon Descent |
Paul Ashby on Thermodynamics, Information, and Life's Molecular Machines |
Evolution News |
Physicist: The Entire Universe Might Be a Neural Network |
Futurism |
Physicist: The whole universe may be a neural network |
Uncommon Descent |
A question of reality |
Science Daily |
New Hubble data suggests there is an ingredient missing from current dark matter theories |
Science Daily |
Dark Matter Believers Panicking |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
New calculation refines comparison of matter with antimatter |
Science Daily |
Rob Sheldon on the latest effort to pretend that nothing is wrong in cosmology |
Uncommon Descent |
Gravity causes homogeneity of the universe |
Bechly Series: No Ancestors for Cambrian Animals; Darwin's Doubt Remains |
Evolution News |
Evidence that prehistoric flying reptiles probably had feathers refuted |
University of Portsmouth |
Isn't the Whale Transitional Series a Perfect Example of Evolution? |
Answers in Genesis |
A Bridge Too Far? In Search of Precambrian Sponges |
Evolution News |
Kimberella - A Checkered History |
Evolution News |
Kimberella - Conflicting Evidence from Taphonomy |
Evolution News |
Kimberella - Four Phases of Interpretation |
Evolution News |
Kimberella and Controversial Relationships - A Chronological Synopsis, Continued |
Evolution News |
Reconstructing Kimberella - The Disputed Anatomy in Detail |
Evolution News |
Three-dimensional reconstructions of the putative metazoan Namapoikia show that it was a microbial construction |
Earliest fossil evidence of an insect lichen mimic |
Science Daily |
Insects were mimicking lichens 165 million years ago |
Uncommon Descent |
New fossil ape discovered in India: 13-million-year-old gibbon ancestor fills major gaps in the primate fossil record |
Science Daily |
Why Birds Survived, and Dinosaurs Went Extinct, After an Asteroid Hit Earth |
Smithsonian Magazine |
At Smithsonian Magazine: Why birds survived but not dinosaurs |
Uncommon Descent |
New Evidence Hurts Feathered Dinosaur Theory |
Newly discovered mass extinction event triggered the dawn of the dinosaurs |
The Conversation |
Denton "Takes the Fine-Tuning Argument to a Whole New Level" |
Evolution News |
New Book by Biologist Michael Denton on Nature's Miraculous "Primal Blueprint" |
Evolution News |
New Research Finds Molecular Machines Are Even More Amazing than Behe Realized |
Evolution News |
Complex interplay among cells guides them to where they need to go |
Science Daily |
Less Is More, Natural Loss-of-Function Mutation Is a Strategy for Adaptation |
Science Direct |
Computational design of genes encoding completely overlapping protein domains: Influence of genetic code and taxonomic rank |
BioRxiv |
(Reformed) New Scientist 3: The selfish gene is no longer cool |
Uncommon Descent |
(Reformed) New Scientist 4: There is more to inheritance than just genes |
Uncommon Descent |
Why does science embrace the “talking animals” myth? |
Mind Matters |
Bird genes are multitaskers |
Science Daily |
Biodiversity hypothesis called into question |
Science Daily |
Life on Earth may have begun in hostile hot springs |
Science News |
Another futile attempt at a natural origin of life |
Science News |
New origin of life theory emphasizes a hostile OOL environment |
Uncommon Descent |
Famed Biologist Jørn Dyerberg Explains His Turn to Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
At New Scientist: We must rethink the (Darwinian) theory of nature |
Uncommon Descent |
Design on Time - Paley's Watch Was Inside Him |
Evolution News |
Uncovering the clock that sets the speed of embryo development |
Science Daily |
Placenta is initiated first, as cells of a fertilized egg divide and specialize |
Science Daily |
Structural biology: Ribosomes and Russian dolls |
Science Daily |
Building bridges: PARP enzymes bring broken DNA together |
Science Daily |
The human brain has given researchers a big surprise |
Mind Matters |
The surprising organization of avian brains: A research team clears up 150 years of false assumptions |
Science Daily |
'Cellular compass' guides stem cell division in plants |
Science Daily |
Newly Discovered Brain Structure May Grant Birds Impressive Intelligence |
Real Clear Science |
Plastic-Eating Microbes - "Rapid Evolution" May Not Be Darwinian at All |
Evolution News |
Why do cells care if they break when rocks don’t? |
Uncommon Descent |
Scientists find 'secret molecule' that allows bacteria to exhale electricity |
Live Science |
Scientists identify gene family key to unlocking vertebrate evolution |
Science Daily |
Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification |
Zenodo |
Structure of ATPase, the world's smallest turbine, solved: First complete structure of mammalian F1Fo ATP-synthase |
Science Daily |
Complete structure of the world’s smallest turbine, ATP, now described |
Uncommon Descent |
Human white blood cells use molecular paddles to swim |
EurekAlert |
We have more than 6 trillion metres (18 trillion feet) of DNA |
Uncommon Descent |
Irreducible complexity in the Krebs cycle convinces a biologist of design in nature |
Uncommon Descent |
James Tour: "Molecules Don't Care About Life" |
Evolution News |
At Aeon: As a discipline, origin of life is “World’s most theoretically fertile dead end” |
Uncommon Descent |
Rob Sheldon on origin of life as a “theoretically fertile dead end” |
Uncommon Descent |
Extraordinary Claim: Life on Venus? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Using statistical methods to model the fine-tuning of molecular machines and systems |
Science Direct |
In Cells, Proofreading and Repair Testify to Intelligent Design and Foresight |
Evolution News |
The flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus undergoes major structural remodeling during rotational switching |
eLife |
How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms |
The Scientist |
Cells Model Sustainable Lifestyles |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Recapitulation Theory: How Embryology Does Not Prove Evolution |
Answers in Genesis |
Mike Behe’s Darwin Devolves thesis aired at Quanta? |
Uncommon Descent |
Paper: Paradigm shift needed in understanding evolution of complex animals |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers: How two bacteria of different species become one |
Uncommon Descent |
Do bacteria warn others while dying from antibiotics? |
Mind Matters |
Sometimes it’s hard for researchers to avoid talking about design in nature |
Uncommon Descent |
Mammalian Brains Prove Evolutionary Disconnect |
Cell division: Cleaning the nucleus without detergents |
Science Daily |
Monumental DNA Study Reveals Secrets of North American Mastodons |
Gizmodo |
Copying enzyme design to make industrial catalysts |
Creation |
GTEx Consortium releases fresh insights into how DNA differences govern gene expression |
Science Daily |
New Map Charts Genetic Expression Across Tissue Types, Sexes |
The Scientist |
Animals' magnetic 'sixth' sense may come from bacteria |
Science Daily |
Y chromosomes of Neandertals and Denisovans now sequenced |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
The male Y chromosome does more than we thought |
Science Daily |
Primate brain size does not predict their intelligence |
Science Daily |
The "Synergistic Core" of the Human Brain? |
Discover Magazine |
Genetics Steps In to Help Tell the Story of Human Origins |
The Scientist |
Darwin’s influence on Chinese Communism |
Uncommon Descent |
Natural History Museum to review potentially 'offensive' Charles Darwin collection |
The Telegraph |
Britain’s Natural History Museum is feeling the heat over Darwin’s racism |
Uncommon Descent |
Study confirms widespread literacy in biblical-period kingdom of Judah |
Science Daily |
Using Bonobos to Bash Human Exceptionalism |
Evolution News |
Y Chromosome from Early Modern Humans Replaced Neanderthal Y |
The Scientist |
Did Neanderthals Really Live in Caves? |
Discover Magazine |
Four reasons to think that atheism is inconsistent with scientific progress |
Wintery Knight |
What the story of Galileo gets wrong about the church and science |
America Magazine |
Why Are Scientists So Cruel To New Ideas? |
Forbes |
The Impending Cancellation of Charles Darwin |
Medium |
Darwinian biologist Jerry Coyne contemplates the idea that Darwin might be Cancelled |
Uncommon Descent |
Michael Egnor: Darwinism as Hegel’s philosophy applied to biology |
Uncommon Descent |
Book by classical philosopher of design in nature now available after 150 years |
Uncommon Descent |
Psychologist: Children use reason, not gut, for moral problems |
Mind Matters |
Why is there no consensus on evolution? |
Uncommon Descent |
Romantic Revolutionaries: The Myth that Order Arises Out of Chaos |
The American Vision |
Theistic Darwinism's "Fully Gifted" Creation Theology Contradicts Itself, and Science |
Evolution News |
On the Swamidass Hypothesis - The Cheese Stands Alone |
Evolution News |
Reform It Altogether - More on the Naturalistic Parabola |
Evolution News |
The Professor and the Con Man |
Jewish Review of Books |
Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests |
Science Daily |
At Scientific American: Falsifiability in science is a myth |
Uncommon Descent |
Science Magazine gets pitched headlong into the political mud wrestle, along with Scientific American
Uncommon Descent |
Elon Musk Tweet Shows Why Many Doubt Origin of Life Studies |
Mind Matters |
Systems Engineering in Nature |
Cross Examined |
Believers in God detect patterns more quickly |
Mind Matters |
John D. Barrow (1952–2020) |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Intelligent Design Had to Be the First to Face the Guillotine |
Evolution News |
Evolutionary Textbooks Promoted Racism |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Darwin Still Escaping Apologies for Scientific Racism |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Richard Weikart on How Darwinism Fueled Scientific Racism |
Evolution News |
At The Scientist: Stuff about Darwinian racism we’ve been saying for years… |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwinians Displayed Bones of "Inferior Races" in Museums |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Universities Scrub Names of Racist Leaders. The Next Step Should Be Acknowledging the Racism of the ACLU |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Big Science Dodging Its Own Racism |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Louis Agassiz and Alexander Winchell: Two Case Histories of Creationists Who Illustrate That Rejecting Genesis Influences the Acceptance of Racism |
Answers in Genesis |
Richard Dawkins is getting canceled again |
Uncommon Descent |
Wokeness Comes for Dawkins |
The American Conservative |
Researchers have been confirming quantum entanglement in brain tissue |
Uncommon Descent |
How do you know you are not the only human who ever existed? |
Mind Matters |
Evolution and artificial intelligence face the same basic problem |
Mind Matters |
Scientific American breaks with 175-year tradition, endorses Joe Biden for US President |
Uncommon Descent |
Software developer compares Shapiro's self-org theory favorably to Darwin's NS |
Mind Matters |
The "Hard" Problem of Consciousness |
Evolution News |
Michael Flannery’s book on Alfred Russel Wallace has been revised and updated |
Uncommon Descent |
The Babylon Bee stings its way into the evolution debate |
Uncommon Descent |
Panel Lays Out Guidelines for CRISPR-Edited Human Embryos |
The Scientist |
The Capture of Nature (i.e.the journal) |
Quackometer |
Don’t blame AI for the British A-Level test scandal |
Mind Matters |
Censored: Australian scientists say suppression of environment research is getting worse |
Nature |
Only one in ten medical treatments are backed by high-quality evidence |
The Conversation |
Did the human mind originate in telling ourselves stories? |
Mind Matters |
Statistical significance: Computers excel at finding temporary patterns |
Mind Matters |
Does split-brain surgery show that we have no real identity? |
Mind Matters |
Why do you feel lonely? Neuroscience is starting to find answers |
Technology Review |
Sleep on It: Design in the Subconscious Brain |
Evolution News |
Reformed New Scientist 2: Evolution shows intelligence |
Uncommon Descent |
From Nature: A new, topflight computer science journal |
Mind Matters |
SwiftKey co-founder: Computers can’t just “evolve” intelligence |
Mind Matters |
Can computers evolve to program themselves without programmers? |
Mind Matters |
Will a brain-computer interface be a boon or a nightmare? |
Mind Matters |