Why Multiverse Can't Explain Away Fine-Tuning |
Evolution News |
The Crisis in Cosmology Just Got So Much Worse |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
Cosmology is at a Crossroads, But New Instruments are Coming to Help |
Universe Today |
Cosmic Inflation: The paradigm without a theory |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Dark energy 'doesn't exist' so can't be pushing 'lumpy' Universe apart |
Science Daily |
Did Astronomers Just Prove Dark Energy is an Illusion? |
YouTube - Cool Worlds |
Does Dark Energy Exist? The Timescape model says no |
YouTube - Dr. Ryan Ridden |
Scientists Claim Dark Energy does not Exist, and Accelerated Expansion of Universe is an Illusion Caused by Gravity slowing down time |
If you Talk About Dark Matter, Think Twice! |
YouTube - Unzicker's Real Physics |
What does intelligent design of the universe really mean? |
Mind Matters |
Latest James Webb data hints at new physics in Universe's expansion |
Ars Technica |
Universe expansion study confirms challenge to cosmic theory |
Science Daily |
Has the Universe Been Designed to Support Life? Now We Have a Way to Test it! |
Universe Today |
Physicists propose to test the finetuning of the universe |
Mind Matters |
The mistake at the heart of the multiverse |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
Exploding the Big Bang |
Aeon |
Explaining quantum mechanics with a particle in a box |
John Horgan |
How B-mesons are threatening to break the Standard Model |
Big Think |
Researchers deal a blow to theory that Venus once had liquid water on its surface |
Science Daily |
This Theory of Everything Actually Makes a Prediction: New Physics in Black Holes |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
What Is Entropy? A Measure of Just How Little We Really Know |
Quanta Magazine |
This Physics Problem Can't Be Solved |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
Inside the search for dark matter |
Symmetry Magazine |
Physicists 'Bootstrap' Validity of String Theory |
Fossil Explosions in the History of Life: Paleontologist Günter Bechly |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Tiny Fossilized Embryos Reveal Stunning Details of Life Half a Billion Years Ago |
Science Alert |
Life's History and the "Ode to Joy" |
Evolution News |
The Privileged Planet - Designed for Discovery with Dr. Jay Richards |
YouTube - Cross Examined |
Insect fossil find 'extremely rare' |
Science Daily |
Does the fossil record match Darwinist predictions or Design predictions? |
Wintery Knight |
A Fossil That Kept Scientists Guessing |
Evolution News |
Are Ediacaran "Fishing Hooks" a Breakthrough? |
Evolution News |
A new species of flying reptiles reshuffles the timeline of pterosaur evolution |
EurekAlert |
Nakridletia - The Rise and Fall (and Possible Resurrection) of a Fossil Insect Order |
Evolution News |
Physicist Eric Hedin: Information, Entropy, First Life |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Denis Noble - Biology, Physiology, and DNA |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
“Assembly Theory” in life-origin models: A critical review |
Science Direct |
Toward a Second Law for Living Systems |
APS Physics |
Awe-inspiring biophoton cell-cell communication points to design |
Reason and Science |
James Tour EXPOSES the Shocking Truth About Life's Origins! |
YouTube - Maybe God Podcast |
Common misconceptions of speciation |
Oxford University Press |
Unique motor control system of anglerfish's specialized 'fishing rod' discovered |
Science Daily |
Natural Selection: The God that Failed |
Evolution News |
Is It a Myth That Darwin Rejected Design? |
Evolution News |
Liberal prof: Intelligent design is not just for conservatives |
Mind Matters |
The Riot and the Dance series on Angel Studios |
Angel Studios |
Let's Throw Mathematical Light on the Origin of Life |
Evolution News |
Orphan Gene Paper Blows Off the Cover |
YouTube - Darwin's God |
The simplest argument against Darwinian evolution is Junk DNA |
Wintery Knight |
Nobel for Discovery of Function for "Junk DNA" |
Evolution News |
The Deniable Darwin: David Berlinski and Stephen Meyer in Cambridge, UK |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Casey Luskin and Fuz Rana: Nobel Prize supports intelligent design |
Wintery Knight |
The Cell Division Challenge to Evolution |
Evolution News |
Gene Complexity Showcases Engineered Versatility |
Epigenetics and the Evolution of Darwin’s Finches |
Oxford University Press |
Scientists, not mystics, see in earthworms a “profound mystery” |
Mind Matters |
A New Dogma Of Molecular Biology: A Paradigm Shift |
Forbes |
Non-Evolution of the Wet Dog Shake |
Evolution News |
Biological Organization |
Cambridge University Press |
A new twist: The molecular machines that loop our chromosomes also twist DNA |
Science Daily |
Biological diversity is not just the result of genes |
Science Daily |
Are We Actually Controlled by Mitochondria? Mindblowing New Discoveries |
YouTube - Anton Petrov |
Life Began Much Faster Than We Thought |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
If life swiftly creates complex information, nature isn’t random |
Mind Matters |
Study sheds light on the origin of the genetic code |
Science Daily |
Intelligence requires the whole brain |
Science Daily |
The heart has its own 'brain' |
Karolinska Institutet |
The distinct nerve wiring of human memory |
Science Daily |
Evaluating the Engineering Design of the Human Brain's Synaptic Circuitry |
Reason and Science |
Human Skin Has Its Own Immune System |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
New study: there is no gay gene that causes homosexuality |
Wintery Knight |
Researchers: Memories are not stored only in the brain |
Mind Matters |
A Hunt for Clues to the Origins of the Eukaryotic Immune System |
The Scientist |
Plant Missile Technology: A Peek in the Armory |
Evolution News |
Deep-sea marvels: How anglerfish defy evolutionary expectations |
Science Daily |
Butterfly Learning and Memory |
Biological Information in Static Electricity |
Evolution News |
Heart Cockle Shells: Another Amazing Case for Creation |
The Collapse of the Conventional Evolutionary Model |
Vox Popoli |
'Large Head People': Mysterious New Form of Ancient Human Emerges |
Science Alert |
A 65,000-Year-Old Hearth Reveals Evidence That Neanderthals Produced Tar for Stone Tools in Iberia |
Smithsonian Magazine |
Neanderthals used a “high tech” method for making glue |
Mind Matters |
Are Neanderthals and Homo sapiens the same species? |
Live Science |
A new timeline for Neanderthal interbreeding with modern humans |
UC Berkeley News |
Neanderthals Promoted to Relatives |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Jumbo human origins roundup |
Todd C. Wood |
At SciAm: When did human ancestors start using stone tools? |
Mind Matters |
Who (or What) First Used Tools? |
Evolution News |
Lucy at 50 has not aged well |
Creation |
Time to Unlearn the Evolutionary March of Human Progress |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Review of Carl Werner's Human Evolution: The grand experiment (vols. 3 & 4) |
Creation |
Researchers Are Stalled in Understanding the Origin of Human Language |
Evolution News |
Paranthropus Not a Missing Link |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Can chimpanzees help us understand how human language started? |
Mind Matters |
Did the early church invent the divinity of Jesus over a long period of time? |
Wintery Knight |
William Lane Craig lectures on the historical Jesus at Columbia University |
Wintery Knight |
Craig and Enns - Two Views on The Bible, Science, and Human Origins |
YouTube - The Analytic Christian |
What is the earliest statement of the authoritative books of the Bible |
Wintery Knight |
Evidence-based Validation for Life After Death - Gary Habermas |
YouTube - Gary Habermas |
Return of the God Hypothesis in Cambridge with Stephen Meyer |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Meyer: Cambridge University's Role in Advancing the Scientific God Hypothesis |
Evolution News |
Biochemist (Fuz Rana) Shares NEW EVIDENCE For God (Mind Blowing!) |
YouTube - Daily Dose of Wisdom |
Cicero's Timeless Argument for Design: Foundations of Irreducible Complexity in De Natura Deorum |
Reason and Science |
FAKE "Science vs Religion" History EXPOSED - David Hutchings & James Ungureanu |
YouTube - Justin Brierly |
Noam Chomsky on Science's Blind Spot: Free Will |
YouTube - Tevin Naidu |
Why scientism is a dead end for science as well as philosophy |
Mind Matters |
The rise and fall of Western science |
The Conservative Woman |
Michael Shermer: Wokeness poisons science and I am no longer Woke |
Mind Matters |
A scientist’s path from hard atheism to Christianity |
Wintery Knight |
Atheist Jerry Coyne explains why morality is impossible for atheists |
Wintery Knight |
Sorry, Dr. Coyne: There Is No Religion-Science Conflict |
Evolution News |
Did Darwin Banish Teleology from Nature or Not? |
Evolution News |
Three Thousand Years of Darwinism |
Evolution News |
Improve Science Education by Ditching Darwin |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
European ID Conference, 1° talk: “New perspectives of scientific investigation?” |
YouTube - CIID |
European ID Conference, 2° talk: “Fine-tuning in the Universe” |
YouTube - CIID |
Dr. Randy Guliuzza-A Theory of Biological Design: Bringing an Overdue Revolution |
YouTube - Design Science Association |
A New Scholarly Book Trying to Debunk Myths about Charles Darwin and His Theory |
Evolution News |
Does neuroscience provide support for physicalism or dualism? |
Wintery Knight |
Intelligent Design and Aquinas' Fifth Way |
Evolution News |
3 Game-Changing Benefits of a Theory of Biological Design |
YouTube - ICR |
Science, Faith & What It Means When the Media Says, "Trust the Science" |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
Evolutionary Flimflam: Watch Out for These Common Parlor Tricks in Science Reporting |
Evolution News |
William Lane Craig on the unexpected applicability of mathematics to nature |
Wintery Knight |
The worst mistake you can make when defending the Christian worldview |
Wintery Knight |
Undoing Darwin's DEVIOUS Designs |
YouTube - ICR |
Crazy Darwinism Needs Shaming |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Can We Define the Soul Out of Existence? |
Evolution News |
Cosmologist Paul Davies: Does the soul have an afterlife? |
Mind Matters |
The seven fatal flaws of moral relativism |
Wintery Knight |
Elliott Sober - Philosophy of Evolution & Religion |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Shawn Otto and the "War on Science" |
Evolution News |
Science writer wonders if there can be evidence for free will |
Mind Matters |
"Free Will fits with Science" - Cambridge Philosopher |
YouTube - Absolute Philosophy |
Dr. Tim Stratton on the Apologetics 315 podcast to discuss free will and divine sovereignty |
Wintery Knight |
Mind Matters News: Top Ten Stories of 2024 |
Mind Matters |
Is Humanity the Pinnacle? A Cosmic Perspective on Intelligence and Survival |
The Debrief |
The parallel universe is out there — if only you believe… |
Mind Matters |
William Dembski - How Should We Think About God's Existence? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Coyne - What is a woman? My discussion on a Freedom From Religion Foundation website |
Why Evolution Is True |
2024 Was Substack’s Year and a Win for Independent Media – Peter Biles |
Mind Matters |
How close is AI to human-level intelligence? |
Nature |
In Machines We Trust – John West |
Mind Matters |
Have We Achieved General AI? |
Neurologica |
An AI system has reached human level on a test for 'general intelligence'. Here's what that means |
The Conversation |
The AI revolution is running out of data. What can researchers do? |
Nature |
What, exactly, does your brain do? What can’t it do? – Michael Egnor |
Mind Matters |
Google Quantum Breakthrough? |
Sundar Pichai |
Is there an epidemic of violence against transgender people? |
Wintery Knight |
Why Donald Hoffman is Wrong |
YouTube - Darwin's God |
Bible study: the importance of truth in religion |
Wintery Knight |
The Promise of Artificial General Intelligence is Evaporating |
Mind Matters |
Frightening Recommendations from Francis Collins |
Evolution News |
Prof: Students learn better when they write out notes in longhand |
Mind Matters |
Oxford Word of the Year: Brain rot – Peter Biles |
Mind Matters |
Conquest and Liberation of Academia |
Overcomiing Bias |
Silence in the Classroom: The 2024 FIRE Faculty Survey Report |