RECENT ARTICLES - October 2018 |
Review of Michael Denton's new book, Children of the Light:
Astonishing Properties of Sunlight that Make Us Possible |
Evolution News |
Book Review: A Fortunate Universe by Geraint F. Lewis and Luke A. Barnes |
Apologetics 315 |
Denton Turns Sagan's "Humdrum Star" on Its Head |
Evolution News |
What's keeping us from discovering dark matter? |
Astronomy |
First stars spell trouble for dark matter |
Back Reaction |
Why the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Has Many Problems |
Quanta Magazine |
Why We Need Cosmic Inflation |
Space.com |
Electron’s nearly perfect roundness stymies the search for “new physics” |
Uncommon Descent |
Big Bang Cosmology Needs Miracles |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Discover: Even the best dark matter theories “are crumbling” |
Uncommon Descent |
String theory: Is dark energy even allowed? |
Science Daily |
String Theorists' Heads Bobble Over Potential Dark Energy Wobble |
Gizmodo |
You say theoretical physicists are doing their job all wrong. Don't you doubt yourself? |
Back Reaction |
Theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder shares her self-doubts about exposing nonsense in cosmology |
Uncommon Descent |
Danish physicists claim to cast doubt on detection of gravitational waves |
ARS Technica |
Already beyond the Standard Model of particle physics |
Symmetry Magazine |
Stephen Hawking's final scientific paper released |
The Guardian |
Stephen Hawking’s final paper, just released, tackled the “information paradox” |
Uncommon Descent |
Could new galactic measurements “upend current theories” of physics? |
Uncommon Descent |
This Is The Real Reason We Haven't Directly Detected Dark Matter |
Forbes |
At Forbes: The real reason we haven’t found dark matter |
Uncommon Descent |
Nebular Hypothesis Doesn't Hold Together |
Early sun’s rotation rate was just right for us, it turns out |
Uncommon Descent |
Observations challenge cosmological theories |
Science Daily |
Famous Experiment Dooms Pilot-Wave Alternative to Quantum Weirdness |
Quanta Magazine |
The 8-dimensional space that must be searched for alien life |
Technology Review |
The cosmological lithium problem: One of the unknowns in the current description of the Big Bang |
Science Daily |
Where is it, the foundation of quantum reality? |
IFJ PAN Press |
Researchers: Bizarre Antartic particles might shatter modern physics |
Uncommon Descent |
The Trouble-Makers of Particle Physics |
Cosmic Shambles Network |
Comets and Asteroids Bearing Life? |
SFGate |
Fossil Discontinuities: A Refutation of Darwinism and Confirmation of Intelligent Design |
Uncommon Descent |
First Vertebrates Evolved in Shallow Water |
The Scientist |
Vertebrate evolution kicked off in lagoons |
Cosmos Magazine |
How geology tells the story of evolutionary bottlenecks and life on Earth |
AstroBiology Magazine |
Soft Lung Tissue Found in Modern-Looking Bird from Dinosaur Era |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Oldest fossil of a flying squirrel sheds new light on its evolutionary tree |
Science Daily |
Oldest evidence for animals found |
Phys.org |
Living Evidence of a Global Catastrophe: How Microbial Biogeography Supports Noah's Flood |
Answers in Genesis |
Biological Reasons Young-Earth Creationists' Worldwide Flood Never Happened |
CSI - Skeptical Inquirer |
Archaeopteryx: The day the fossil feathers flew |
New species of Archaeopteryx |
New Scientist |
Behe's Irreducible Complexity Validated by Chemistry Nobel |
Evolution News |
What’s Left of Darwinism? |
Uncommon Descent |
Isn't it obvious? Natural selection can eliminate, but never create! |
Creation.com |
Denton, Berlinski: Primary Objections to Neo-Darwinism |
Evolution News |
Studies raise questions over how epigenetic information is inherited |
Science Daily |
Evolution Under Attack |
NeuroLogica Blog |
Nobel Awarded for Intelligently Designed "Directed Evolution" |
On the Evolutionary Origin of New Genes, Stephen Meyer Is Vindicated Again |
Evolution News |
Examining Randy Isaac's Critique of Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics |
Evolution News |
Engineered Adaptability: Logic Mechanisms Direct Creatures' Innate Adaptability |
95% of Human Genome Can't Evolve |
New findings challenge the “neutral” theory of evolution for 95% of human genome |
Uncommon Descent |
“Incredibly surprising”: New structure in human cells discovered |
Uncommon Descent |
Experimental test and refutation of a classic case of molecular adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster |
Your brain is like 100 billion mini-computers all working together |
New Scientist |
Yes, "Your Brain Is a Machine" - Wait, What? |
Evolution News |
A comprehensive 'parts list' of the brain built from its components, the cells |
Science Daily |
Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain's unique computing power |
Science Daily |
Flight: The Genius of Seeds |
Evolution News |
Rising Oxygen Levels and What They Meant for Early Animal Life |
Air & Space - Smithsonian |
The Blink of an Eye - And More Wonders of Human Body Design |
Evolution News |
Critics Need to Grapple with Ewert's Challenge to Darwin's Tree |
Evolution News |
Acknowledged: Well-established patterns in evolution can be wrong |
Uncommon Descent |
God's amazing design of the hummingbird |
Creation.com |
Awe at Echolocation? Nah, Convergence Again |
Evolution News |
Three More Designs that Defy Evolution |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
"Schrödinger's Bacterium" Could Be a Quantum Biology Milestone |
Scientific American |
Bird-like lungs may have helped dinosaurs rule the world |
New Scientist |
New insight into the evolution of the nervous system |
Science Daily |
Cases of "purposeful inefficiency" in cellular behavior |
Science Daily |
Cell behaviour can show “purposeful inefficiency”? What next? |
Uncommon Descent |
Taxonomically Restricted Genes Are Fundamental to Biology and Evolution |
Frontiers in Genetics |
Evolutionary Relationships In Echolocation - An Obsession that Smothers Wonder |
Evolution News |
Dandelion seeds fly using ‘impossible’ method never before seen in nature |
Nature |
A pheromone-sensing gene that predates land-dwelling vertebrates |
Science Daily |
Researchers: Life forms display an “optimal tradeoff between stability and instability” |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers further unravel mystery of how black widow spiders create steel-strength silk web |
Northwestern University |
Tortoise study does not support textbook “island rule” for evolution |
Uncommon Descent |
Scientists discover new kill code embedded in each cell to extinguish cancer |
Science Daily |
Liquid crystals of RNA could explain how life started on Earth |
Astronomy |
An RNA key that unlocks innate immunity |
Science Daily |
Signs of Ancient Microbial Life Questioned |
The Scientist |
The Origin of Life Circus Adds Old and New Acts |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Extinction: When evolution is suddenly found to have a purpose |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient Andeans Had Novel Genetic Advantages to Adapt to Altitude |
The Scientist |
Chemists find a recipe that may have jump-started life on Earth |
Science Magazine |
Protein dynamics: Molecular machines at work |
Science Daily |
A long-overlooked brain region may be key to complex thought |
Knowable Magazine |
There's a better way to decipher DNA's epigenetic code to identify disease |
Science Daily |
Origin of Mitochondrial DNA Differences |
Answers in Genesis |
Genes responsible for difference in flower color of snapdragons identified |
Science Daily |
The Devolution of Social Science |
Quillette |
What Good Is Evolutionary Psychology? |
Quillette |
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans? |
Creation.com |
Horrors of Mao's Darwinist Utopia Described |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Many undergrad psych textbooks do a poor job of describing science and exploring psychology's place in it |
British Psychological Society |
Introducing Grandpa Thag: Neandertals in your family tree! |
Todd C. Wood |
Rare genetic sequences illuminate early humans' history in Africa |
Nature |
New Theory of Intelligence May Disrupt AI and Neuroscience |
Psychology Today |
Neanderthal ribcage reconstructed, offering new clues to ancient human anatomy |
Science Daily |
Why Science Can't Replace Religion |
Vox |
Examining Critiques of Theistic Evolution, a Year After the Volume's Publication |
Evolution News |
Melissa Cain Travis Introduces the "Maker Thesis" |
Evolution News |
Book Review: Scientism and Secularism by J.P. Moreland |
Apologetics 315 |
Stephen Hawking’s Final Salvo Against God--and Why He Was Wrong |
CNS News |
Richard Dawkins as Reluctant Darwinian |
Evolution News |
Michael Egnor: Is free will a dangerous myth? |
Mind Matters |
Secular Root Origins Appear Groundless |
Darwin, Design & Thomas Aquinas |
Touchstone Magazine |
Getting Worldview Wrong: Philosophical Mistakes in Understanding Worldview |
Creation Research |
A homicide detective looks at ID and God’s crime scene |
Uncommon Descent |
Is a Miracle a Violation of the Laws of Nature? |
Gospel Coalition |
J. P. Moreland on claims we know better than we know science truths |
Uncommon Descent |
Are you a Boltzmann Brain? Why nothing in the universe may be real |
Big Think |
New method to address deep-seated biases in science |
Science Daily |
Evolutionists Sense Life's Design and Deify Nature |
U.K. Museum Director Calls for Venerating Evolution as "Irrefutable" |
Evolution News |
A Short Argument Against the Materialist Account of the Mind |
Mind Matters |
To Refute Materialism, Consider a Chocolate Sundae |
Evolution News |
When science hits a limit, learn to ask different questions |
Aeon |
Science's Got Troubles |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
What the New Sokal Hoax Reveals About Academia |
The Atlantic |
A computer programmer looks at DNA |
Mind Matters |
The Nobel Prize and Intelligent Evolution |
Evolution News |
Evolution is at work in computers as well as life sciences |
The Conversation |
Confidence in academia falls nine points in three years |
American Council on Science and Health |
Confidence in Academia falls nine points in three years |
Gallup |
Science writer: Academia is in meltdown |
Uncommon Descent |
Scientists condemn professor's 'morally reprehensible' talk |
How Darwin Storytelling Permeates Society |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
"One year of Replacing Darwin: What have we learned?" |
Answers in Genesis |
Turkey’s unnatural selection: Darwin is the latest victim of an attack on scientific values in Turkey’s education system |
Sage Journals |
Racism of Darwin and His Followers Exposed |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Many worlds, many problems… one of them serious |
Uncommon Descent |
From Barren Planet to Civilization in Four Easy Steps |
Uncommon Descent |
Evolution and nature of science instruction |
BMC - Springer Nature |
Bioethicists obsessed with killing babies-why? |
Creation.com |
Disagreement flares over "Hippocratic Oath" proposal for scientists |
Cosmos |
Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology |
MarketWatch |
Role of "natural factors" on recent climate change underestimated |
Exeter |
The frantic search for ET life |
Creation.com |
UK government targets creation in independent schools |
Creation.com |
But why do people believe in Discover Magazine? |
Uncommon Descent |
A World Without Referees - Carnegie Mellon statistician on peer review |
Carnegie Mellon |