![ARN](../../images/header_graphic_2009.jpg) |
The Grand Design: Is God Unnecessary? |
Dr. Michael G. Strauss |
Molecular machines open cell membranes (James Tour et al) |
Nature |
11-part review of Carroll's "The Big Picture" |
John Hartnett |
A. N. Wilson dismantles Darwin |
The London Times |
Is origin of life a fluke, physics… or just not a science question at present? |
Uncommon Descent |
Recalling the First Eugenics Law, John West Reviews the Tragic History of a Pseudoscience |
Evolution News |
The Human Brain Is 'Beyond Belief' |
How Neanderthals made the very first glue |
Science Daily |
New source for brain's development discovered |
Science Daily |
Apes' abilities misunderstood by decades of poor science |
Science Daily |
Theistic Evolution and Its Christological Contradiction |
Answers in Genesis |
Ivy league scholars urge students: 'Think for yourself' |
The Atlantic |
Politics in science: High modulation of engagement in intelligent design discourse |
Ingenta Connect |
Beyond the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis - What have we missed? |
MDPI Biology |
Darwinian Evolution: A Pseudo-Science based on Unrestrained Imagination and Bad Liberal Theology |
Keller, Moore, and Duncan on the Non-Negotiable Beliefs About Creation |
The Gospel Coalition |
Scientists map genomic atlas of your inner fish gut: Genetics of digestion little-changed in 420 million years |
Science Daily |
There's cosmology and then there's real science! |
Creation.com |
What lit up the universe? Black holes may have punctured darkened galaxies, allowing light to escape |
Science Daily |
Black hole models contradicted by hands-on tests |
Science Daily |
Was the Origin of Life a Fluke? Or Was It Physics? |
Live Science |
Cassini hints at young age for Saturn's rings |
Polarization for controversial scientific issues increases w/more education |
phys.org |
Follow the money . . . from the Templeton Foundation |
Creation.com |
Sense of smell is key factor in bird navigation |
Science Daily |
How a polymath transformed our understanding of information |
Aeon |
Did Heavy Elements Come from Supernovas? |
Lunar Water Douses Collision Origin |
Breakthrough in understanding mitochondria |
Science Daily |
Book Review of Almost Human, the Astonishing Tale of Homo naledi and the Discovery that Changed our Human Story |
Answers in Genesis |
The Ever-Evolving Human Evolution Story |
Controversial Footprint Suggests Early Humans Roamed Crete 6 Million Years Ago |
The Conversation |
Fossil footprints challenge established theories of human evolution |
Science Daily |
Reconstructing life at its beginning, cell by cell |
Science Daily |
A new estimate of biodiversity on Earth |
Science Daily |
Biological Action in Read/Write Genome Evolution |
Engineered Adaptability: Adaptability via Nature or Design? What Evolutionists Say |
Canonical mRNA is the exception, rather than the rule |
Genome Biology |
Hartnett's review of "Setting Aside All Authority" by Christopher M. Graney |
Bible-Science Forum |
More non-treelike data forced into trees: a glimpse into the dinosaurs |
Phylonetworks |
The Case for Cosmic Pantheism |
Nautilus |
Supernova's messy birth casts doubt on reliability of astronomical yardstick |
Nature |
Do 'Simple' Eyes Reflect Evolution? |
Beating the Odds for Lucky Mutations |
Quanta Magazine |
Problems with DNA replication can cause epigenetic changes that may be inherited for several generations |
Science Daily |
Finding Adam in the Genome: A BioLogos cover-up? Part 14 of a Response to "Adam and the Genome" |
Answers in Genesis |
Morality: Objective and Real or Subjective and Illusory? |
Spectacular Dinosaur Has Skin, Horn, Pigments |
Evolution Happens More Quickly Than You Think |
Science Friday |
Postmodern Science Studies and religious 'fundamentalism' |
Butterflies and Wheels |
New free online course on Philosophy and Religion |
coursera |
Scientific Pantheism and the God of the Physicists |
BioLogos |
Cosmos and Apocalypse |
The New Atlantis |
How Molecular Clocks Are Refining Human Evolution’s Timeline |
Sapiens |
Novel insights into how sex-specific reproductive systems arise |
Science Daily |
The algae that terraformed Earth |
Mystery of how first animals appeared on Earth solved |
Science Daily |
Rolling the Dice Twice: Evolving Reconstructed Ancient Proteins in Extant Organisms |
University Press Scholarship |
Change in protein production essential to muscle function |
Science Daily |
Seven complete specimens of new flower, all 100 million years old |
Science Daily |
Does Science Really Say There's No Purpose to Life? |
Psychology Today |
The Universe Doesn't Care About Your 'Purpose' |
NY Times |
Atheists thought immoral, even by fellow atheists: study |
Natural Selection and an Epistemology of Evil: An Incompatible Pair |
themelios |
Atheists Still Waiting for the Origin-of-Life Messiah |
The Algemeiner |
On Origin of Life, Synthetic Chemist James Tour Delivers Chastisement to Jeremy England |
Evolution News |
Evolution Confirmed? The Philosophy of Naturalism |
Evolution News |
Science and Religion: Conflict or Consonance? |
Big Questions Online |
A rapprochement between science and religion? |
Religion News |
Experiments cast doubt on theory of how Earth was formed |
Science Daily |
Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Can We Talk? Tom Wolfe's The Kingdom of Speech |
National Association of Scholars |
Some still attack Darwin and evolution - How can science fight back? |
The Guardian |
Are Dark Energy and Dark Matter Different Aspects of the Same Physical Process? |
PhiSci Archive |
Backward eye colour optimization |
Creation.com |
Evolutionary Storytelling Evolves: the Case of Origin of Life |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Should We "Stop Equating 'Science' With Truth"? |
Quillette |
Humanity - Chemical Scum or Made in the Image of God? |
Teaching evolution to creationist students |
Uncommon Descent |
Teaching evolution requires more than evidence: it takes objective honesty! |
Evolution Institute |
A tale of two story tellers - Darwin vs. Jane Austen |
Evening Standard |
How to map the circuits that define us |
Nature |
Mutation rates in humans |
Creation.com |
Diversity: Maybe Google’s worst fears will come true |
Uncommon Descent |
Pinpoint Navigation and Propulsion in a Seemingly Random Soup |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Paper challenges the claim that the genus Homo originated in response to environmental changes |
Science Daily |
Possible explanation for the dominance of matter over antimatter in the Universe |
Science Daily |
Flagellar apparatus structure of choanoflagellates |
BioMed Central |
Response to Finding Adam in the Genome - Part 13 - alleged vitellogenin remnants in humans |
Answers in Genesis |
Cultural Evolution Theory: Darwin Fail on Arrival |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Amazing 13-Million-Year-Old Ape Skull Discovered |
National Geographic |
A New Miocene Ape |
Todd C. Wood |
Ancient skull belonged to a cousin of the ape common ancestor |
New Scientist |
Pigliucci on the different ways of doing theory in biology |
Footnotes to Plato |
This Enzyme Enabled Life To Conquer A Hostile Earth |
Astrobio |
New look at archaic DNA rewrites human evolution story |
Science Daily |
Todd Wood's review - Searching for Adam: Genesis and the Truth about Man's Origin |
themelios |
Origins of DNA folding suggested in archaea |
Science Daily |
Black holes pervade the universe, celestial census indicates |
Science Daily |
New theory on the origin of dark matter |
Science Daily |
Approaches to Macroevolution: 1. General Concepts and Origin of Variation |
Evol Biol |
Padian's review of Losos's Improbable Destinies: Fate, Chance, and the Future of Evolution |
Nature |
New work offers fresh evidence supporting the supernova shock wave theory of our Solar System's origin |
Science Daily |
What Made the Moon? New Ideas Try to Rescue a Troubled Theory |
Quanta Magazine |
Causality in the Quantum World |
APS Journals |
Mutation predicts 40 million years of fly wing evolution |
Science Daily |
What the ctenophore says about the evolution of intelligence |
Aeon |
Don’t Believe in God? Maybe You’ll Try U.F.O.s |
NY Times |
Where is everybody? The implications of cosmic silence |
Science Daily |
Fossil Plants Contain Original Molecules |
Evolutionary computation: the next major transition of artificial intelligence? |
BioMed Central |
First winged mammals from the Jurassic period discovered: 160-million-year-old fossils |
Science Daily |
Evolution of fan worm eyes |
Science Daily |
Cosmic inflation theory loses hangups about scientific method |
Evolution News |
Did the first flower look like this? |
Hacking computers with DNA |
University of Washington |
Changing paradigms in stratigraphy |
Creation.com |
Oldest Gliding Mammals Shed Light on the History of Flight |
Discover Magazine |
First In Vivo Function Found for Animal Circular RNA |
The Scientist |
Baby fish exercising, a surprising source of adaptive variation in fish jaws: Evolutionary biologists identify non-genetic source of species variability |
Science Daily |
Well-preserved dinosaur with fully armored skin |
Science Daily |
How to teach evolution when students hold creationist views |
Genetic Literacy Project |
How to slam dunk creationists when it comes to the theory of evolution |
The Conversation |