The “Big Bang” turns 75, thanks to its greatest opponent |
Big Think |
The Big Bang Simplified |
Evolution News |
Birth of universe's earliest galaxies observed for first time |
University of Copenhagen |
Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes? |
YouTube - World Science Festival |
In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet |
Evolution News |
Giant structure in space challenges our understanding of the universe |
Cosmos Magazine |
The "Goldilocks" zone of habitable planets is likely outdated. Here's why. |
Big Think |
The galactic anomalies hinting dark matter is weirder than we thought |
New Scientist |
The End of Dark Energy: New theory of gravity solves accelerating universe |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
Dark energy is tearing the Universe apart. What if the force is weakening? |
Nature |
Is dark matter’s main rival theory dead? There’s bad news from the Cassini spacecraft and other recent tests |
The Conversation |
The Dark Universe: Why we're about to solve the biggest mystery in science |
Science Focus |
Black holes observed colliding when universe was only 740m years old |
The Guardian |
Black hole singularities defy physics. New research could finally do away with them. |
Live Science |
Why physicists now question the fate of the Universe |
Big Think |
Quantum Mechanics, Plato's Cave and the Blind Piranha |
John Horgan |
Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang |
Quanta Magazine |
The Fossil Record and the Christian Worldview: A Dialogue between RTB and Discovery Institute |
YouTube - Reasons to Believe |
Three Modern Scientific Challenges to the Causal Adequacy of Darwinian Explanations |
Evolution News |
Developmental biology of Spiralicellula and the Ediacaran origin of crown metazoans |
Royal Society Publishing |
Reflections on punctuated equilibria |
Cambridge University Press |
Kinorhyncha, Yet Another Animal Body Plan from the Cambrian Explosion |
Evolution News |
Snowball Earth and Multiple Ice Ages? Interviews with Dr. Matt McLain |
YouTube - Creation Unfolding |
Discontinuities in the Fossil Record - A Problem for Neo-Darwinism |
Evolution News |
Microraptor Reconstructed as a Bird |
Answers Research Journal |
Zygaenid Moths: Molecular Clock vs Fossil Record |
Evolution News |
Astounding: The Role of Motor Proteins in Cell Division |
Evolution News |
Did the Origin of Animals Require New Genes? |
Evolution News |
Assuming Design, Researchers Achieve a Breakthrough in Understanding Circulatory System |
Evolution News |
DNA as a perfect quantum computer: mere chance, fortuitous necessity or intelligent design? |
Pos-Darwinista |
Organisational teleology 2.0: Grounding biological purposiveness in regulatory control |
Wiley Online Library |
Genetic mosaicism more common than thought |
Science Daily |
Here’s a Far from Exhaustive (Yet Still Exhausting) List of Papers Discovering Function for “Junk” DNA |
Evolution News |
New genetic cause of intellectual disability potentially uncovered in 'junk DNA' |
Live Science |
The "Junk DNA" Debate: Luskin Versus Rutgers Prof Dan Cardinale |
Evolution News |
A Wonderful Debate About "Junk DNA" |
Evolution News |
Reflections on Casey Luskin's Debate with "Dr. Dan" |
Evolution News |
Did Dr. Dan Make Us Change Our View on Junk DNA? |
Evolution News |
"Junk DNA" from Three Perspectives: Some Key Quotes |
Evolution News |
From the "Junk DNA" Files: Can "Degraded" LINE Elements Still Be Functional? |
Evolution News |
World record broken for living thing with most DNA |
Revolutionary Genetics Research Shows RNA May Rule Our Genome |
Scientific American |
Scientists Are Starting to Care Less About Genes. Good. |
John Horgan |
Biology beyond the genome | Denis Noble |
The Institute of Art and Ideas |
Scientist Proposes a New Universal Law of Biology That May Explain Aging |
Science Alert |
Let There Be Bioluminescence |
Evolution News |
Fly Flight Is More Sophisticated than Imagined |
Evolution News |
The First Two Cells in a Human Embryo Contribute Disproportionately to Fetal Development |
The Scientist |
Human embryos embrace asymmetry to form the body |
Nature |
Artificial Intelligence Tool Detects Sex-Related Differences in Brain Structure |
NYU Langone Health |
Homeostasis and information processing: The key frames for the thermodynamics of biological systems |
Science Direct |
Antibiotic Resistance: An Example of Chance and Necessity, or Programming? |
Evolution News |
Again with the "Plants Are Intelligent" Nonsense |
Evolution News |
Twisting Evidence Against Evolution Into Evidence For Evolution |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Underwater spiders - Engineering marvel and evolutionary enigma |
Creation |
The Mystery of the Missing Multicellular Prokaryotes |
Quanta Magazine |
Darwin's Blunder Lives On |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Photosynthetic Proteins Power Plants |
How Does The Brain Think? |
Discover Magazine |
How the brain is flexible enough for a complex world (without being thrown into chaos) |
Science Daily |
What makes a memory? It may be related to how hard your brain had to work |
Science Daily |
Again with the ‘Plants Are Intelligent’ Nonsense |
Mind Matters |
Are Guppies Examples of Darwinian Evolution? |
Evolution News |
Trillions of Cicadas Sing of Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
Predictions for the Guppy from the Design Model |
Evolution News |
Research on centromere structure yields new insights into the mechanisms of chromosome segregation errors |
Science Daily |
Why Biology Will Always Surpass Biomimetics |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Did Two Life-Forms Merge to Create a New Organelle? |
Answers in Genesis |
Fruit fly model identifies key regulators behind organ development |
Science Daily |
Unravelling life's origin: five key breakthroughs from the past five years |
The Conversation |
The time of appearance of the genetic code |
BioSystems - ScienceDirect |
Scientists uncover a multibillion-year epic written into the chemistry of life |
Science Daily |
Webb telescope probably didn't find life on an exoplanet - yet |
UC Riverside News |
Being a Bat: Some Scientists Push Animal Consciousness |
Evolution News |
Eran Zaidel - How Do Human Brains Think and Feel? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Bursa: Not a Vestigial Organ |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Viruses Keep Mice from Stressing Out |
The Scientist |
Endosymbiosis Under the Microscope |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Was a Key to Photosynthesis Evolution Discovered? |
Key events in the Bible, such as the settlement and destruction of Jerusalem, confirmed using radiocarbon dating |
Live Science |
Did Homo Erectus Have Language, Build Boats, And Sail Across Oceans? |
IFLScience |
Could Neanderthals speak? It depends on who you talk to |
Mind Matters |
Is psychology heading for another big replication crisis? |
Mind Matters |
ID in Action: Pattern Matching in Archaeology |
Evolution News |
Darwin's Racism of the Gaps |
Evolution News |
Darwinism Devalues Humanity |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Why Then, Why There? The Christian West and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1 |
The Worldview Bulletin |
Humans Are Magnificent |
Plough |
True Science Is the Christian's Friend: Keep the Goal in Mind |
Apologetics Press |
How the Christian Civil Rights Movement Defeated Social Darwinism and Eugenics |
Evolution News |
The Unique Cosmology of Genesis 1 Against Ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian Parallels |
Geoscience Research Institute |
"The Historical Adam: theological conundrums and scientific implications" - Dr Robert Carter |
YouTube - Lakeside Baptist Church |
Poland's Intelligent Design Revolution |
Evolution News |
Richard Dawkins's Unlikely Nemesis |
Evolution News |
Is Vitalism Making a Comeback? |
Evolution News |
If humans were just animals, we would not help animals |
Mind Matters |
From a Theistic Evolutionist, Long-Ago Answered Critiques of Stephen Meyer's Book |
Evolution News |
5 Things Science Cannot Explain (but Theism Can) |
Crossway |
Lay Science Reporters Perpetuate Evolutionary Myths |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Science Versus the Oldest Anti-Design Argument |
Evolution News |
New Book: Defending Sin: A Response to the Challenges of Evolution and the Natural Sciences |
Christianbook |
History and the Bible - The Records Are Accurate |
YouTube - Stand to Reason |
4 pervasive myths that cause us to abandon science |
Big Think |
Finding Common Ground: Exploring Near-Death Experiences and Beyond - Joshua R. Farris |
Mind Matters |
How Soviet communist philosophy shaped postwar quantum theory |
Aeon |
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - Realism vs. Anti-realism |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Phenology: The Science of Seasonal Adaptation |
Evolution News |
What can DNA tell us about the truth of the Bible? With Dr. Robert Carter |
Got Questions |
Scientifically Proving God's Existence with Stephen C. Meyer |
YouTube - Andrew Klavan |
An Updated Perspective on Teleonomy |
Cambridge University Press |
Exposing counterfeit science |
Creation |
The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis |
Academia |
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - What is Causation? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Why Specified Complexity is Key to Detecting Design |
Bill Dembski |
Two Measures of Intelligent Design's Advance |
Evolution News |
Was Darwinian philosopher Daniel Dennett the end of an era? |
Mind Matters |
POWERFUL: Former Atheist Leader Shares Christianity With Richard Dawkins, and the Room Erupts |
RedState |
Can an atheist believe in life after death? |
Mind Matters |
Bernardo Kastrup: Proof of Free Will |
YouTube - Dr. Brian Keating |
At Scientific American, free will seems very much alive |
Mind Matters |
Andy Clark - Can Consciousness be Non-Biological? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Consciousness came before life |
Institute for Art and Ideas |
Science team argues, consciousness came before life |
Mind Matters |
Some necessary constructs of consciousness as defined in the dynamic organicity theory |
Journal of Multiscale Neuroscience |
Neuroscientist Christof Koch On His New Book About Consciousness and IIT |
Nautilus |
Neuroscientist: The “I” of consciousness cannot be explained away |
Mind Matters |
Subhash Kak - What is Consciousness? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Astrophysicist: Electricity can account for human consciousness |
Mind Matters |
Panpsychism going mainstream in popular media? |
Mind Matters |
Sham Science: “Inclusive scholarship” is the latest justification for failed diversity efforts. |
City Journal |
Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures |
Wall Street Journal |
Stephen Meyer Interview with Piers Morgan: Science, God, and the Loss of a Parent |
Evolution News |
Unscientific American - Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology |
City Journal |
A wave of retractions is shaking physics |
Technology Review
New studies: problems with temperature records used by climate models |
Wintery Knight |
COVID felled both Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci as heroes |
Mind Matters
Interstellar Travel: Fantasy or Destiny? |
Evolution News
A world-famous pediatrician on how to help kids learn better |
Mind Matters
Astrobiology as a Drug |
Creation-Evolution Headlines
The Dark Side of Wikipedia |
Sharyl Attkisson
What drives the belief that we live in a computer sim universe? |
Mind Matters
Arts major cracks hard math through practice, practice, practice |
Mind Matters
Large Language Models Seem Miraculous, but Science Abhors Miracles |
An AI Society |
Issues in Science and Technology
How does ChatGPT 'think'? Psychology and neuroscience crack open AI large language models |
AI Has Already Become a Master of Lies And Deception, Scientists Warn |
An alternative to conventional neural networks could help reveal what AI is. |
Scientific American
The dangerous illusion of AI consciousness |
The Institute of Art and Ideas
Even the smartest AI likely won't be "alive." Here's why. |
Big Think
Epstein and the New Atheists |
Vox Popoli