Fine Tuning Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A primer on the Fine-Tuning argument Dr. J.R. Miller - More Than Cake
Fine-tuning of the universe: Why David Hume’s objections fail Uncommon Descent
Where did the laws of nature come from?: Astrophysicist Hugh Ross vs chemist Peter Atkins Uncommon Descent
At Forbes: Are we doing theoretical physics all wrong? Uncommon Descent
Astrophysicists try to falsify multiverse, find they can't. BackReaction
Sabine Hossenfelder: The multiverse is “a fringe idea” Uncommon Descent
Galaxy rotation study rules out modified gravity, or does it? Physics World
Does an arrested galaxy violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics? Uncommon Descent
How Jupiter May Have Gifted Early Earth With Water Smithsonian Magazine
A galactic test will clarify the existence of dark matter University of Bonn
Physicists devise test to find out if dark matter really exists Uncommon Descent
THz spectroscopy could help explain water's anomalies Science Daily
Fifth State of Matter May Defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics Physics Central
Researchers: Fifth state of matter may defy 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Uncommon Descent
Particle Physics now Belly Up BackReaction
Sabina Hossenfelder: Particle physics now belly up. As it happens, her book is a solid string of 1's at Amazon Uncommon Descent
There Are No Laws of Physics. There's Only the Landscape. Quanta Magazine
Problem solved: There are no laws of physics, says prominent string theorist Uncommon Descent
Real-Life Schrödinger's Cats Probe the Boundary of the Quantum World Quanta Magazine
Data discrepancies may affect understanding of the universe Science Daily
Astrophysicist: Evolutionary worldview must answer the question, Where is ET? Uncommon Descent
Scientific Paper: It's Likely We Are Alone In The Observable Universe Daily Wire
How Earth slows the solar wind to a gentle breeze Science Daily
Fine-tuning?: Earth slows the deadly solar wind to a gentle breeze Uncommon Descent
Milky Way is twice as large as we thought Astronomy
Our Milky Way galaxy is twice as large as previously thought? Uncommon Descent
If real, dark fusion could help demystify this physics puzzle Science News
Dark Matter Hunt Comes Up Empty Again Creation-Evolution Headlines
Astrophysics and Molecular Genetics with the Parking Brake On Evolution News
Does the Cosmic Microwave Background Confirm the Big Bang? ICR
Why some scientists say physics has gone off the rails NBC
Globular clusters 4 billion years younger than previously thought Science Daily
Are globular clusters 4 billion years younger than previously thought? Uncommon Descent
Is nature really chaotic and fractal, or did we just imagine Cosmos Magazine
Planet Origin Theories Contradict Physics Creation-Evolution Headlines
More Information Found in DNA: The Shape Code Evolution News
Encrypted messages in biological processes Science Daily
Researchers: We have dissolved the Fermi Paradox! Uncommon Descent
We May Be All Alone In the Known Universe, a New Oxford Study Suggests Slashdot
The momentous transition to multicellular life may not have been so hard after all Science Magazine
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptive Solutions Are Targeted, Not Trial-and-Error ICR
Physicist: It’s good news that aliens likely don’t exist. And a space entrepreneur’s surprising reaction… Uncommon Descent
Looking for life in all the hard places - a guidebook Uncommon Descent
No, We Haven't Solved The Drake Equation, The Fermi Paradox, Or Whether Humans Are Alone Forbes
What Your Cells Do For You Creation-Evolution Headlines
A New NASA-Led Project Means the Search for Aliens Is Heating Up Gizmodo
The Perfect Human Body? Evolution News
Two Views of Evolution, and Why They Don't Mix Evolution News
Some DNA Dismissed As 'Junk' Is Crucial To Embryo Development NPR
The Mysterious ‘Jumping Gene’ That Appears 500,000 Times in Human DNA The Atlantic
An Intimate Reminder About What "Was Once Thought to Be Unnecessary 'Junk' DNA" Evolution News
A “junk DNA” jumping gene is critical for embryo cell development Uncommon Descent
Paul Nelson: Junk DNA is one of those propositions that have “just about the worst track record” in biology. Uncommon Descent
Water May Not Be the Only Sign of Alien Life Inside Science
Origin of life: Wanting to move on but sticking with Darwinian mechanisms? Uncommon Descent
OOL Cells Are DOA Creation-Evolution Headlines
Codons Are Not Degenerate After All ICR
Connection between genes, response to environmental chemicals Science Daily
Evolution from Space? Detecting Design
Complex organic molecules found on Saturn’s moon Enceladus Uncommon Descent
Scientists developing guidebook for finding life beyond Earth Science Daily
Why life on Earth first got big Science Daily
How the Nucleus Guards Its Gates Evolution News
Suzan Mazur on mechanobiology, the next level of understanding the cell Uncommon Descent
This one, newly discovered cell can remake a whole animal Science
Scientists have captured the elusive cell that can regenerate an entire flatworm Science Daily
Rafting Stormy Waters: When Biogeography Contradicts Common Ancestry Evolution News
Shaking the bird family tree: African-type bird fossil from 52 mya found in North America Uncommon Descent
Fossil Turaco Is Yet Another Failed Biogeographical Prediction for Neo-Darwinism Evolution News
Re the fossil African turaco found in North America at 52 mya and just-so stories … Uncommon Descent
Darwinian just-so story: Some migratory birds do better with weak immune systems Uncommon Descent
Most Species the "Same Age" with No "In-Between" Species Detecting Design
True Nature of Cells Blamed in Alzheimer's, Neurodegenerative Diseases University of Virginia Health System
Nematode study: New find can help explain “how diversity arises, an open question with relevance to evolution and genetic processes” Uncommon Descent
Zebrafish made “a supreme evolutionary effort” to develop superior vision Uncommon Descent
In the gaping mouth of ancient crocodiles Science Daily
What nipple size means for evolutionary biology Science Daily
New human gene tally reignites debate Nature
Nature: Fifteen years later, we still don’t know how many human genes there are Uncommon Descent
The "Botched" Human Body, Revisited Evolution News
The same characteristics can be acquired differently when it comes to neurons Science Daily
Non-coding DNA changes the genitals you're born with Science Daily
Undersampling Genomes has Biased Time and Rate Estimates Throughout the Tree of Life Molecular Biology and Evolution
How to think about... Genes New Scientist
Observing the cell's protein factories during self-assembly Science Daily
Groundbreaking Paper Shows Thousands of New Genes Needed for the Origin of Animals Evolution News
Viruses invent their own genes? Then what is left of Darwinism? Uncommon Descent
Why we make blood cells in our bones AAAS EurekAlart
Homologous recombination and the repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks JBC Papers in Press
Biophysicist Ken Dill: Protein Machines Are "Real Machines. That's Not a Metaphor" Evolution News
Design in Living Things Goes Far Beyond Machines Evolution News
There are now many variants of the "universal" genetic code Uncommon Descent
Secrets of the Y Chromosome NY Times
“Beyond neo-Darwinism” revisited Epigenetics vs. the selfish gene Uncommon Descent
New type of photosynthesis discovered Imperial College London
Sex redefined Nature
Junk DNA can actually change genitalia Uncommon Descent
NASA Titillates Public Again with Fake Mars Life Creation-Evolution Headlines
Much Ado About Martian Organics Evolution News
New Paper in Evolution Journal: Humans and Animals Are (Mostly) the Same Age? Evolution News
Are all animal species really the same age? Todd C. Wood
Incredible Fish that Defy Evolution Creation-Evolution Headlines
Protein Folds Violate Evolutionary Expectations Evolution News
Simpler model gets to the point with proteins Science Daily
Biological landscapes, surfaces, and morphospaces: what are they good for? Footnotes to Plato
Skeptic: Panspermia (life came from elsewhere than Earth) is “pseudoscience” Uncommon Descent
Life Exponential: Life Exhibits Intelligent Design at Many Levels Evolution News
Robin Collins and atheist Peter Millican discuss the fine-tuning of the universe for life Wintery Knight
Mechanics, as well as genetics, is needed for viable embryo development Uncommon Descent
Are There Enough Chemicals on Icy Worlds to Support Life? Universe Today
When evolution's path leads to a dead end MassiveSci
Sexual trappings (dimorphism) may increase likelihood of extinction, not survival Uncommon Descent
External testicles as poor design? The few mammals that don’t have them turn out to have lost them, say gene researchers. Uncommon Descent
Cells can trap viruses in protein cage to stop their spread Science Daily
Some human brains are nearly twice the size of others Science Daily
People with big brains have a different brain structure too New Scientist
Human-Specific Genes Implicated in Brain Size The Scientist
Scientists solve the case of the missing subplate, with wide implications for brain science The Rockefeller University
Did extreme fluctuations in oxygen, not a gradual rise, spark the Cambrian explosion? Science Daily
Scientists rethink co-evolution of marine life, oxygenated oceans Science Daily
Archaea Family Tree Blossoms, Thanks to Genomics The Scientist
Can Archaea Teach Us About the Evolution of Eukaroyotes? The Scientist
Researchers: Ediacaran animals increased in size to spread their offspring rather than compete for food Uncommon Descent
Bent bird feathers repair themselves when soaked in water New Scientist
Nylon-eating bacteria - Part 4: Interpretation according to Coded Information System theory
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptive Changes Are Purposeful, Not Random ICR
Is It Becoming Safer to Doubt Darwin? Creation-Evolution Headlines
These Creatures Would Give Darwin Shivers Evolution News
Bees understand the concept of zero Science Daily
And bees understand the concept of zero too! Uncommon Descent
Not only that but … pigeons understand probabilities! Uncommon Descent
Animals take turns when communicating? Who would have imagined that? Uncommon Descent
First tetrapods of Africa Science Daily
Researchers: Early tetrapods transitioned between land, salt, and fresh water Uncommon Descent
Could Designed Systems Explain Green Lizard Blood? ICR
Improved ape genome assemblies provide new insights into human evolution Science Daily
Note to Thomists: The Ear Is a Reverse Piano Evolution News
Scientists discover how antiviral gene works Science Daily
Glia and axons: A match made in evolution: Visualization of sea lamprey nervous system reveals origin of myelinating glia Science Daily
Scientists Look Again, Still Don't Find Cap on Human Lifespan Discover Magazine Blog
Defining the brain mosaic in fruit flies and humans Science Daily
This curious animal grew larger over time -- but its brain didn't quite keep up Science Daily
At Forbes: About extraterrestrial life, “fancy probabilistic analysis” just isn’t science Uncommon Descent
Did extreme fluctuations in oxygen, not a gradual rise, spark the Cambrian explosion? Science Daily
The Cambrian Explosion Mystery Deepens ICR
Strange 'nude' fossil creature from half a billion years ago EurekAlert
Strange sponge-like fossil creature from half a billion years ago Science Daily
Marine redox fluctuation as a potential trigger for the Cambrian explosion GeoScienceWorld
Where was Eden? part 2: geological considerations
Two new creatures discovered from dawn of animal life Science Daily
Bird family tree shaken by discovery of feathered fossil BBC
Earth could have supported continental crust, life earlier than thought Science Daily
Century-Old Dinosaur Taxonomy Under Investigation ICR
"Live action" captured in a spider’s web from 100 million years ago Uncommon Descent
Lizards and snakes backdated to Permian era, lizards lost or changed limbs many times Uncommon Descent
World's Oldest Footprints Discovered on Ancient Seafloor Live Science
Fossil find offers first evidence of four-legged aquatic ancestors in Africa The Conversation
99-million-year-old featherwing beetle preserved in amber Science Daily
The Case for Homo Erectus as Fully Human (part 4 of series) Dr. J.R. Miller - More Than Cake
Do racial assumptions prevent recognizing Homo erectus as fully human? Uncommon Descent
Human-Chimp DNA Comparison - interview with Jeff Tomkins ICR
Human Brain Size Varies Twofold Creation-Evolution Headlines
In any Darwinian scheme, someone must be the subhuman. Otherwise, there is no beginning to human history. Uncommon Descent
Cranium of a four-million-year-old hominin shows similarities to that of modern humans Science Daily
Cranium of extinct Australopithecus “shows similarities to” our own Uncommon Descent
Why did human Y chromosome diversity “collapse” 7000 years ago? Uncommon Descent
Why Social Science Needs Evolutionary Theory Nautilus
At Nautilus: Psychology needs evolutionary psychology Uncommon Descent
Why Social Science Does Not Need Evolutionary Theory Evolution News
The most famous psychology study of all time was a sham Medium
Stanford Prison Experiment findings a “sham” - but how much of social psychology is legitimate anyway? Uncommon Descent
Homo naledi - A baby from Dinaledi Todd C. Wood
Was Neanderthal man fully human? The role racism played in assessing the evidence Uncommon Descent
The Left Doesn’t Know If We’re Animals Or Not The Stream
Neuroscientist debunks hype about no free will, etc. Uncommon Descent
The Descent of Man: Part 3: The Case for Homo Neanderthalensis as Fully Human Dr. J.R. Miller - More Than Cake
On Hominid Fossils and Universal Common Ancestry, Denis Lamoureux Distorts Evolution News
Linguists skeptical of Darwinian theory that toolmaking “paved the way” for human language Uncommon Descent
Book Review: Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique Apologetics 315
Book Review: The Theology of Everything: Renaissance Man Joins the 21st Century Church Times
Saving Adam Commonweal Magazine
Will Science Ever Solve the Mysteries of Consciousness, Free Will and God? Scientific American
The Divergent Worldview Paradigm as Hermeneutical Foundation for Hebrew Cosmology Dr. Joe R. Miller - More Than Cake
Sociology of science prof: Philosophers have given up distinguishing science, in principle, from other types of pursuits Uncommon Descent
The impossibility-and the necessity-of distinguishing science from nonscience Weekly Standard
The Gnostic World of John Walton Is Genesis History?
Lakatos on science vs. pseudo-science LSE
Free Will and Morality NeuroLogica Blog
Opinion: Constrain Speculation to Protect the Integrity of Science The Scientist
Just Not Working - A Review of Dennis Lamoureux's Critique of Theistic Evolution Shadow of Oz
In Defense of Theistic Evolution, Denis Lamoureux Rewrites History Evolution News
Astonished and Amused by Lamoureux's (Mis)Take on Intelligent Design Evolution News
Correcting Misinformation about ID: Yet Another Irresponsible Critic in the BioLogos Comments Section Uncommon Descent
A note on eugenics, social darwinism and evolutionary theory Uncommon Descent
Contact with Reality: Michael Polanyi's Realism and Why It Matters Denver Seminary
JDK argues against objective morality—by assuming the truth of objective morality. Uncommon Descent
An unusually clear description of how scientism functions as a religion Uncommon Descent
The Shortfall of David Hume’s Critique of Natural Philosophy Dr. Joe R. Miller - More Than Cake
The “is-ought” problem. Is it a true dichotomy or a deceptive bluff? Uncommon Descent
Why the Left Loves and Hates Science Sultan Knish
The 'Commandments' of Carl Sagan Real Clear Science
The Eight Commandments of Carl Sagan Uncommon Descent
We Should Teach All Students, in Every Discipline, to Think Like Scientists Scientific American
Big Science Has Become a Political Machine Creation-Evolution Headlines
Opinion | What Religion Gives Us (That Science Can't) NY Times
Did religion evolve?
Why Do Rich and Famous People Kill Themselves? Uncommon Descent
How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences City Journal
A Child's Intuition of Purpose in Nature Is No Accident Evolution News
Beauty Leads Us Home Evolution News
Indoctrination in American Colleges into Atheism Creation-Evolution Headlines
Does lack of a good father figure promote atheism? Uncommon Descent
Opinion | Is Astrology Religion for Those of Us With No Religion? NY Times
As astrology goes mainstream, will Big Science start to accommodate it? Uncommon Descent
Maybe atheists really ARE into the paranormal and superstition… Uncommon Descent
But, Seriously, Where Are the Aliens? The Atlantic
Silicon Valley atheists falling for new age spiritual flimflam Uncommon Descent
How nature became unnatural BackReaction
Unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: On Public Policy and Public Service by Evangelicals Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (in press)
Artificial Intelligence's Homunculus Problem: Why AI Is Unlikely Ever to Match Human Intelligence Bill Dembski
Jay Richards: Is artificial intelligence budding consciousness or just statistical processing? Uncommon Descent
At New Scientist: The neuroscientists’ bet that a signature of human consciousness will be found in the brain has only five years to go… Uncommon Descent
Why is the objectivity of Mathematics an important (& ID-relevant) question? Uncommon Descent
Why argue with intelligent design? Offer drive-by psychotherapy instead! Evolution News
Weasel words about teaching students to think like scientists Uncommon Descent
Listen: Turner, Meyer, and Bernard's Dangerous Idea Evolution News
The new gang of hyper-confident male atheists wants you to laugh at religion National Post
Evolutionists Think Your Brain is a Mistake Creation-Evolution Headlines
New Walter Bradley Center to assess claims for artificial intelligence critically Uncommon Descent
Organic product methane found in soil samples from Mars Uncommon Descent
There's an "Inverse Piano" in Your Head Scientific American
Has Consciousness Lost Its Mind? Is This the World's Most Bizarre Scholarly Meeting? The Chronicle of Higher Education
What Is It About Space Aliens that Makes Evolutionists Go Nuts? Creation-Evolution Headlines
Einstein was a genius of physics. But he wasn't a saint The Guardian
Researcher who hopes machines will think like humans draws flak for critiquing the field Uncommon Descent
Richard Dawkins Defends Eugenics Abortion: 'It's About Ending Human Suffering' Daily Wire
Materialist MatSpirit Tucks Tail and Runs When Confronted With Incoherence of His Position Uncommon Descent
A Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science PhilSci Archive
Why I Won't Debate Science Scientific Ameican Blogs