IN THE NEWS - October 2015 |
Proteins by Accident? Douglas Axe Replies to a Critic of The Information Enigma |
Evolution News and Views |
For SETI Researchers, Here Is a Guide for Handling Fallacious Objections |
Evolution News and Views |
Were Adam and Eve Real? New Anthropological Evidence in 10-Year Update to Book by Fazake Rana and Hugh Ross |
Christian Post |
Does evolution have a predictable future? |
Uncommon Descent |
Science Is Neither 'Settled' Nor 'Skeptical' |
Real Clear Science |
Extraordinary conservation of novel non-coding sequences in a wide range of animals |
Science Daily |
The Scientific Method is a Myth |
Discover Magazine |
Reactions to Scientific Method Is a Myth |
Uncommon Descent |
Comfortably alone in the Universe |
Cosmos Magazine |
What about explaining biological diversity and complexity to Darwin in 140 characters? |
Quantum Frontiers |
Brain is just a computer … ? |
Uncommon Descent |
Which Came First-Teeth or Scales? |
Answers in Genesis |
Rosetta finds primordial oxygen on comet |
Uncommon Descent |
Lokiarchaeota and the Origin of Complex Life |
Quanta Magazine |
New class of DNA repair enzyme discovered |
Science Daily |
Nuclear membrane repairs the 'dark matter' of DNA |
Science Daily |
Cosmos publisher thinks we are galaxy’s most advanced species |
Uncommon Descent |
Endosymbiosis: A Theory in Crisis |
Will human evolve fast enough to beat AI? |
Uncommon Descent |
Zombie physics: 6 baffling results that just won't die |
Nature |
The penis only evolved once |
Science Magazine |
Fossil discovery could be the last common ancestor to all apes |
New Scientist |
Transitional species of duckbilled dinosaurs illuminate relationship between evolution and growth |
Science Daily |
Ancestry of mammalian 'warm-bloodedness' revealed |
Science Daily |
Predicting the human genome using evolution |
Science Daily |
Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe |
New Scientist |
Surprise discovery suggests 'gentle' start for Solar System |
Making heads and tails of embryo development: Lessons from the humble fly |
Science Daily |
Study questions dates for cataclysms on early moon, Earth |
University of Wisconsin News |
Science needs the freedom to constantly change its mind |
Aeon |
Epigenetics: Sperm carry microRNAs that influence gene expression in the next generation |
ARS Technica |
Bacteria in Ancient Andean Mummies had Gene for Antibiotic Resistance |
IFL Science |
Double debunking: Glenn Williamson on human-chimp DNA similarity and genes unique to human beings |
Uncommon Descent |
Novel link between microRNAs and movement control |
Science Daily |
Speedy evolution affects more than one species |
Science Daily |
Here's Why Most Neuroscientists Are Wrong About the Brain |
Nautilus |
The 15 most compelling scientific findings that suggest aliens are real |
Business Insider |
Can the laws of physics change? Sure, every six months |
Uncommon Descent |
DNA research reveals new function of histones |
Science Daily |
Advances in genetic studies of birds are changing ornithology research |
Science Daily |
Are the Laws of Physics Really Universal? |
Replaying the tape of life in the twenty-first century |
Royal Society Publishing |
Weirdest physics proved beyond doubt? |
Uncommon Descent |
Unbelievable? Is God the best explanation for apparent design in nature? – Jonathan McLatchie & Cory Markum |
Premiere Christian Radio Debate |
Alan Lightman: Life has meaning even if we are mere brains, atoms |
Uncommon Descent |
Global cooling alarmists 40 years ago |
John Hartnett |
Self-sacrificing immune cells spew out DNA nets to trap invaders |
New Scientist |
Building immune system memory: Mechanism identified for enhancing immunological memory in helper T cells |
Science Daily |
What U.S. Religious Groups Think About Science Issues |
Pew Internet |
One of the weirdest bits of physics is proved beyond doubt (almost) |
The Economist |
Larry Krauss: How to get something from nothing |
Uncommon Descent |
The power of two may help explain brain design |
Science Daily |
Cellular damage control system helps plants tough it out |
Science Daily |
Experiment tests Einstein's 'God does not play dice' with quantum 'dice' |
Science Daily |
Homo naledi: Claims of a Transitional Ape |
Is Intelligent Design "Apologetics"? |
Evolution News and Views |
Tiny DNA building block is identical regardless of species |
Science Daily |
Some Rules of Language are Wired in the Brain |
Scientific American |
There’s a Mystery Machine That Sculpts the Human Genome |
The Atlantic |
Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Genes unique to humans? |
Uncommon Descent |
Challenging the BioLogos Claim that a Vitellogenin (Egg-Laying) Pseudogene Exists in the Human Genome |
Answers in Genesis |
Is Life Special Just Because It's Rare? |
Nautilus |
New Scientist: Caution urged on life at 4 billion years ago |
Uncommon Descent |
Homo naledi: Dating the Strange Ape |
The Atlantic |
What is irreducible complexity? |
One Minute Apologist - YouTube |
Why is redundancy in nature a “puzzle”? It is a common feature of stable systems. |
Uncommon Descent |
Conclusions: What the fossils told us in their own words |
Evolution News and Views |
Life may have begun 300 million years earlier than we thought |
New Scientist |
Queen or worker? Flexibility between roles relies on just a few genes |
Science Daily |
UCLA researchers: Life got started shortly after planet cooled |
Uncommon Descent |
Stasis: Life Goes On but Evolution Does Not Happen |
Evolution News and Views |
Searching for the Genes That Are Unique to Humans |
The Atlantic |
Is intelligent design a science? |
One Minute Apologist |
New model derives 'handedness' (homochirality) from basic life requirements |
Science Daily |
The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
From genotype-to-phenotype in cell populations |
IOP Science |
Humans shaped by “interbreeding”? |
Uncommon Descent |
What is the difference between ID and creationism? |
One Minute Apologist |
Could All Really Come From Nothing? |
DNA sun protection |
Science Daily |
Homo naledi: Geology of a Claimed Missing Link |
Homochirality: Computers Are Not the Real World |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Attenborough: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life |
Creation.com |
Tethering Transposons |
The Scientist |
Biologos: equipping the next generation |
BioLogos |
Did Humans Walk Like Chimps Up the Evolutionary Tree? |
Answers in Genesis |
Researcher claims to have simplified account of eukaryote origin |
Uncommon Descent |
Epigenetics: The role histones play leaves researchers “blown away” |
Uncommon Descent |
125 myo rat-like mammal fossil is earliest showing fur, skin and organs |
The Guardian |
Plant hormone 'switch' unravels chromatin to form flowers |
Science Daily |
Published genomes are chock-full of contamination |
The Scientist |
Some liked it hot: Dinosaurs evolved range of body temperatures |
New Scientist |
Why We Don't Look Like Chimps |
Evolution News and Views |
From hummingbird to owl: New research decodes bird family tree |
Science Daily |
Evidence for functional redundancy in nature: Many species may play essentially the same role |
Science Daily |
Scientists are slowly scaling up quantum effects from atomic to human size |
Nautilus |
Why God Cannot Be Proven: A Star Trek Argument |
Real Clear Science |
Reconstruction and Simulation of Neocortical Microcircuitry |
Cell |
The latest in pop science: The selfish superorganism |
Uncommon Descent |
The incredible shrinking social sciences |
Uncommon Descent |
Making It All Up - the behavioral sciences scandal |
The Weekly Standard |
Is ID about internal or external teleology? |
Uncommon Descent |
Supercoiled DNA is far more dynamic than the 'Watson-Crick' double helix |
Science Daily |
No, Scientists Have Not Found the 'Gay Gene' |
The Atlantic |
Third Way of Evolution offers lots of non-Darwinian evolution |
Uncommon Descent |
Earth's Strongest Species Take Root on Mars |
The New Yorker |
Scientism : the new orthodoxy (New book) |
Bloomsbury Academic |
But Darwin’s fall WON’T help creationists! |
Uncommon Descent |
A note on Darwin icons lingering in textbooks |
Uncommon Descent |
The hand of Homo naledi |
Nature Communications |
Suzan Mazur’s new book: The Paradigm Shifters |
Uncommon Descent |
Nature, it seems, has gotten bored with Dawkins |
Uncommon Descent |
Is Aristotle's philosophy relevant to the intelligent design debate? |
Examiner.com |
Nobel Prizes for what later proved wrong ideas |
Uncommon Descent |
Lee Spetner on Darwin’s iconic finches |
Uncommon Descent |
How scientists fool themselves - and how they can stop |
Nature |
How DNA Database Statistics Can Lead To Questionable Convictions |
The Atlantic |
Are We Ex-Apes? A Story Of Human Evolution |
New Thoughts on Habitable Planets |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Ancient DNA reveals 'into Africa' migration |
What’s happened since Icons of Evolution (2002)? |
Uncommon Descent |
Open Tree of Life Summarizes Evolutionary Beliefs |
Answers in Genesis |
Perfectly accurate clocks turn out to be impossible |
Science Daily |
Liquid Water on Mars? |
Epigenetic 'tags' linked to homosexuality in men |
Nature |
Dark energy and the elusive chameleon—more darkness from the dark side |
Creation.com |
Scientists Should Tell Lawrence Krauss to Shut Up Already |
The Public Discourse |
New (podium-free) film addresses origin of information |
Uncommon Descent |
Sorry, Einstein. Quantum Study Suggests ‘Spooky Action’ Is Real. |
NY Times |
Origin of life research still “abject failure”? |
Uncommon Descent |
48-million-year-old horse-like fetus similar to modern day mares |
Science Daily |
Chimpanzees shed light on origins of human walking |
Science Daily |
Homo naledi: Hands, feet suggest 'jack of all trades' |
Clues on how giraffe neck evolved: Fossil evidence shows vertebrae elongated in 2 stages |
Science Daily |
Complete Reanalysis of Chimpanzee and Human Genome-Wide DNA Similarity |
Answers in Genesis |
Disproved Discoveries That Won Nobel Prizes |
Real Clear Science |
Design of Life trilogy -- official trailer |
Illustra Media |
Dover all over |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient alga knew how to survive on land before it left water and evolved into the first plant |
Science Daily |
Exceptional 125-million-year-old bird discovered |
Science Daily |
Study of Homo naledi suggests that new species walked upright and also climbed trees |
Science Daily |
Einstein's gravitational waves remain elusive |
Cosmos Magazine |
Probability is as useful to physics as flat-Earth theory |
New Scientist |
Newly discovered mammal species survived dinosaur extinction |
The Primordial Soup Was Edible |
Real Clear Science |
Could we all get together and evolve as a group? |
Evolution News and Views |
Oxygen on Exoplanets May Not Mean Alien Life |
Space.com |
Tugs and pulls: How a molecular motor untangles protein |
Science Daily |
Could the Universe Be Lopsided? |
Putting Scientism in Its Place |
Evolution News and Views |
Darwin and "Providential Design" |
Evolution News and Views |
Time to Ditch Natural Selection? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Why We Don't Look Like Chimps |
Evolution News and Views |
Are the blueprints for limbs encoded in the snake genome? |
Science Daily |
Are Space and Time Discrete or Continuous? |
Cell division: The motor protein kinesin-5 appears to help organize mitotic spindle's filaments |
Science Daily |
Why Science Needs Metaphysics |
Nautilus |
Ape fossils put the origin of humanity at 10 million years ago |
New Scientist |
Why Cal Paleo Expert is So Skeptical That Homo Naledi Is New Species |
UC Berkeley Alumni Magazine |
Evolution's Top Example Topples - Lenski's bacteria |
Neanderthals, Like Other Humans, Heated Water and Organized Their Homes |
Answers in Genesis |
A global reference for human genetic variation |
Science Daily |
Molecular switch keeps circadian clock running on time |
Science Daily |
Brain cells have different genomes from one another |
Science Daily |
Sex Differences in the Brain |
The Scientist |
That Doesn't Look Like Evolution |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
A creationist responds to BBC on evolution |
Creation.com |
Another review of Ridley's Evolution of Everything |
Nature |
JULY 2015 NEWS |
JUNE 2015 NEWS |