NEW ARTICLES - April 2019 |
Fine-Tuning Really Is a Problem in Physics |
Forbes |
At Forbes: Fine-tuning really IS a problem for cosmology, about which nothing can be done |
Uncommon Descent |
New Hubble measurements confirm universe is expanding faster than expected |
Science Daily |
New Hubble Measurements Confirm Universe Is Outpacing All Expectations of its Expansion Rate |
Johns Hopkins University |
Hugh Ross: How recent measurements support the Big Bang theory |
Uncommon Descent |
A realist takes on quantum mechanics |
Nature |
Have quantum physics’s problems been disgracefully swept under the carpet? |
Uncommon Descent |
Make Physics Real Again |
The New Atlantis |
Falsifiability and physics |
Symmetry Magazine |
Yes, scientific theories have to be falsifiable. Why do we even have to talk about this? |
Back Reaction |
Is the universe a hologram? Gravitational wave interferometers may tell us. |
Back Reaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder: Can gravitational wave interferometers tell us if we live in a hologram universe? |
Uncommon Descent |
Space: The Final Illusion |
Scientific American Blog |
Is space really “the final illusion”? Rob Sheldon comments |
Uncommon Descent |
Why does matter, not antimatter, dominate our universe? Physicists don’t know. |
Uncommon Descent |
Dark Matter is Real. "Dark Matter" is a Terrible Name for It |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Science editor: Dark matter is real! The crisis is the words we use! |
Uncommon Descent |
Dark matter is not made up of tiny black holes |
Science Daily |
Dark Matter Gets a Reprieve in New Analysis |
Quanta Magazine |
Black hole pictured for first time - in spectacular detail |
Nature |
10 Deep Lessons From Our First Image Of A Black Hole's Event Horizon |
Forbes |
First ever image of a black hole |
Creation.com |
When the Link Between Space and Time Will Be Intuitive |
Nautilus |
The Mystery of Time's Arrow |
Nautilus |
On the Mystery of Time's Arrow |
Uncommon Descent |
Sabine Hossenfelder: Has the Large Hadron Collider “broken physics”? |
Uncommon Descent |
The Dark Side of Dark Matter Hunts |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Was a theory of everything bound to fail? |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers: Universe’s proposed first chemical detected for the first time |
Uncommon Descent |
Finding helium hydride today confirms its presence from within 100,000 years of the Big Bang |
Uncommon Descent |
How Old Are Saturn's Rings? The Debate Rages On |
Live Science |
Rapid destruction of Earth-like atmospheres by young stars |
Science Daily |
Researchers: Most life-friendly planets orbiting young stars would quickly lose atmosphere |
Uncommon Descent |
The day Stephen Hawking undercut the multiverse |
Uncommon Descent |
Life May Have Evolved Before Earth Finished Forming |
Space |
Did life get started on planetesimals before Earth formed? |
Uncommon Descent |
Gunter Bechly: Ediacaran fossil is NOT an animal. He calls the paper making that claim “junk science” |
Uncommon Descent |
Cambrian Explosion Excuses: Theme and Variations |
Evolution News |
Is the fossil record 'overwhelming evidence for evolution'? |
Creation.com |
When Earth’s magnetic field nearly disappeared |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient, four-legged whale with otter-like features found along the coast of Peru |
Phys.org |
An Ancient Four-Legged Whale Looked Like a Giant Otter |
Real Clear Science |
Otter Not Call This a Walking Whale |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Peruvian Walking Whale |
Answers in Genesis |
Learning more about the asteroid that doomed the dinosaurs |
Uncommon Descent |
Jurassic crocodile discovery sheds light on reptiles' family tree |
Science Daily |
Evolution imposes 'speed limit' on recovery after mass extinctions |
Science Daily |
Is there a fixed time limit for recovery after mass extinctions? |
Uncommon Descent |
Mass extinction recovery governed by "morphospace" |
Cosmos Magazine |
Mars methane hunt comes up empty, flummoxing scientists |
Nature |
A seismically induced onshore surge deposit at the KPg boundary, North Dakota |
Magma is the key to the moon's makeup |
Science Daily |
Coupling feedback genetic circuits with growth phenotype for dynamic population control and intelligent bioproduction |
Globally famous chemist James Tour on the origin of life |
Uncommon Descent |
With Three Nobel Endorsements, Chemist Marcos Eberlin Advances Case for Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
Extreme Compartmentalization in a Drosophila Amacrine Cell |
Cell |
New deep-learning approach predicts protein structure from amino acid sequence |
Science Daily |
Darwin Devolves, Again: Study Finds Bacteria Eject Their Flagella to Avoid Starvation |
Evolution News |
Vindicated by Behe: Devolution Is Natural, Evolution Is Not |
Evolution News |
Testing Behe's Principle that Darwin Devolves |
Evolution News |
In His Latest Review of Behe's Darwin Devolves, Nathan Lents Misses the Forest for the Trees |
Evolution News |
Meet Callichimaera perplexa, the platypus of crabs |
Yale University |
Polar Bear Seminar: The APOB Gene and Damaging Mutations |
Evolution News |
Polar Bear Seminar: Why Behe Is Right |
Evolution News |
Polar Bear Seminar: Unacknowledged Discrepancies, Inconsistent Standards |
Evolution News |
Polar Bear Seminar: A Fake Scandal About a Chart |
Evolution News |
Polar Bear Seminar: On Retracting - and Not Retracting - Errors |
Evolution News |
Behe on Darwinism's "Socially Inherited Dependence on Classical Yet Irrelevant Math" |
Evolution News |
To protect stem cells, plants have diverse genetic backup plans |
Science Daily |
Plants protect stem cells via diverse backup plans |
Uncommon Descent |
The Origin of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction |
Answers in Genesis |
Taming the genome's 'jumping' sequences |
Science Daily |
Domestication bottleneck paradigm replaced by genomic deterioration? |
Nature |
Listen: Paul Nelson and Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig on Randomness in Natural Selection |
Evolution News |
Darwinism flunks science criteria, says biomedical engineer |
Uncommon Descent |
Increasing skepticism (regarding Neo-Darwinian theory) among secular scientists |
Uncommon Descent |
On Universal Darwinism |
Evolution News |
Fake Darwinism in an International Test of Experimental Evolution |
Evolution News |
Natural Selection: Darwin's All-Purpose Magic Wand |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers: Microbes jeopardize neo-Darwinism (and Jon Bartlett’s response) |
Uncommon Descent |
Meerkats: Another classic Darwinian just-so story |
Uncommon Descent |
DNA is managed like climbers' rope to help keep tangles at bay |
Science Daily |
DNA uses “climbers’ ropes method” to keep tangles at bay |
Uncommon Descent |
Bringing information into the cell |
Science Daily |
Folding Molecules Give Insight to Origin of Life |
Answers in Genesis |
Taming the genome's 'jumping' sequences |
Uncommon Descent |
Despite Dozens of Authors, PNAS Paper Fails to Explain Bird Evolution |
Evolution News |
Richard Weikart: Is life a cosmic accident? |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers: Origin of life more likely in ponds, assisted by lightning, than oceans |
Uncommon Descent |
Origin of Coding RNA from Random-Sequence RNA |
Liebert Publishers |
Cell biology: The complexity of division by two |
Science Daily |
The self-inflicted demise of the evolutionary paradigm |
Creation.com |
Extended evolutionary synthesis: Struggling with change in evolutionary biology |
Uncommon Descent |
The amazing energy efficiency of cells |
Uncommon Descent |
Does T-urf13 Refute Irreducible Complexity? A Response to Arthur Hunt |
Evolution News |
Watch: Behe and Metaxas Talk Evolution, Design, Implications, and Academic Freedom |
Evolution News |
Stress-Induced Evolutionary Innovation: A Mechanism for the Origin of Cell Types |
Wiley Online Library |
Move over, DNA. Life's other code is more subtle and far more powerful |
New Scientist |
Building blocks of DNA and RNA could have appeared together before life began on Earth |
Science Daily |
Prebiotic chemistry: Stable majorities |
Science Daily |
Earliest life may have arisen in ponds, not oceans |
Science Daily |
More Natural Selection Fails |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Rethinking the Ancestry of the Eukaryotes |
Quanta Magazine |
First bacterial genome created entirely with a computer |
Science Daily |
What does it look like to "turn on" a gene? |
Knowable Magazine |
Chemical synthesis rewriting of a bacterial genome to achieve design flexibility and biological functionality |
Proceedings of the NAS USA |
Engineered Adaptability: New Distributed Problem-Solving Model for Population Adaptation |
Scientists discover first organism with chlorophyll genes that doesn't photosynthesize |
Science Daily |
What makes a jellyfish? |
Uncommon Descent |
Four Fascinating Facts About Kneecaps |
Real Clear Science |
Evolution of kneecaps a bit of a mystery |
Uncommon Descent |
Lizard produces eggs and live young |
Cosmos Magazine |
Plants turn out to have a “nervous system” |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers: Yes, plants have nervous systems too |
Mind Matters |
In addition to DNA, our cells have an instruction language written in sugar |
Uncommon Descent |
Genetic paradox explained by nonsense |
Nature |
How white blood cells choose the quickest path through your body |
Nature |
"Toffee Planets" Hint at Earth's Cosmic Rarity |
Scientific American |
The Dark Matter of the Human Proteome |
The Scientist |
Coral symbiosis is a three-player game |
Nature |
DNA as a “master of resource recycling” |
Uncommon Descent |
The BBC unwisely jumps on the epigenetics bandwagon |
Why Evolution Is True |
Why hasn't evolution dealt with the inefficiency of ageing? |
Aeon |
New view on the mechanisms of how the brain works |
Science Daily |
Monkeys Genetically Edited to Mimic Human Brain Development |
The Scientist |
Astronaut twins study spots subtle genetic changes caused by space travel |
Nature |
Faint hopes easily revived! “Life may be evolving” on closest exoplanet |
Uncommon Descent |
Genome analysis shows the combined effect of many genes on cognitive traits |
Science Daily |
Genetics behind the evolution of flightless birds |
Science Daily |
Mice Inherit Cancer Susceptibility Via Epigenetic Changes in Sperm |
The Scientist |
Simple sea anemones not so simple after all: Tube-dwelling anemones have largest mitochondrial genome on record |
Science Daily |
This Is the First-Ever Simulation of an Entire Gene |
Popular Mechanics |
Parasitic algae from the dinoflagellate lineage have organized their genetic material in an unprecedented way |
Science Daily |
Biological machinery of cell's 'executioner' yields secrets of its control |
Science Daily |
How, exactly, do damaged or diseased cells “commit suicide” to protect the body? |
Uncommon Descent |
The recent finding that bacteria can make individual decisions may help design better antibiotics |
Mind Matters |
The body's tiny cargo carriers |
Knowable Magazine |
New giant virus may help scientists better understand the emergence of complex life |
Science Daily |
New Fossil Human Species Thwarts Core Darwinian Predictions |
Evolution News |
What Do We Really Know About Neanderthals? |
Smithsonian Magazine |
Smithsonian belatedly asks, What do we really know about Neanderthals? |
Uncommon Descent |
Modern analysis of ancient hearths reveals Neanderthal settlement patterns |
Science Daily |
Did the ancestor of all humans evolve in Europe not Africa? |
New Scientist |
Complex artefacts don't prove brilliance of our ancestors |
Science Daily |
Researchers: Complex tools don’t show ancient humans were smart |
Uncommon Descent |
Shakeup! New human find from over 50,000 years ago shows our ancestors were smarter than once thought |
Uncommon Descent |
Do humans have a 'ghost' ancestor? Artificial intelligence thinks so |
Genetic Literacy Project |
Researchers: Warm weather made cannibals of Neanderthals |
Uncommon Descent |
Recent Humans with Archaic Features Upend Evolution |
Has the Liberal Bias in Psychology Contributed to the Replication Crisis? |
British Psychological Society |
Does "liberal bias" deepen replication crisis in psychology? |
Uncommon Descent |
Digging ancient signals out of modern human genomes |
Science Daily |
Questionable Categories of Human Ancestors: The Denisovans |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Multiple Deeply Divergent Denisovan Ancestries in Papuans |
Cell |
The Denisovans May Have Been More Than a Single Species |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Researchers: Neanderthals shared genes with woolly mammoths |
Uncommon Descent |
The Human Brain Has been Getting Smaller Since the Stone Age |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Evidence of New Human Species Found in Philippines |
Wall Street Journal |
Unknown human relative discovered in Philippine cave |
Nature |
Homo luzonensis Shakes the Hominin Family Tree - Again |
Sapiens |
The history of humanity in your face |
Science Daily |
Asian Diversity and the Seafaring Hominin |
Human Genesis |
New Species of Human, Homo luzonensis, Identified in the Philippines |
The Scientist |
Human ancestors were 'grounded:' New analysis shows: Primates adapted to living on the ground |
Science Daily |
Neanderthals May Have Taught Humans to Join a "Cult" 130, 000 Years Ago |
Inverse |
Is Secular Humanism a Religion? |
Quillette |
At Quillette: Is secular humanism a religion? |
Uncommon Descent |
Jerry Coyne - Secular Humanism is Not a Religion |
Quillette |
Rise in “religious Nones” masks growth in evangelicalism |
Uncommon Descent |
Book Review: Unbelievable by Michael Newton Keas |
Apologetics 315 |
ID-friendly scientist’s book features three Nobel Prize winners’ endorsements |
Uncommon Descent |
On Fantasy in Modern Science |
Evolution News |
Kirk Durston: What do we do when Darwinism looks less like science all the time? |
Uncommon Descent |
Yes, scientific theories have to be falsifiable. Why do we even have to talk about this? |
Back Reaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder on the flight from falsifiability |
Uncommon Descent |
Adam, Eve, and Evidence |
John Sanford |
New Evangelical Statement on AI is Balanced and Well-Informed |
Mind Matters |
Themelios review of Jack's Reading Genesis Well: Navigating History, Poetry, Science, and Truth in Genesis 1-11 |
Themelios |
Themelios review of Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation |
Themelios |
Is Evolutionary Ethics Compatible with Christian Ethics - Richard Weikart |
FOCL Online |
Is evolutionary ethics compatible with Christian ethics? |
Uncommon Descent |
For the first time, “No Religion” is the most popular choice for Americans |
Uncommon Descent |
No, Non-Believers Are Not Increasing In America |
The Federalist |
Science Says: Religion Is Good For Your Health |
Forbes |
Why an Evolutionist Disses Evolutionary Psychology |
Evolution News |
Philosophers Want Back into Science |
Evolution News |
Faith and Science: Part II -- Inferential science ... what can go wrong? |
Kirk Durston |
Steve Meyer’s new book: Return of the God Hypothesis |
Uncommon Descent |
Swedish mathematician explains why he sees design in nature (and became a Christian) |
Uncommon Descent |
God Help Us: Atheism Becomes Largest Religion In U.S. |
Daily Wire |
Intelligent Design advocates finally sneak God back into their “science” |
Why Evolution Is True |
The replication crisis is good for science |
The Conversation |
Logic & First Principles, 16: The Problem Of Playing God (When We Don’t — Cannot — Know How) |
Uncommon Descent |
Was Thomas Kuhn not so “evil” after all? |
Uncommon Descent |
How Did Religion "Evolve"? |
Evolution News |
The Problem with the Way Scientists Study Reason |
Nautilus |
Skeptic vs Denier |
Theness |
The myth of rational thinking |
Vox |
What If It's Just Us? |
Forbes |
Forbes’ cosmology commentator: Maybe we ARE alone |
Uncommon Descent |
From The Poached Egg: How Darwinism dumbs us down |
Uncommon Descent |
On Academic Freedom Laws, National Law Review Takes a Tumble |
Evolution News |
Are there things about human beings that you cannot write code for? |
Mind Matters |
Still no space aliens? That’s because they are keeping us in a zoo! |
Uncommon Descent |
Walter Bradley: Tell people about AI, not sci-fi |
Mind Matters |
Consciousness: A Battle Between Your Beliefs and Perceptions? |
Real Clear Science |
Does “alien hand syndrome” show that we don’t really have free will? |
Mind Matters |
Why AI can’t win wars as if wars were chess games |
Mind Matters |
New software tool could provide answers to some of life's most intriguing questions |
Science Daily |
Human Exceptionalism with a Human Face |
Areo Magazine |
Common sense statements about human vs animal intelligence |
Uncommon Descent |
Why apes are not spiritual beings |
Mind Matters |
At Nature: Surviving the “reproducibility apocalypse” |
Uncommon Descent |
Researcher: Why finding extraterrestrial life “now seems inevitable,” maybe soon |
Uncommon Descent |
BBC as the Noble Liar promoting a liberal agenda |
Creation.com |
The Human Brain: Even Basic Facts Are Hotly Contested |
Mind Matters |