NEW ARTICLES - January 2017

Design Disquisitions: Why the Question of Biological Origins Really Matters Uncommon Descent
A veteran journalist on why Darwinism is falling apart Uncommon Descent
Tom Bethell's Rebuke to Fellow Journalists: A Skeptical Look at Evolution Is Not Beyond Your Powers Evolution News and Views
Darwin’s House of Cards: A Journalist’s Odyssey Through the Darwin Debates Discovery Institute
Counting Down from Infinity: Can Sean Carroll avoid a beginning for nature? Power to Change
Rabbi Moshe Maverick challenges physicist Paul Davies on origin of life Uncommon Descent
Why would naturalist philosophers of science tell us what is wrong with naturalism? Uncommon Descent
Rapid trait evolution crucial to species growth Science Daily
Does the new much-faster-speed-of-light theory fix the big bang's problems?
How the universe will end, according to pop science Uncommon Descent
Naturalism and Its Alternatives is Hot New Release Uncommon Descent
Behe lectures on the “edge” of Evolution Uncommon Descent
Meyer on Theistic Implications of Big Bang Cosmology Uncommon Descent
Why Theories of Everything Are Ill-Conceived Nautilus
Substantial evidence of holographic universe Science Daily
Earliest Deuterostome Fossils Described The Scientist
Fossils found in Cambrian of creature thought to be 'unfossilizable' Science Daily
Physicist: Academia Shouldn't 'Tell Society How To Run Itself' If It Wants Trust Daily Caller
By all means teach evolution in Texas schools Uncommon Descent
Mechanism for photosynthesis already existed in primeval microbe Science Daily
Earliest animals with true body cavities found at 30 mya earlier than thought Uncommon Descent
Liquid Droplets Begat Life? Answes in Genesis
What Makes Science Science? NPR
Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' BBC
Wayne Rossiter on theistic evolution shell game Uncommon Descent
Isn’t “theistic evolution” becoming a bit of a backwater? Uncommon Descent
Language Strangles Scientific Ideals Creation-Evolution Headlines
Just Add Science? Undark Magazine
The “Anti-Science” Lie Uncommon Descent
Joshua Gidney: How I became a design advocate Uncommon Descent
Book: Naturalism and its Alternatives now available at Amazon Uncommon Descent
Scientists misattribute science writer’s work, to protect Darwinism’s reputation Uncommon Descent
Improved precision in matter-antimatter difference does not resolve mystery Uncommon Descent
Michael Ruse - Does Evolution Have a Direction? Big Questions Online
Cosmic lenses support finding on faster than expected expansion of the universe Science Daily
DNA has hidden code for making new gene pieces Uncommon Descent
Epigenetics: Cultural differences do affect DNA, researchers say Uncommon Descent
Rossiter on the Essentially Arbitrary Nature of TE Distinctions Uncommon Descent
Stephen Matheson of Biologos - Another One Bites the Dust Matheson Blogspot
A new principle for epigenetic changes Science Daily
Renowned physicist finds PROOF of God: Universe was created by DESIGN in huge 'matrix' Express
Scientists use mathematical calculations to PROVE the existence of God Express
Darwin’s alt right is back, dumping Christianity now. Instead of just dumping on it, as usual Uncommon Descent
Historian Ted Davis on liberal Protestant acceptance that theology is at war with science Uncommon Descent
Islamic view of multiverse: “Against the philosophy of science as we understand it”? Uncommon Descent
Is the multiverse physics, philosophy, or something else entirely? Astronomy
The Crisis of the Multiverse Nautilus Cosmos
That Old Time Multiverse Religion Uncommon Descent
Digging Deep in Biology: "Things Get Even More Complicated When You Look Closer" Evolution News and Views
How ID theorist Michael Behe forced Darwin’s faithful to start talking nonsense Uncommon Descent
Conditions right for complex life may have come and gone in Earth's distant past Science Daily
Can Science Prove The Existence Of God? Forbes
A Linguistic Argument for God's Existence Answers in Genesis
Beyond the Adaptationist Legacy The American Biology Teacher
Viruses observed sending chemical messages Uncommon Descent
Philosophers: We can’t know that the design hypothesis for nature is false Uncommon Descent
Darwinism: The steam engine of modern biology Uncommon Descent
Why the fossils we haven’t yet found matter Uncommon Descent
The Inane Beliefs of Atheists/Materialists Uncommon Descent
Matter-antimatter mystery remains unsolved Symmetry Magazine
Unknown Protein Structures Predicted The Scientist
Table of Contents for latest issue of CRSQ Creation Research
The Revolutionary Genius of Neanderthals
The missing fossils matter as much as the ones we have found Aeon
Proteins: The Shape-Shifting Army Inside Your Cells Quanta Magazine
Rob Sheldon: Why zircons might be evidence for life at earliest formation of Earth Uncommon Descent
Dividing Droplets Could Explain Origin of Life Quanta Magazine
Steampunk Darwin Uncommon Descent
False start for complex life 2.5 bya? Uncommon Descent
Do you speak virus? Phages caught sending chemical messages Nature
One theory on the origin of time: It’s all in our heads Uncommon Descent
Rabbi Moshe Averick divides naturalist morality by zero Uncommon Descent
Moon formed from smashed moonlets? Uncommon Descent
Self-organization paper of interest: Biological regulation: controlling the system from within Uncommon Descent
Multipurpose Plant Sensors Startle Scientists ICR
The Islamic View of the Multiverse Nautilus Cosmos
Coastal waters were an oxygen oasis 2.3 billion years ago Science News
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Neanderthals Were Subhuman in Imagination Only ICR
How plants see, hear, smell, and respond without animal sense organs Uncommon Descent
Asgard Archaea Hint at Eukaryotic Origins The Scientist
Merrilee Salmon reviews anthology on scientism
Researchers: Life originated from simple fats, amino acids - but we will likely never know Uncommon Descent
Where science and nonsense collide Nature
How to be winner in the game of evolution: New study reveals key traits associated with high species diversity Science Daily
Complex life may have had a false start 2.3 billion years ago New Scientist
Fast Evolution Confirms Creationist Theory ICR
How the panda's 'thumb' evolved twice Nature
Why This Virus is No Threat to Intelligent Design Discovery
Norwegian researcher takes Darwin's theory a step further Science Nordic
Fine-Tuning Does Not Imply a Fine Tuner Nautilus Cosmos
Cosmology struggles from hand-waving toward exact science, despite its friends? Uncommon Descent
Does the new much faster-speed-of-light theory fix the big bang's problems? Bible-Science Forum Scientists finally know how old Moon is Uncommon Descent
Has a feathered dinosaur tail been found in amber?
Are Humans Freaks of Nature? Smithsonian Air & Space
Life on Earth at 4.1 billion years ago? Uncommon Descent
Refutation of a “Classic Case of Molecular Adaptation” Uncommon Descent
Older than thought: Endogenous retroviruses spotted from 450 mya Uncommon Descent
Neanderthal DNA an advantage to modern humans? Uncommon Descent
Why did we get the Neanderthals so wrong? (New York Times) Uncommon Descent
Viruses in genome important for our brain Science Daily
Scientists engineer animals with ancient genes to test causes of evolution Science Daily
How the darkness and the cold killed the dinosaurs Science Daily
What is logic? Aeon
Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism in Biology Submissions Starting to Come In Uncommon Descent
Human language: After Wolfe on Chomsky, Everett finally speaks for himself Uncommon Descent
Press regulators need to act when scientific facts are denied New Scientist
Biologists discover how viruses hijack cell's machinery Science Daily
Prion-like protein spotted in bacteria for the first time Nature
Sat-nav neurons tell bats where to go Nature
We Have Pushed Physics Too Far Nautilus Cosmos
Steven Weinberg on what’s wrong with quantum mechanics Uncommon Descent
Theoretical physicist: Multiverse is about how we define science Uncommon Descent
Even Physicists Find the Multiverse Faintly Disturbing Darwin's God Blogspot
Cosmologist: Parallel universes are pushing physics too far? Uncommon Descent
"What Came Before the Big Bang?" -- Intriguing New Theories on the Origin of Time Daily Galaxy
A simple explanation of mysterious space-stretching 'dark energy?' Science Magazine
Life on Earth May Have Started Almost Instantaneously Daily Galaxy
There's a Problem With a Bunch of Psychology Textbooks New York Magazine
Things that are easier to explain by design: Cellular reprogramming Uncommon Descent
Things better explained by design: Cellular pathway swapping Uncommon Descent
Could a low mass supernova have triggered our solar system? Uncommon Descent
Nightshades evolved much earlier than thought - more evidence for stasis Uncommon Descent
The scientific case against evolution
Can Evolution Have a 'Higher Purpose'? NY Times
Science writer: Could evolution have a higher purpose? Uncommon Descent
Appendix may have important function, new research suggests - evolved over 30 separate times Science Daily
Appendix must be important: Evolved over 30 times Uncommon Descent
Hidden Code in DNA Explains How New Gene Pieces Are Made Real Clear Science
Retroviruses hundreds of millions of years older than previously thought Nature
Plants can see, hear and smell - and respond BBC
Breaking: We are not “more evolved” than apes… Uncommon Descent
Quantum-like model of partially directed evolution? Uncommon Descent
important protein encoded by a lncRNA Nature
Neanderthals Were People, Too NY Times
Paleontologists reclassify mysterious ancient cone-shaped sea creatures Science Daily
Exploring the Epigenetics of Ethnicity The Scientist
When Was Adam Created? Answers in Genesis
Moon Bombarded by Crashing Theories Creation-Evolution Headlines
Mysterious fossils find place on the tree of life BBC
Five big mysteries about CRISPR's origins Nature
'Marvel microbes' illuminate how cells became complex Science Daily
Nature's weaving formula used to engineer advanced functional materials Science Daily
Retroviruses Emerged More than 450 Million Years Ago: Study The Scientist
First 'animal cells' could have been created by viruses The Conversation
Cultural differences may leave their mark on DNA Science Daily
Why Biologists Waste Time Looking For Adaptations That Don't Exist Forbes
Perception can drive the evolution of observable traits Science Daily
Desperately Seeking ET. Yes, But Why so Desperate? Uncommon Descent
With only 302 neurons, worms can learn? Uncommon Descent
Coffee!! Urban legends still alive and well in social psychology Uncommon Descent
Buddhism, we are told, welcomes modern cosmology Uncommon Descent
Wayne Rossiter: The dragon in Plantinga’s garage Uncommon Descent
Professional skeptic Michael Shermer on convincing others when facts fail Uncommon Descent
Tenured Professor Calls it Quits Uncommon Descent
The Darwin Fail Comedy Show Creation-Evolution Headlines
Fossil fruit from 52 million years ago revealed BBC
Even Physicists Find the Multiverse Faintly Disturbing Nautilus Cosmos
Atheist Biology Professor Asks if There is a Role for Intelligence in Evolution Uncommon Descent
2017 as the Year of Dark Matter? Uncommon Descent
One Small Step for DNA, One Giant Leap for Man's Brain Answers in Genesis
A Peek Inside the Strange World of Fake Academia NY Times
New York Times: The “growing business of academic publication fraud” Uncommon Descent
Sokal hoax 20 years old. Is the peer review system unreformable? Uncommon Descent
Unique electrical properties of human nerve cells make a difference Science Daily
Physicists can't agree on what the quantum world looks like New Scientist
Stories that mattered in 2016: 1. Royal Society Conference Uncommon Descent
Stories that mattered in 2016: 2. Search for ET life more focused, less aimless conjecture Uncommon Descent
Stories that mattered in 2016: 3. Epigenetics becomes, increasingly, a normal study area in science Uncommon Descent
“Gigantic” Cambrian creature (520 mya) found Uncommon Descent
Open sourcing Lucy, the world's most famous fossil ARS Technica
Letting the public in on the Lucy scans Uncommon Descent
NASA: Calm down, Earth scientists Uncommon Descent
Research challenges prevalent views that brain enlargement and dental reduction co-evolved Science Daily
Big Science Leans Pro-Death Creation-Evolution Headlines
Big Science Pops its Zits Creation-Evolution Headlines
Designed to adapt
Think chicken: Think intelligent, caring and complex Science Daily
'The Conscious Universe' -- A Radical Not-So-New Theory: "The Universe Exists Because We Are Here" Daily Galaxy
The universe exists because we are here? Uncommon Descent
Religious fervor or mental illness: SciAM guest blogger wonders how to tell Uncommon Descent
280 million-year-old fossil reveals origins of chimaeroid fishes: Discovery allows scientists to connect the last major vertebrate group to the tree of life Science Daily
Judith Curry Bids Adieu to Academia Powerlineblog
When it Comes to Evolution Reporting: ALWAYS Suspend Judgment Until the Actual Facts Come in Uncommon Descent
"Evolutionary creation", round squares, and other nonsense
Critique of Plantinga's argument for the compatibility of Darwinian evolution and Christianity Shadow of Oz
How to convince someone when facts fail Scientific American
What Does Any of This Have To Do with Physics? Nautilus
The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics | by Steven Weinberg | The New York Review of Books NY Books
Nightshades evolved much earlier than thought Science Daily
Hummingbird's brain processes motion in a unique and unexpected way Science Daily
Epigenetics: Fertilized egg deletes sperm’s epigenetic memory Uncommon Descent
Animal minds: Chickens, researchers say, are smarter than we think Uncommon Descent
Alternate history: What if a key DNA scientist had died before making his discovery? Uncommon Descent
Of s-t-r-i-ng-s, nanobots, informational-statistical thermodynamics and evolution Uncommon Descent