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This is the archive page for articles that have appeared under "In the News" on the ARN homepage. Many appear on other subject-appropriate pages, while some only appear here. Articles appearing in this section may be copyrighted by other organizations. If so, ARN will attempt to provide copyright information and a weblink to the original source. ARN does not endorse all viewpoints represented in these news articles. The articles are simply presented as news items of general interest to our web visitors.
Intelligent Design Theory Merits Regard October 14, 2004 Iowa State Daily - The first lecture by Del Ratzsch at Iowa State University discusses the legitimacy of Intelligent Design in the scientific enterprise. File Date 10.14.04
A Universal Debate October 13, 2004 Iowa State Daily - Lectures at Iowa State University debate the merits of Intelligent Design and Materialism. File Date 10.13.04
It or Bit? October 12, 2004 Natural History Magazine - A review of a book which marvels at how the information rich living world begs for a mind to explain it. File Date 10.12.04
Text compromise in Dover October 5, 2004 York Dispatch - The York, PA school district comes up with a compromise on the inclusion of a pro-ID book in the 9th grade curriculum. File Date 10.5.04
Genetic Analysis of Coordinate Flagellar and Type III Regulatory Circuits in Pathogenic Bacteria October 5, 2004 Discovery Institute - A recent paper on the complexity of the bacterial flagellum was presented in Greece by Minnich and Meyers. A great analysis on the organism which has been the "poster child" of the ID movement. File Date 10.5.04
Planet with a Purpose October 3, 2004 Beliefnet - Author of Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennett has had second thoughts about the purposelessness of the universe and man. File Date 10.3.04
The Universe Didn't Just Happen But Was Made, Christian Thinkers Say October 2, 2004 Kalamazoo Gazette - A recent broadcast sparked interest and controversy in Michigan. Opponents of ID recited the tired mantra that ID is NOT testable, and complained about the co-existence of God and evil and suffering in the world. File Date 10.2.04
School District Debates Adopting Darwin-Debunking Text October 1, 2004 AgapePress - A pro-ID textbook has a good chance of being included in the 9th grade biology cirriculum in Dover, PA. Opponents are crying "foul". File Date 10.1.04
The Crusade Against Evolution September 27, 2004 Wired Magazine - An article which once against frames the debate between science and ID as that between fact and belief. Instructive reading! File Date 9.27.04
Strobel and Meyer on "The Case for the Creator" September 22, 2004 CCN web site - CCN will present a dialogue between Lee Strobel and Dr. Stephen Meyer this coming Sunday. The Satellite broadcast topic will be "The Case for the Creator". File Date 9.22.04
Seminary Appoints Dembski to Lead New Center for Science and Theology September 21, 2004 Towers Online - Dr. William A. Dembski is moving on to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Read the article for the details. File Date 9.21.04
The Meyer's Paper Controversy September 16, 2004 Richard Sternberg web site - Dr. Richard Sternberg, managing eidtor of The Proceeding of the Biological Society of Washington when the Meyer's paper was peer reviewed tells his story. File Date 9.16.04
Human Genome Hits Halfway Mark September 15, 2004 BBC News - It is becoming increasingly clear that "junk" DNA is not junk after all, and serves as a regulatory influence. File Date 9.15.04
Scientist: Darwinists Trying to Squelch Intelligent Design Debate September 14, 2004 AgapePress - Naturalistic scientists seem to be speaking with forked tongues on the issue of intelligent design articles in peer-reviewed journals. They continue to push intelligent design ideas off the playing field. File Date 9.14.04
Darwin's Expulsion Sparks Protests September 10, 2004 Straits Times - The teaching of Darwinism is back in Serbian schools. The strategy of the Education Minister was far from ideal. File Date 9.10.04
Biology Issue Lingers September 8, 2004 The York Dispatch - An article on the continuing controversy over which textbooks to use in the teaching of biology in York, PA. An intelligent design perspective is offered by a school board member. File Date 9.8.04
The Art of Debating Darwin September 8, 2004 Christianity Today - An article by a pulitzer prize winner reviewing the book Doubts About Darwin. File Date 9.8.04
Anti-evolution Paper Met with 'Hysteria, Name-calling' September 4, 2004 WorldNetDaily - An article on the backlash from materialistic scientists on Dr. Stephen C. Meyer's review in a peer reviewed journal. File Date 9.4.04
Bear of a Battle August 28, 2004 World Magazine - An article reviewing the controversies at Baylor University, with references to ID, and William Dembski, and Nancy Pearcey. File Date 8.28.04
The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories August 28, 2004 Discovery Institute - Read Dr. Stephen C. Meyers extensive review study on the origin of biological information printed in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. File Date 8.28.04
Evolution's 'Dictatorship' -- Student Struggles to Get Opposite Viewpoint Heard August 16, 2004 AgapePress - Read about a high school student's battle with the science department at his school to get Michael Behe to give a lecture. File Date 8.16.04
Debating Design August 14, 2004 ARN - The new book by William Dembski and Michael Ruse is out. File Date 8.14.04
Conservatives Lead School Board Races (in Kansas) August 4, 2004 Kansas City Star - Good news for people who want representatives who believe that children should get a fair and balanced education on origins in Kansas. File Date 8.4.04
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Disbelief August 3, 2004 Christian Science Monitor - A review of a new book by Oxford theologian Alister McGrath regarding the implausibility of Darwinism explaining the origin of species. File Date 8.3.04
Fact, Fable, and Darwin August 2, 2004 The American Enterprise Online - An article claiming that Darwinian evolution is not a plausible scientific theory to describe the origin of species. File Date 8.2.04
Darwin, Design & Democracy V: Science Converges on Design August 1, 2004 IDnet of New Mexico - An informative and stimulating conference will take place in Albuquerque this coming September. File Date 8.1.04
Baylor Regents don't Vote on Sloan, Reaffirm 2012 Plan July 23, 2004 Baptist Standard - Dr. Sloan keeps his job as head of Baylor University, and theology as a knowledge tradition will continue. File Date 7.23.04
Plant Respiration not just an Evolutionary Leftover July 22, 2004 EurekAlert - Another example of evolutionary presuppositions slowing down the progress of science. File Date 7.22.04
God and Man at Baylor July 21, 2004 American Spectator - Baylor president Robert Sloan may be ousted by the Board of Regents because he believes that a Christian university should not separate faith and reason. Many people in power at Baylor believe that theology is not knowledge and therefore cannot be a guide to rational inquiry. File Date 7.21.04
Why Intelligent Design Fails and The Cultures of Creationism July 15, 2004 New Scientist -A review on two anti-ID books by an anti-IDer. File Date 7.15.04
Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research Center (IDURC) July 15, 2004 IDURC web site -IDURC has a brand new web site. File Date 7.15.04
Agents Under Fire July 15, 2004 Angus Menuge relates Intelligent Design to contemporary issues in the philosophy of mind in his new book Agents Under Fire. File Date 7.15.04
Information as a Measure of Variation July 14, 2004 Design Inference web site -William A. Dembski provides a mathematical rigorous argument on Information. File Date 7.14.04
Reflections on Human Origins July 9, 2004 Design Inference -Dembski takes an indepth look at the origin of human beings. File Date 7.9.04
Darby School Board Puts Objective Origins to Rest July 8, 2004 Ravalli Republic -The Darby school board quashes good science by not allowing the objective origins science policy to move forward. File Date 7.8.04
Science Doesn't Have to be 'Fair July 4, 2004 York Daily News -A letter to the editor showing how the other side thinks, and sprays out bad information. File Date 7.4.04God, Santa Claus and the Nature of Reality July 3, 2004 Useless-Knowledge.com -A diatribe on the non-existence of a designer, and the uselessness of religion. File Date 7.3.04
Teachers Who Care Get Most From Kids June 4, 2004 The Detroit News -Another example of the people wanting the controversies of Darwinism taught instead of the one-sided Darwinian orthodoxy. File Date 6.4.04
Evolution Theory Rules in Roseville June 2, 2004 Sacramento Bee -It's difficult to see why supporters of Darwinism would be thrilled that students in the Roseville school district will not have the benefit of seeing scientific inquiry in action. Darwinism is the only idea left on the playing field, and then they declare victory with no opponent. File Date 6.2.04
NPR Stifles Evolution Debate by Canceling Guest Critical of Darwinian Evolution, Says Discovery Institute June 1, 2004 News Release -NPR "uninvites" Roger DeHart from a debate about teaching Darwinism in the public classroom. File Date 6.1.04
Roseville Board to Vote on New Evolution Policy May 30, 2004 Sacramento Bee -A teach the controversy vote will be held by the Roseville school board on June 1st. File Date 5.29.04
Darwin vs. Divine Design May 29, 2004 Toronto Star -A favorable review In the Toronto Star of "Design or Chance" by Denyse O'Leary. File Date 5.29.04
To Teach Science, Try Focusing on Intelligent Design May 26, 2004 Ft. Wayne News Sentinel - An ID proponent in Ft. Wayne, Indiana writes a well thought out, easy to understand argument for allowing ID in the public schools. File Date 5.26.04
Grand Canyon Mystery Tour May 21, 2004 Touchstone - Dr. Phillip Johnson weighs in on the controversy about a book from a creationist's perspective on the formation of the Grand Canyon. File Date 5.21.04
Investigating Molecular Motors May 20, 2004 Summary - The incredible complexity of protein motors is slowly being revealed. File Date 5.20.04
Overlapping Magisteria May 19, 2004 California Aggie - Mr. Mogel gives a shallow recounting of Gould's well-known "non-overlapping magisteria" assertion. This is the way the Darwinists still frame the argument. File Date 5.19.04
Education Bill Awaits Governor, a New Chief May 18, 2004 Minneapolis Star Tribune - In the final analysis, the Minnesota legislature decided that the students of public schools should not be taught the controversy of Darwinism. File Date 5.18.04
Public was Misled on Objective Origins May 18, 2004 Ravalli Republic - Curtis Brickley gives a lucid response to teach the controversy in the Darby, MT public schools. File Date 5.18.04
Minnesota Becomes Second State to Require Critical Analysis of Evolution May 17, 2004 Discovery Institute - Minnesota public education joins in the proper teaching of Darwinism, teaching the controversy. File Date 5.17.04
Intelligent Design in Canada – A Test Case? May 17, 2004 Summary Denyse O'Leary gives a summary of the introduction of ID into Canada. File Date 5.17.04
Doubts About Darwinism Receives Christianity Today Book Award May 14, 2004 Summary Doubts About Darwinism by Thomas Woodward received the top prize in the Christianity and Culture category. File Date 5.14.04
Mimicking Humpback Whale Flippers May Improve Airplane Wing Design May 11, 2004 EurekAlert More surprising and exiquisite design found in nature. How did natural selection of the physical flipper and the behavior co-evolve? File Date 5.11.04
Is Darwinism Dying? May 8, 2004 Canadian ChristianityAn overview article about Darwinism and ID: Is the scientific paradigm slowly changing? File Date 5.8.04
'Junk' DNA Reveals Vital Role May 7, 2004 NatureDNA seems to have much less "junk" with every passing year. File Date 5.7.04
For Roseville Schools, Darwin Debate Rolls On May 6, 2004 The Sacramento BeeThose against teaching the controversy of Darwinism claim that detecting intelligent design in biology is "religion". SETI must then be "religion" as well. File Date 5.6.04
Darby Rejects 'Objective Origins' Supporters May 5, 2004 MissoulianDarby, MT school board voters vote out member, meaning that the Darwinian controversy will not be taught. File Date 5.5.04
Californians Say Teach Scientific Evidence Both For and Against Darwinian Evolution, Show New Polls May 3, 2004 Discovery InstituteNew poll indicates Californians prefer schools to teach the controversy regarding Darwinism. File Date 5.3.04
Struggles in Science: Arizona Educators Revisit Controversy Over Evolution May 2, 2004 The Arizona RepublicTeaching the controversy may be on the table in Arizona. Darwinists protest by conflating micro- and macro-evolution. File Date 5.2.04
Darwin Back in Italy's Schools April 29, 2004 The ScientistItalian officials backpeddle on a plan to not teach Darwinian evolution in public schools. The backlash was strong and predictable. File Date 4.29.04
Darby Divided Over Objectives Origin Policy April 28, 2004 Ravalli RepublicA policy to teach the controversy of Darwinian theory is quite controversial in Montana. File Date 4.28.04
Reflections on the ID Conference at Biola April 26, 2004 CommentaryThe 2004 ID Conference at Biola University was a rare opportunity to hear from and personally meet with many of the brilliant scholars who are prominent in the ID movement. File Date 4.26.04
Spiders Get a Grip April 20, 2004 PhysicsWebHow could this electrostatic attraction develop through the gradualistic route of Darwinism when the hairs have to be a certain density and have a certain fineness? File Date 4.20.04
Critic Fights Campus Biases: Seeks Classroom Nonpartisanship April 18, 2004 Boston GlobeExamples of a liberal bias on university campuses are exposed, including an ID example. File Date 4.18.04
Theorist: Darwin Had It Wrong: S.C. Professor Says Life Forms Arose Without Common Origin April 17, 2004 Charleston Post and CourierAn example of how peer review does not work when it comes to articles that challenge Darwinism. File Date 4.17.04
Hostile Territory: University Conservatives Take Stronger Stand on Campus, Liberal Intolerance Increases April 14, 2004 AgapepressAccounts of conservatives taking the heat from liberal professors on issues including ID. File Date 4.14.04
Government-Sponsored Theology April 7, 2004 The American SpectatorFrank Beckwith argues that government should not be in the business of directly funding the propagation of one view as the acceptable theological opinion on any matter...including Darwinism. File Date 4.7.04
North Carolina ID Conference April 1, 2004 ID ConferenceThis summer an ID Conference will be taking place in western North Carolina, with some prominent speakers. File Date 4.1.04
Ohio Lesson Plan Pleases Conservatives, Irks Apostles of Darwin March 22, 2004 TownhallAnother reflection on the "controversy" of taking a critical look at Darwinism. File Date 3.22.04
Presenting a Slightly Different Perspective March 19, 2004 Ravalli RepublicA proponent of ID weighs in on the Darwinism-ID debate in Darby, Montana. File Date 3.19.04
The Nobel Prize in Medicine - Was there a Religious Factor in this Year's (Non) Selection? March 18, 2004 Metanexus InstituteDr. Michael Ruse complains about a Creation scientist not getting the Nobel Prize. File Date 3.18.04
Trust Our Founding Fathers: Keep God Out of the Classroom March 16, 2004 Ravalli RepublicA public debate in a local Montana newspaper regarding Darwinism and ID continues. This contribution from a deist DVM. File Date 3.16.04
The Professor’s Paroxysm - A Scholar's Attack on a Student Writer — and Academic Freedom March 15, 2004 National Review OnlineArticle showing the lack of academic freedom that a student who gave a favorable review in the Harvard Law Review of Dr Frank Beckwith's new book. File Date 3.15.04
Investigating Molecular Motors Step by Step March 15, 2004 The ScientistJaw-dropping, mind-blowing complexity revealed in recent studies of molecular motors. File Date 3.15.04
State OKS Curriculum Involving Creationism March 10, 2004 Columbus DispatchDispatch has a misleading headline for this story (which was corrected), which consists of more "talking points" sound bites from Darwinists. File Date 3.10.04
State Schools Superintendent Confident in Evolution Lesson Plan March 10, 2004 Akron Beacon JournalOhio state school board okays the "teach the controversy" lesson plan. File Date 3.10.04
Consider Evolution and Design March 8, 2004 Kansas City StarA sublime piece explaining why the scientific theory of Darwinism needs to be questioned in all arenas or it simply becomes an ideology. File Date 3.08.04
Don't Let Dogma Censor Teaching March 7, 2004 Cincinnati EnquirerWiker argues why the reigning paradigm of Darwinism must be allowed to be discussed in the public square, including the public schools. File Date 3.07.04
Engineer Wants 'Intelligent Design' Taught in Schools March 4, 2004 St. Louis Post-DispatchAn engineer in Missouri seeks to have a legislative bill passed to teach ID in public schools. File Date 3.04.04
Again, Teach the Best Science: Editorial March 4, 2004 Cincinnati EnquirerThe Enquirer says in this editorial that the best science is a science that constantly challenges its own assumptions, and teaches students to do likewise. We agree. File Date 3.04.04
Objecting to 'Origins': Darby Student Protest Highlights Concern Over New Policy March 1, 2004 Ravalli RepublicDarby Montana students chant the secularist's mantra which consists of tired slogans and misrepresentations of ID. File Date 3.01.04
Zogby Poll: Teach Scientific Controversy of Evolution: Republicans and Democrats Agree February 27, 2004 EdwatchA Minnesota organization points out that the MN legislature is going against the wishes of the citizens of Minnesota with regard to the teaching of Darwinism. File Date 2.27.04
ID's Teach the Controversy Message is Gaining Some Traction February 27, 2004 News SummarySummary of ID activities across the nation. File Date 2.27.04
Teaching Evolution in Ohio: Where are the Objective Scientists? February 26, 2004 News ReleaseChristian Hogg asks what's the harm of letting 10th graders in Ohio take a closer look at Darwinism. File Date 2.26.04
Ohio Academy of Sciences Criticized for Scare Tactics on Evolution February 24, 2004 Discovery InstituteA response to scare tactics employed by OAS to thwart Ohio's new science curriculum. File Date 2.24.04
Irreducible Complexity is an Obstacle to Darwinism Even if Parts of a System have other Functions: A Response to Sharon Begley’s Wall Street Journal Column February 20, 2004 Discovery InstituteA response to the Wall Street Journal article by Begley on IC. File Date 2.20.04
Assaults on Evolution Have Evolved as Well: Religious Opponents of Darwin's Discovery Open New Battles in Schools...Public Arena February 19, 2004 San Joste Mercury NewsAn article celebrating Darwinism which uses prejorative language to describe ID. It portrays the debate as one between science and religion, rather than between a materialistic world view and a more openminded (follow the evidence wherever it leads) extra-natural world view. File Date 2.19.04
Intelligent Design: The New 'Big Tent' for Evolution's Critics February 19, 2004 A fair news release about ID and it's relationship to "creationism". File Date 2.19.04
Dr. Phillip Johnson Receives PF’s William Wilberforce Award February 17, 2004 Dr. Phil Johnson receives an award which "Honors Individuals Who Battle Philosophies that Demean Humanity". File Date 2.17.04
Evolution Critics Are Under Fire For Flaws in 'Intelligent Design' February 13, 2004 An article which offers refutations of irreducible complexity is just skin deep. Many leaders in the ID movement have fired off responses to this piece. File Date 2.13.04
Ohio's "Critical Analysis of Evolution" Lesson February 13, 2004 Science Excellence for All OhioansLesson "Set A" for the Model Curriculum in Science in Ohio may contain a lesson, entitled "Critical Analysis of Evolution. File Date 2.13.04
Intelligent Design and the Future of Science Conference February 11, 2004 Biola UniversityBiola University will host an ID conference that features speakers who are on the cutting edge of the ID movement. File Date 2.11.04
Ohio Wading into Debate on Biology February 8, 2004 Cincinnati EnquirerAn article about an Ohio teacher who will present evidence against Darwinism and for ID in his upcoming class. File Date 2.8.04
State Board Creating Path for Creationism February 7, 2004 Cleveland Plain DealerNot having a good argument against the idea of putting Darwinism under the microscope, an Ohio columnist resorts to vitriolic comments and ad hominem attacks when describing the evolution - intelligent design debate. File Date 2.7.04
Biology Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: Teach both sides of the evolution debate February 3, 2004 St. Louis Post DispatchA Missouri legislator has introduced a bill to require the teaching of Intelligent Design in public classrooms. File Date 2.3.04
Foreword to Geoffrey Simmons's What Darwin Didn't Know January 30, 2004 A foreward to the fine book "What Darwin Didn't Know", published in January, 2004. File Date 1.30.04
Evolutionists to the Barricades: Is the Theory in Trouble? January 30, 2004 CrosswalkA response, defending ID, and showing what Dr. Marshall Berman's piece in "The American Biology Teacher" is really all about. File Date 1.30.04
Georgia May Shun 'Evolution' in Schools; Revised Curriculum Plan Outrages Science Teachers January 29, 2004 Atlanta Journal ConstitutionMiddle and High School standards may avoid the word "evolution", but still teach it. Irate teachers are conflating the meanings of macro- and micro-evolution when discussing the issue. File Date 1.29.04
INTELLIGENT DESIGN CREATIONISM: A Threat to Society – Not Just Biology January 26, 2004 The American Biology TeacherDr. Berman, in a guest editorial not only calls the ID movement a danger to science, but to the United States as we know it. He claims ID is trying to set up a theocracy, robbing Americans of their freedoms. File Date 1.26.04
"The Design Revolution" - new book by William Dembski and "Ten Questions to Ask your Biology Teacher about Design" January 22, 2004 Intervarsity PressWilliam Dembski's new book is out and challenges science to examine the evidence for Darwinism and Intelligent Design and follow the evidence anywhere it leads. File Date 1.22.04
Evolution Update: Evolution and Intelligent Design in the Public Schools January 20, 2004 NSTA ExpressAn update on pending legislation in Missouri which troubles the naturalistic educators, and news on the ongoing struggle in Minnesota. File Date 1.20.04
Science vs. Religion: A False Dichotomy January 19, 2004 Publishers WeeklyThis November 2003 article shows that the debate isn’t between Science and Religion, but rather competing world views which both deal with science and metaphysics. File Date 1.19.04
NOT YOUR DADDY'S FUNDAMENTALISM: INTELLIGENT DESIGN IN THE CLASSROOM: Law, Darwinism, and Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design January 15, 2004 ABSTRACT An important new book by Francis Beckwith concerning ID's rightful place on the "playing field" of ideas in public schools. File Date 1.15.04
National Park's Sale of Creationist Book Draws Geologists' Ire January 15, 2004 Nature A controversy over a book on sale at the Grand Canyon with a young-earth perspective on the geologic record of the Grand Canyon is getting some naturalists quite upset. File Date 1.15.04
The Deity and the Data: How Science is Putting God Under Its Lens January 11, 2004 Chicago Tribune A well balanced story on the debate of the existence of an Intelligent Designer (God). File Date 1.11.04
Doubts about Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design - Book Review January 8, 2004 Breakpoint The history of the Intelligent Design movement from Michael Denton to William Dembski. File Date 1.8.04
Editorial: The New Creationism and Its Threat to Science Literacy and Education January 7, 2004 Bioscience The President of AIBS takes a swipe at ID, using emotionally charged language and distortions. File Date 1.7.04
Neither Intelligent nor Designed January 5, 2004 Skeptical Inquirer Bruce and Frances Martin use tired arguments to brush aside ID. File Date 1.5.04
Are Most Life-Friendly Stars Older Than the Sun? - Guillermo Gonzalez January 2, 2004 Science Gonzalez explores the evolution of our galaxy and the relative rarity of life-friendly stars. File Date 1.2.04
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