NEW ARTICLES - January 2019 |
What happened to astronomer Martin Haskell, dumped for thinking that the universe is designed? |
Uncommon Descent |
Cosmologist Luke Barnes answers 11 objections to the fine-tuning argument |
Wintery Knight |
Our solar system's formation was a lot messier than you think |
Astronomy |
Myth: A Big Universe Is a Problem for Christianity |
Evolution News |
True Facts About Cosmology (or, Misconceptions Skewered) |
Preposterous Universe |
Black-hole jets begin to reveal their antimatter secrets |
Nature |
Physics Is Not In Crisis |
Forbes |
Why We Need A New Collider |
Science 2.0 |
Experimental physicist: Particle theory is “in a crisis” and a bigger collider IS the answer! |
Uncommon Descent |
Einstein's physics says there is no biblical creationist starlight travel-time problem |
Bible-Science Forum |
Time to Ditch the Drake Equation |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Theoretical physicist takes on panpsychism. Bam! Pow! |
Uncommon Descent |
How Space and Time Could Be a Quantum Error-Correcting Code |
Quanta Magazine |
We don’t often hear space and time described as a quantum error-correcting code |
Uncommon Descent |
Do Strange Numbers Explain Reality? |
Uncommon Descent |
Astrophysicist: Climate change killed the ET civilizations |
Uncommon Descent |
The Problem of the Missing Satellite Galaxies Gives Way - Now There's Too Many |
Quanta Magazine |
The multiverse has become a talking point on Capitol Hill |
Uncommon Descent |
Physicists: A mirror universe might explain dark matter |
Uncommon Descent |
Astronomers Lie About Dark Matter |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Good Problems in the Foundations of Physics |
Back Reaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder: Physics problems that lead to breakthroughs arise from inconsistencies in data, not beautiful math |
Uncommon Descent |
Helium, not dark matter, might explain DAMA's strong signal |
Physics World |
Intermediate Gas Giants Challenge Planet Formation Theory |
Missing-link in planet evolution found |
Science Daily |
Earth's magnetic field is acting up and geologists don't know why |
Nature |
Earth’s core hardened just in time to prevent magnetic field collapse |
Uncommon Descent |
In the beginning: The full story of life on Earth can finally be told |
New Scientist |
Coralline red algae have existed for 300 million years longer than presumed |
Science Daily |
Fossilized slime of 100-million-year-old hagfish shakes up vertebrate family tree |
Science Daily |
Body plan pushed back hundreds of millions of years |
Uncommon Descent |
600-million-year old blobs are earliest animals ever found |
New Scientist |
Oldest animal turns out to be 40 million years older than 558 mya |
Uncommon Descent |
Planetary collision that formed the moon made life possible on Earth |
Rice University |
Researchers: The Moon made life on Earth possible |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers Describe New Reptile Platypus From the Early Triassic |
UC Davis |
Behe's New Book, Darwin Devolves - Stunning and Absolutely Convincing |
Evolution News |
Mike Behe’s new book, Darwin Devolves: “Absolutely convincing” or “omits contrary examples” |
Uncommon Descent |
Michael Behe's Darwin Devolves - When You're Ready to Think for Yourself |
Evolution News |
Darwinism - Like Every Other Known Natural Process - Devolves |
Evolution News |
Neo-Darwinism: The Current Paradigm |
Panspermia |
Paul Davies: Life’s defining characteristics “better understood as information” |
Uncommon Descent |
Evolutionary Teleonomy: Support from Mainstream Evolutionary Biologists |
Uncommon Descent |
As Predicted by Intelligent Design, "Junk" Introns Are Actually Functional |
Evolution News |
Maxwell's demon and the hunt for alien life |
Nature |
Seversky, an ID-Skeptical Reader, Makes The Case For Design |
Uncommon Descent |
The Ultimate Question of Life’s Origins |
National Review |
Analysis of unstable modes distinguishes mathematical models of flagellar motion |
Royal Society Publishing |
Feathers: Better than Velcro? |
Science Daily |
The molecular evolution of feathers with direct evidence from fossils |
Science Daily |
How One Sense Smells a Trillion Scents |
Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Hagfish Haunts Darwin |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Sea pens - 'Extreme' living fossils shout 'after their kind' |
Creation.com |
Introns are mediators of cell response to starvation |
Nature |
Is Biology Approaching the Threshold of Design Acceptance? |
Evolution News |
BIO-Complexity Article Offers an Objective Method for Weighing Darwinian Explanations |
Evolution News |
Mitochondrial DNA can be inherited from fathers, not just mothers |
Nature |
Seeing the Dawn - Latest thinking on the Origin of Life |
Science |
'I predict a great revolution': inside the struggle to define life |
The Guardian |
Ancient cataclysms and modern conflicts in origin of life studies |
Uncommon Descent |
A solid scaffolding for our cells |
Science Daily |
Kick-starting the genome in early development: Unravelling how instructions for new life are read |
Science Daily |
In surprising reversal, scientists find a cellular process that stops cancer before it starts |
Science Daily |
Epigenetics in the News |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Bird beaks did not adapt to food types as previously thought |
Science Daily |
Darwinism challenged as explanation for finch beaks |
Uncommon Descent |
Is an amoeba is smarter than your computer? |
Mind Matters |
Genetics and Epigenetics - New Problems for Darwinism |
Evolution News |
Complexity of cell movement |
Science Daily |
Researchers claim: Complex molecules emerge without evolution or design |
Uncommon Descent |
How do cells in a body know where they are supposed to be? |
Uncommon Descent |
Human-like lifespan 100,000–200,000 years ago? |
Uncommon Descent |
Mechanism helps explain the ear's exquisite sensitivity |
Science Daily |
Cryptic DNA sequences may help cells survive starvation |
Nature |
How stem cells self-organize in the developing embryo |
Science Daily |
Some hatching mechanisms unchanged from 130 mya |
Uncommon Descent |
Top Biology News of 2018: Year in Review |
Answers in Genesis |
Gull wing stability prompts talk of “design" in nature |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Evolution Is More Certain Than Gravity |
Uncommon Descent |
Latest Acts in the Origin-of-Life Circus |
Evolution News |
Will Humpty Darwin Fall in 2019? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Tripod Fish: Denizens of the Deep Sea |
Answers in Genesis |
Genes reveal clues about people's potential life expectancy |
Science Daily |
Pseudo-pseudogenes: revealing further complexity in the genome |
Creation.com |
Evolution Miseducation at the University of Utah |
Evolution News |
Steve Meyer on the information enigma in evolution |
Uncommon Descent |
Frog choruses inspire wireless sensor networks |
Science Daily |
It's the End of the Gene As We Know It |
Nautilus |
Is the age of the gene finally over? |
Uncommon Descent |
What makes two species different? The role of selfish genes in distinguishing a species |
Science Daily |
Natural Selection Is Useless in Science |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Natural Selection Is Useless, II: More Evidence |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
A small fish provides insight into the genetic basis of evolution |
Science Daily |
Engineered Adaptability: Trait Selection Is Internal, Not External |
Male-Female Differences Matter |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Evolution used same genetic formula to turn animals monogamous |
Science Daily |
Synthetic organisms are about to challenge what 'alive' really means |
Wired |
Green darner dragonflies migrate over several generations, like Monarch butterflies |
Uncommon Descent |
How Beauty is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution |
NY Times Magazine |
NYT: Beauty in nature acknowledged — but only as “Darwin’s neglected brainchild” |
Uncommon Descent |
Weird worms challenge complexity argument |
Cosmos Magazine |
Worms challenge idea that complexity just arises from simplicity |
Uncommon Descent |
We've only just found out exactly how sperm wiggle their tails to swim |
New Scientist |
Jorge Henao-Mejia Explores the Immune System's Controls |
The Scientist |
Interactions of messenger RNAs and micro-RNAs during brain development |
Science Daily |
Concept inventories as a resource for teaching evolution |
Evolution: Education and Outreach |
Simple rules predict and explain biological mutualism |
Science Daily |
How Should Christians View Biological Classification? |
Answers in Genesis |
Human mutation rate has slowed recently |
Science Daily |
Plants can smell, now researchers know how |
Science Daily |
Plants can both “smell” and “hear” |
Uncommon Descent |
Yeast Introns Not Junk After All |
New estimate of primate mutation rates helps genetics match fossils |
ARS Technica |
Star material could be building block of life |
Science Daily |
How a lipid-binding protein can access, select, and move a lipid ''cargo'' during the biosynthesis of the important coenzyme Q |
Science Daily |
The helix, of DNA fame, may have arisen with startling ease |
Science Daily |
Why Did Darker and Lighter Human Skin Colors Evolve? |
Discover Magazine |
A First Human Couple? New Evidence and Arguments |
Evolution News |
First human couple still in the news |
Uncommon Descent |
Hoaxer is being persecuted for revealing bias |
Uncommon Descent |
Psychologists Issue Controversial Report on Masculinity |
Psychology Today |
The last Neanderthals may have died out much earlier than we thought |
New Scientist |
Why we still underestimate the Neanderthals |
Neanderthal hunting spears could kill at a distance |
Science Daily |
Darwinian evolution and underestimating the Neanderthals |
Uncommon Descent |
Neanderthals: javelin athletes helped us show how effective they were at hunting with weapons |
The Conversation |
Neanderthals were way smarter hunters than we used to think |
Uncommon Descent |
Neanderthals may have been sprinters not endurance runners |
New Scientist |
Cave That Housed Neandertals and Denisovans Challenges View of Cultural Evolution |
Scientific American |
Ancient Mongolian skull is the earliest modern human yet found in the region |
University of Oxford |
A Positive, Useful Discussion of Human Exceptionalism ... On the Internet? Yes! |
Evolution News |
Science Is No Enemy of Christianity |
The Gospel Coalition |
Book Review: Nature's Case for God by John Frame |
Apologetics 315 |
Here’s How to Tell if Scientists are Exaggerating - Mike Behe |
The Stream |
Here's How to Tell if Scientists Are Exaggerating |
Evolution News |
When It Comes to Origins Science, Is PNAS Really "Ready When You Are"? |
Evolution News |
PZ Myers declares New Atheism is dead |
Freethought Blogs |
New atheism is over, says Darwinian PZ Myers |
Uncommon Descent |
Can evangelicals agree on ten theses about creation and evolution? |
Creation.com |
Advanced Extraterrestrials as an Approximation to God |
Scientific American Blogs |
How can a naturalist atheist believe in the existence of evidence? |
Uncommon Descent |
Intelligent Design: More Than a Technical Debate |
National Review |
On Intelligent Design, Do Your Own Homework. Make Up Your Own Mind |
Evolution News |
Self-Induced Blindness: Round 3 with Kevin Williamson |
Evolution News |
The Nature of Design Inference and the Epistemic Status of Intelligent Design |
Research Gate |
Stephen Meyer: The More Science Advances, The More Science Points To Design |
Uncommon Descent |
Stifling the Intelligent Design Debate Is Bad Science |
Evolution News |
But Belief In Design Is A Science Stopper! |
Uncommon Descent |
Just because it's falsifiable doesn't mean it's good science. |
Back Reaction |
Keeping the Debate Over Undeniable on Track |
Evolution News |
Atheism's Myth of a Christian Dark Ages Is Unbelievable |
Evolution News |
'The Idol of Our Age: How the Religion of Humanity Subverts Christianity' Review |
National Review |
Feeling anxious? It’s not just you, it’s our philosophical era of neuroexistentialism |
Quartz |
Jerry Coyne and the Consequences of Denying Free Will |
Evolution News |
Science and Faith - A Report from Colombia |
Evolution News |
Ten Theses on Creation and Evolution That (Most) Evangelicals Can Support |
Christianity Today |
Evangelicals waving goodbye to Adam and Eve? |
Uncommon Descent |
In Unbelievable, Mike Keas Highlights Myths and Realities of Anti-Science Persecution |
Evolution News |
Atheists, agnostics more skeptical of evolution now - Eric Holloway |
Uncommon Descent |
Fallacious Assumptions Corrupt Science |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Junk Science or the Real Thing? 'Inference' Publishes Both. |
Undark |
The Deity of Jesus - Mark vs. Bart Ehrman |
Is Jesus Alive? |
Can You Be a Scientist and Believe in God? - John Lennox |
The Value of Christian Doctrine and Apologetics |
Probe |
Theistic evolution and the Christian faith |
Creation.com |
Was 2018 kind of a quiet year for science? |
Uncommon Descent |
Yes, Intelligent Design Is Detectable by Science |
Evolution News |
Which 2018 news trends will affect ID? |
Uncommon Descent |
Calling it a 'war on science' has consequences |
The Conversation |
More science-dissing: WaPo's misguided criticism of "scientism" |
Why Evolution Is True |
Heard at The Conversation: Enough with the “war on science” rhetoric! |
Uncommon Descent |
What interests does “poor design of the human body” rhetoric serve? |
Uncommon Descent |
Electrons Don't Think |
BackReaction |
“But it can’t be design, M’sieur. Design is an illusion.” |
Uncommon Descent |
The Case for Scientific Humanism |
Scientific American |
Michael Shermer’s Case for Scientific Naturalism |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Michael Shermer's "Case for Scientific Humanism" Fails |
Evolution News |
The problem with science is that so much of it simply isn't |
Creation.com |
In one sense, consciousness IS an illusion… |
Mind Matters |
The 500-Year-Long Science Experiment |
The Atlantic |
Why did an evolutionary biology prof imply world-famous chemist James Tour was “stupid”? |
Uncommon Descent |
Unifying Specified Complexity: Rediscovering Ancient Technology |
Evolution News |
Science fiction writer Vox Day on the “darkstream descent” of Darwin’s theory of evolution |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwinists kept the “flat earth” myth going, to attack opponents of their views - Jeffrey Burton Russell |
Uncommon Descent |
The junk science of the abortion lobby |
Mind Matters |
Why We Don't Evolve Software: A Computer Scientist Considers Darwinian Theory |
Evolution News |
Convert to Creation |
Creation.com |
How can consciousness be a material thing? |
Mind Matters |
The Holocaust: New Research Shows It Was Worse than Formerly Believed |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Review of The Death of Humanity - Richard Weikart |
Apologetics 315 |
Is the slippery slope argument always fallacious? |
Uncommon Descent |
Logic And First Principles, 7: The Problem Of Fallacies Vs Credible Warrant |
Uncommon Descent |
How can information theory help the economy grow? |
Mind Matters |
Darwinists are not usually software engineers |
Uncommon Descent |
Unprovability comes to machine learning |
Nature |
Denmark: Perhaps not so rotten after all |
Uncommon Descent |
Denmark: Slowly developing a conversation about design in nature |
Uncommon Descent |
UK Pushing Darwinism on Elementary Students |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Maybe the Darwinists can’t afford to be quite as unhinged any more? |
Uncommon Descent |
India scientists dismiss Einstein theories |
Uncommon Descent |
Will artificial intelligence design artificial super-intelligence? |
Mind Matters |
Has science shown that consciousness is only an illusion? |
Mind Matters |
Engineers translate brain signals directly into speech |
Science Daily |
The Real Problems with Artificial Intelligence |
Back Reaction |
When Did Consciousness Begin? |
Psychology Today |
The Transcendental Treasury of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness |
Evolution News |
NYT: Beauty in nature acknowledged — but only as “Darwin’s neglected brainchild” |
Uncommon Descent |
Mission Impossible: Darwinizing Beauty |
Evolution News |
Mathematicians Discovered a Computer Problem that No One Can Ever Solve |
Real Clear Science |
Jerry Coyne: Just sign Chicago “Statement on Principles of Free Expression” |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwinian Jerry Coyne muses on hashtag hate and the media |
Uncommon Descent |
Crowdfunding research flips science's traditional reward model |
Nature |
The Creative Spark |
Mind Matters |
It takes a smart robot to mimic a reptile |
Mind Matters |
It's time for a robust philosophical defense of truth in science |
Aeon |
Is a philosophical defence of truth in science possible any more? |
Uncommon Descent |