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This is the archive page for articles that have appeared under "In the News" on the ARN homepage. Many appear on other subject-appropriate pages, while some only appear here. Articles appearing in this section may be copyrighted by other organizations. If so, ARN will attempt to provide copyright information and a weblink to the original source. ARN does not endorse all viewpoints represented in these news articles. The articles are simply presented as news items of general interest to our web visitors.
Congress Urges Teaching of Diverse Views on Evolution, but Darwinists Try to Deny It January 09 Discovery Institute After the U.S. Congress adopted a statement in December calling for students to be exposed to a diversity of views when topics "such as biological evolution" are taught, a pro-Darwin group is absurdly trying to claim victory through a creative reinterpretation of the legislative record. File Date 01.011.02
How STILL Not To Debate Design January 09 Press Release Robert Pennock has just published _Intelligent Design Creationists and Their Critics_ with MIT Press. It includes two essays by me. In a press release dated yesterday, I claimed that Pennock never contacted me about their inclusion. Pennock now claims that he did. He said. She said. Who's right? File Date 01.09.02
Dembski Attacks Pennock January 07 Metanexus.net Intelligent design has many critics. Some play hard and fair. Robert Pennock is not one of them. File Date 01.08.02
Protein Discovery Tied To DNA Master Switch December 21 ScienceDaily.com A new cellular protein discovered by scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill appears to be a crucial molecular component of a master switch that turns genes on and off. File Date 01.08.02
Strange Object Found, Defying Ideas of Solar System Formation January 7 Space.com Solar system creation theorists got more to chew on Monday when astronomers announced the discovery a huge object called a brown dwarf orbiting a star nearly as closely as Saturn is to our Sun. File Date 01.08.02
Architecture of a Cell Membrane Water Channel December 18 Berkley Lab Research News The structure of one of the basic members of the cell-membrane water-channel family, a protein called aquaporin 1 (AQP1), has been determined to a resolution of 2.2 angstroms -- 22 hundred-billionths of a meter. The structure reveals the elegantly simple means by which AQP1 can transport water through the cell membrane at a high rate while effectively blocking everything else -- even individual protons, the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. File Date 01.08.02
Boneless, Brainy, and Ancient November 26 Eureka Alert! How to make a robotic arm that is able to flex in an infinite number of ways and order it to do so without disorder and confusion? Get yourself an octopus and study it. That is exactly what researchers funded by the Office of Naval Research are doing. File Date 01.08.02
Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice December 11 New York Times The lotus effect is an example of biomimicry, an engineering approach that has been gaining momentum in recent years as manufacturers look to nature to solve some engineering problems. File Date 12.12.01
Physicists: No sign of 'God particle' December 4 CNN Sci-Tech After years of searching and months of sifting through data, scientists have still not found the elusive subatomic particle that could help to unravel the secrets of the universe, a science magazine reported Wednesday. File Date 12.10.01
Challenging Particle Physics as Path to Truth December 4 New York Times In science's great chain of being, the particle physicists place themselves with the angels, looking down from the heavenly spheres on the chemists, biologists, geologists, meteorologists those who are applying, not discovering, nature's most fundamental laws. Everything, after all, is made from subatomic particles. Once you have a concise theory explaining how they work, the rest should just be filigree. File Date 12.10.01
African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human December 2 New York Times Until now, modern human behavior was widely assumed to have been a very late and abrupt development that seemed to have originated in a kind of "creative explosion" in Europe.. File Date 12.04.01
Launch of ISCID: The International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design December 05 Press Release ISCID provides a forum for formulating, testing, and disseminating research on complex systems through critique, peer review, and publication. Its aim is to pursue the theoretical development, empirical application, and philosophical implications of information- and design-theoretic concepts for complex systems.. File Date 12.05.01
Wells and Palumbi Discuss Evolutionary Theory at Harvard November 30 Press Release Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute Jonathan Wells and Harvard Professor of Biology Stephen Palumbi debated the merits of evolutionary theory at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government's ARCO Forum. File Date 12.01.01
Stephen Hawking Is Wrong November 2001 Prospect MagazineThe notion that we might uncover the nature of the world through a combination of careful observation and logic goes back to the inception of the scientific project. It was the dream of the Enlightenment and it could even be said that this vision has defined modern western culture. A motivating and liberating force, it has given us a sense of progress, a sense that unlike previous cultures and other societies we are on the road to truth. Nevertheless, it is profoundly mistaken. File Date 11.22.01
In The Zone November 22 Science and Technology News Network In the search for suitable dwelling places within our own solar system, requirement number one is liquid water. If the Earth were too close to the sun, its oceans would boil away. Too far, and they'd be frozen over. Earth happens to be situated in a ring-shaped zone that's not too far in, not too far out. Astronomers call that ring the "Circumstellar Habitable Zone." File Date 11.22.01
Do You Bonobo? November 20 The National Review Courtesy of PBS, the bonobos the "make love, not war" primates are coming to a high school near you for a lesson in evolutionary-sex education.. File Date 11.22.01
Scientists Build Tiny Computer From DNA November 22 Yahoo News Following Mother Nature's lead, Israeli scientists have built a DNA computer so tiny that a trillion of them could fit in a test tube and perform a billion operations per second with 99.8 percent accuracy. File Date 11.22.01
Mammoth Extinction Mystery Draws 3 Theories November 22 The Washington Post As recently as 20,000 years ago, North America had an array of large mammals to rival the spectacular wildlife of modern Africa. By about 10,000 years ago, all of these animals -- and others, such as American lions, cheetahs, sabertooth cats and giant bears -- were gone. Some 70 North American species disappeared, three-quarters of them large mammals. Why? File Date 11.22.01
The Privilege of Life on Earth November 20 The Catholic World Report Do you think that our Earth is an ordinary planet? Do you think that we have a commonplace sun, and live in a run-of-the-mill solar system, in an unremarkable galaxy? If so, think again, advises astrophysicist Guillermo Gonzalez. File Date 11.20.01
Icons Haven't Lost Their Touch November 15 Press Release A Reply to Eugenie Scott's lecture at the California Science Teachers Association annual conference in Palm Springs on October 26th, 2001 entitled "Icons of Evolution: The Good, Bad and Ugly. File Date 11.15.01
Ten Questions To Ask Your Students About the PBS Evolution Series November 15 Press Release Encourage your students to watch the PBS Evolution series. But when you do, ask them these 10 questions to make sure they are developing critical thinking skills in the process. File Date 11.15.01
An Abridged Viewer's Guide & Summary November 15 Press Release If you are looking for a quick summary and critique of the PBS Evolution Video series, this is a good place to start. File Date 11.15.01
Symposium on the Origins of Order November 10 Press Release Two distinguished scholars whose careers have been devoted in large part to attempts to explain the origin of the striking complexity and order of the natural world will engage in a public conversation at the University of New Mexico. File Date 11.10.01
Alabama Retains Disclaimer on Evolution November 09 The New York Times Alabama is maintaining its distinction as the only state where biology textbooks include a sticker warning students that evolution is a "controversial theory" that they should question. File Date 11.10.01
Science Can't Rule Out God's Role In Creation November 09 The Columbus Dispatch Charles Darwin's great contribution to modern science was his theory of evolution, which asserts that all living beings that have ever existed arose through the combined effects of random variation and natural selection. File Date 11.09.01
The Three Domains of Life October 30 Astrobiology News When scientists first started to classify life, everything was designated as either an animal or a plant. But as new forms of life were discovered and our knowledge of life on Earth grew, new categories, called Kingdoms, were added. There eventually came to be five Kingdoms in all Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Bacteria. File Date 10.30.01
Evolution Generates a Debate September 27 The Washington Post In this Washington Post article, Larry Witham explains that a recent poll finds that a majority of Americans want scientific criticisms of evolution presented on public TV shows that address the topic. File Date 9.28.01
Evolution For the Masses September 23 The Washington Times America is the most scientifically advanced nation on Earth, yet a majority of its citizens reject Charles Darin's theory of evolution. File Date 9.29.01
Fatuous Film Making September 28The WorldNetDaily To put the upcoming seven-part PBS series "Evolution" in perspective, think fat. Dietary fat. File Date 9.29.01
A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism September 25 Discovery Institute Press Release "I am skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." . File Date 9.29.01
Saving Us from Darwin October 4 The New York Review of Books What is truly distinctive about the intelligent design movement is its professional-looking attack on evolution at the molecular level. File Date 9.20.01
PBS's 'Evolution' Prompts a New Sort of Trial The Washington Post There's nothing like the sight of creationists and evolutionists lustily whacking away at each other among palm trees decorated with plush toy chimpanzees to get the old juices flowing in the early morning. File Date 9.14.01
Academics Clash Over Darwinism September 7 The Independent A science historian has attacked the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and other scientists for equating Darwinism with atheism. File Date 9.12.01
Eyeless Creature Turns Out to Be All Eyes September 4 New York Times A new study shows that a brittle star species called Ophiocoma wendtii has a skeleton with crystals that function as a visual system, apparently furnishing the information that lets the animal see its surroundings and escape harm. The brittlestar architecture is giving ideas to scientists who want to build tiny lenses for things like optical computing. File Date 9.12.01
Fred Hoyle Dies at 86; Opposed 'Big Bang' but Named It August 22 New York Times Sir Fred Hoyle, one of the most creative and provocative astrophysicists of the last half century, who helped explain how the heavier elements were formed and gave the name Big Bang, meant to be derisive, to the theory of cosmic origin he vehemently opposed, died on Monday in Bournemouth, England. File Date 9.12.01
New Evidence of Early Humans Unearthed in Russia's North September 6 New York Times Stone tools, animal bones and an incised mammoth tusk found in Russia's frigid far north have provided what archaeologists say is the first evidence that modern humans or Neanderthals lived in the Arctic more than 30,000 years ago, at least 15,000 years earlier than previously thought. File Date 9.12.01
Researchers Turn Back the Clock on Origin of Land Plants August 14 New York Times. When the first pioneering plants emerged from the earth's ancient seas and took up life on land, they turned a barren landscape green and paved the way for countless animals and other organisms to follow. Biologists have long set the date for that momentous event somewhere around 450 million years ago, but a new study in the current issue of the journal Science suggests that plants escaped the oceans at least 700 million years ago, a radically earlier date. File Date 8.15.01
Cosmic Laws Like Speed of Light May Be Changing, A Study Finds August 15 New York Times.An international team of astrophysicists has discovered that the basic laws of nature as understood today may be changing slightly as the universe ages, a surprising finding that could rewrite physics textbooks and challenge fundamental assumptions about the workings of the cosmos. File Date 8.15.01
DESIGN THEORY: Creationist dogma or evolutionary punk rock? June 29 Medford Mail-Tribune. For 142 years, scientists have praised natural law and random chance for giving us life. Charles Darwin's theory that all living organisms evolved from a common ancestor through a process known as natural selection has become the bedrock of biology. But there's a growing restlessness among scientists who have done the math and discovered Darwinism doesn't add up. These scientists believe in intelligent design, the theory that all life is not the result of random chance or natural laws, but some systems - especially in biology - show evidence of design. File Date: 7.23.01
Evolution for John Doe March 2001 Journal of American History. According to Joseph Wood Krutch, the most dramatic event at the Scopes trial of 1925 occurred when William Jennings Bryan announced, incredibly, that he was not a mammal. Looking back from the 1960s, Krutch, who had covered the trial for the Nation, remembered the moment with amusement. File Date: 7.23.01
Heredity and Humanity June 25New Republic Online. Forty-eight years ago, James Watson and Francis Crick introduced DNA's elegant double helix to the world in the pages of Nature. With extravagant understatement, they began their report by noting that DNA's "structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest." Four months ago, with the publication of the sequence and the analysis of the human genome, scientists offered further evidence of just how considerable. Researchers gained a wealth of fresh insights into the miracle of life, and uncovered new mysteries that will occupy biomedical researchers for years to come. File Date: 7.12.01
Galactic Habitable Zones June 10 Astrobiology News.Our Milky Way Galaxy is unusual in that it is one of the most massive galaxies in the nearby universe. Our Solar System also seems to have qualities that make it rather unique. According to Guillermo Gonzalez, Assistant Professor of Astronomy at the University of Washington, these qualities make the Sun one of the few stars in the Galaxy capable of supporting complex life. File Date: 7.16.01.
Tiny Discovery May Answer a Question about the Big Bang July 7 New York Times.By observing millions of subatomic particles called B mesons, a team of scientists working at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in California has found new evidence of a basic but subtle lopsidedness in nature that may explain why the universe contains mostly matter, rather than being virtually empty and devoid of stars, planets and people. File Date: 7.07.01.
Scientists Say Mind Continues after Brain Dies June 29 Reuters. A British scientist studying heart attack patients says he is finding evidence that suggests that consciousness may continue after the brain has stopped functioning and a patient is clinically dead.. File Date: 7.07.01.
Two New Dinosaurs Found in New Mexico June 19 New York Times.Illuminating a mysterious epoch in the age of dinosaurs, scientists said on Monday they had unearthed two new species in New Mexico, including a bizarre one that sprang from the same lineage as super carnivore Tyrannosaurus rex but was content to eat plants. File Date: 6.26.01.
The Web as Dictator of Science Fashion June 19 New York Times. Why are physicists, historians and philosophers meeting at an isolated lodge where cell phones generally do not work and many of the rooms have no phones at all, let alone speedy Internet connections? The answer is that a few scientists including some of those who attended the annual Seven Pines Symposium in Stillwater, Minnesota are now saying what would have sounded not only retrograde but also deeply uncool just a few years ago: The World Wide Web and cheap satellite communications have brought trouble as well as opportunity to the scientific enterprise. File Date: 6.26.01.
Phisics' Big Puzzle has Big Question: What is Time? June 19 New York Times. When philosophers debate the nature of time and space, a listener is liable to walk away muttering something like "Whoa. . . ." On the same question, a technical exchange among scientists is more likely to elicit a "Huh?" A conference here this month brought together both camps to explore that question which happens to lie at the heart of the most important unsolved problem in physics in the hope of bringing forth a satisfying "Aha!" of discovery. File Date: 6.23.01.
Web Archive Opens a New Realm of Research June 19 New York Times. A web-based archive centered at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico is transforming the quality of scientific research at institutions that are geographically isolated and, in many cases, small and financially precarious. It nurtures top-flight research in countries as disparate as Bulgaria, Colombia, Cuba, Ukraine, Iran, India, Romania, Russia, Israel, the Czech Republic and Zambia. File Date: 6.23.01.
New Algae Grows in Darkness June 15 New York Times. Inserting a single new gene into the DNA of a type of algae allowed the microscopic plant to thrive in darkness, growing vigorously without the need for sunlight, scientists say. In a study appearing Friday in the journal Science, researchers from Martek Biosciences Corp. in Columbia, Md., and the Carnegie Institution of Washington department of biology in Palo Alto, Calif., report that a microalgae was engineered to use glucose as its primary energy source instead of sunlight. File Date: 6.20.01.
Early Humans Blamed for Mass Extinctions June 14 CNN.com. Termed "Blitzkrieg", it is the scientific theory that prehistoric people moving for the first time into new geographical areas during their spread around the world invariably hunted large animals into extinction. New work by American and Australian researchers is adding weight to the theory, while undercutting the notion that climate change and not human influence was the cause. File Date: 6.20.01.
Swiss Discover Mars Meteroite June 15 New York Times. A fist-sized meteorite, one of only 18 rocks on Earth known to have come from Mars, has been found by Swiss scientists in the Oman desert -- a prize discovery that could help determine if the planet ever sustained life. File Date: 6.20.01.
Houston Company Wants to Sail DNA into Space June 14 CNN.com. California businessman Dennis Tito paid about $20 million for an eight-day trip to space. Now, a Houston-based company can send you to space for $50. Well, part of you anyway. Encounter 2001 is working to build an unmanned spacecraft, fill it with DNA samples and messages from up to 4.5 million people, then blast it beyond the solar system. The company hopes to launch its spacecraft in late 2003. File Date: 6.20.01.
Second Largest Dinosaur Found in Egypt May 31 CNN.com. One of the two most massive dinosaurs ever known has been uncovered in a barren stretch of Egypt, scientists announced. The 70-ton plant-eater was discovered in what is now the Sahara Desert. But eons ago the area was filled with mangrove swamps, said University of Pennsylvania researchers, who reported their findings in the May 31 edition of the journal Science. File Date: 6.05.01.
Controversies of Evolution: Intelligent Design, Sociobiology, and the Philosophy of Science May 24. Description of course offering from Northwestern University summer session: Philosophy 220, Science and Human Culture -- "Controversies of Evolution: Intelligent Design, Sociobiology, and the Philosophy of Science" File Date: 6.05.01.
Jurassic Mammal Had Surprisingly Modern Features May 24 Reuters. Researchers said Thursday that the discovery of the fossilized remains of what they believe is one of the tiniest mammals that ever lived has advanced their understanding of how mammals -- including humans -- evolved. File Date: 5.24.01.
Fossil Findings May Force Revisions in the History of Life May 22 New York Times. After the most devastating mass extinction swept the planet 250 million years ago, the earth witnessed a nearly unabated increase in the variety of living organisms leading to unparalleled heights of diversity — or so paleontologists have long thought. Now a new study in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests a radically different picture that, if correct, will require a large-scale rewriting of the history of life. File Date: 5.22.01.
Link Between Human Genes and Bacteria Is Hotly Debated May 18 New York Times. In a fresh skirmish in the genome wars, a finding presented as a major discovery by the consortium of academic centers that decoded the human genome has come under attack from the camp of the consortium's rival, Celera Genomics. File Date: 5.18.01.
Ancient sea floor slab said big geologic find May 11 CNN.com. A massive slab of rock near the Great Wall of China is actually a section of ocean floor dating back 2.5 billion years, scientists said on Thursday in announcing an important geological discovery that also could yield clues about early life on Earth. File Date: 5.11.01.
Evolution debate: Student leads textbook challenge May 9 CNN.com. The latest battleground over the teaching of evolution in public schools is in the town of Perkasie, Pennsylvania. But what makes this particular debate unique is that the campaign against teaching evolution is being led not by parents or politicians, but a high school student. File Date: 5.11.01.
Life's Intelligent Design May 7 Tacoma News-Tribune. Article talking about Phillip Johnson and his recent lecture at Pacific Lutheran University. File Date. 5.07.01.
ID Featured on CNN: Transcript and Questions Transcript of May 2 CNN Classroom broadcast featuring promininent thinkers int he creation/evolution debate. File Date: 5.03.01.
It's Not Darwin Who's In The Wrong, It's His Supporters April 29 London Sunday Telegraph. More than 150 years since Darwin published Origin of Species, bitter arguments still rage over its implications, however scientists are doing much of the bickering. File Date: 5.03.01.
Archaeological Site in Peru Is Called Oldest City in Americas April 27 New York Times. Researchers investigating a long-ignored Peruvian archaeological site say they have determined that it is the oldest city in the Americas. File Date: 5.02.01.
Scientists Find Big Bang Evidence New York Times, April 30, 2001. Key elements of theories about how the universe expanded and developed after the Big Bang have been confirmed by data from high-flying balloons and from instruments operating in Antarctica, scientists say. File Date: 5.01.01.
Science's Elusive Realm: Life's Little Mysteries New York Times, April 24. Scientists boast that the principles onserved from the natural world predict how most matter will behave in physical and chemical experiments. But there is one region that eludes them. That is the region containing matter on a scale of 10 to 1,000 angstroms (an angstrom being one ten-billionth of a meter) bigger than a simple molecule but smaller than a living cell. This is the realm in which the constituents of cells interact with one another. File Date: 5.01.01.
Approaching Biology from a Different Angle New York Times, April 17, 2001. Dr. Leroy Hood, who lead the team that developed the DNA sequencer says its time for a new approach to biology "biology is an information science, with genes a sort of digital code." File Date: 4.23.01.
In Search of God April 21 New Scientist article examing the physiological aspect of human religious feelings. File Date: 4.23.01.
Darwin's Ladder Ed Larson's new book Evolution's Workshop: God and Science on the Galapagos Islands is reviewed in the Washington Post. File Date: 4.23.01.
The New Creationists Seattle Weekly article discussing the work by the Discovery Institute and its role in challenging Darwinian theory. File Date: 4.22.01.
A Map to Nowhere: The genome isn't a code and we can't read it. In the April 2001 issue of The American Spectator, Tom Bethell explains that the recent announcement that there may only be 30,000 human genes (25% of what we previously estimated) means that the notion that one gene leads to one protein, and perhaps one disease, is false. It's time to rewrite the genetic textbooks.
Was Darwin Right After All? In this Boundless article, Mark Hartwig responds to the claims that the recent mapping of the human genome supports Darwian theory.
The Wedge: A Progress Report April 16. Phillip Johnson provides a report on the current state of his "Wedge" strategy. Borrowing a quote from Winston Churchill, Johnson says, "it's not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning."
New Mexico Public Planetarium Promotes Naturalism April 10 Albuquerque Tribune editiorial.
Cosmic Fender Bender: Will New Theory Make Big Bang Whimper? April 13 Philadelphia Inquirer editorial.
Richard Dawkins Speaks to the Berkeley Faithful Jed Macosko reports on Richard Dawkins' lectures, "The Gene's Eye View of Creation", at the University of California's Berkeley's Hitchcock lecture series.
Some Wonder Whether Blending Religion and Science in the College Classroom Crosses the Line April 7 Grand Rapids Press. New course at Grand Valley State University explores the contradictions between science and religion.
Biotech CEO Says Map Missed Much of Genome April 9 Boston Globe. According to Dr. William Haseltine, CEO of Human Genome Sciences, says the massive effort to map the human genome, which riveted the world's attention over the last year, is not complete, and is missing a significant number of genes.
Biology Text Illustrations More Fiction Than Fact April 8, 2001 NY Times article discussing Haeckel's embryo drawings in biology textbooks.
On the Trail of a Few More Ancestors April 8, 2001 NY Times article discussing recent fossil findings in Kenya and the circumstances surrounding that find.
Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation April 8, 2001 NY Times article discussing Intelligent Design.
Christian de Duve Lectures on the Origins and Evolution of Life at UCSD On April 5, 2001 Nobel laureate Christian de Duve gave a free public lecture at UC San Diego. Here is a report on that lecture.
Scientists Debate Evolution's Place in Classroom The American Institute of Biological Sciences held a town meeting last weekend, bringing together biology teachers from across the country to discuss the current debate in many of our schools over the teaching of evolution.
Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator Recent LA Times article examining the teaching of evolution in the public schools.
Scientists Find 'cell executioner' Gene Find may lead to cures, but gene may prove too powerful to tamper with.
Ancient Tick has Researchers Scratching their Heads A 36 kilogram block of amber found in a vacant lot in New Jersey has turned up a mysterious creature - a 90-million-year-old tick.
Don't Blame the Fundamentalists for Evolution Controversies March 2001 Alton (Illinois) Telegraph article in which Hartwig argues that the continuing evolution controversy in our public schools is not being fueled by religious fundamentalists, but rather by the "shabby maneuvers prominent science educators have pulled to advance the cause of evolution in public schools."
Jonathan Wells Lecture Report from Western Michigan University Jonathan Wells, author of Icons of Evolution, spoke on March 14, 2001 to a group of approximately 350 students, faculty, and other interested people at Western Michigan University. Here is a report on his lecture.
Discovery of an Ancient Skull Clouds the Origins of Humans Los Angeles Times, March 22, 2001. Researchers in Kenya have unearthed a battered but almost complete skull of a new human species with a surprisingly delicate face dating from 3.5 million years ago. The new species is nestled in the roots of the human family tree during a period when scientists thought only one ancestral species existed, leaving it unclear just which was the direct forebear of modern humankind.
Lecture Report: Meave Leakey Announces New Hominid Genus Meave Leakey lectured in San Francisco the evening of Thursday, March 22, the very day of the official publication (in Nature) of her team's claim to have discovered a new genus of hominid. Phillip Johnson provides this report of the lecture.
Much DNA just "junk"--or is it? Sacramento Bee, March 19, 2001.
Alien Biology Sparks Class Although there is yet a shred of evidence for other intelligent life in the universe, educators are hoping to spark student interest in science by looking at the question. Boston Globe, February 27, 2001.
A Life's Work: Interview With Stuart Kaufman Ehsan Masood talks to Stuart Kauffman, one of a pioneering generation of complexity theorists who struggled to define life in terms of advanced mathematics. Fifteen years on, his new book Investigations makes it clear that there may be more to life than Kauffman thought.
Looking for ET with a Metal Detector Finding Earth-like planets with advanced life forms could be easier than we once thought, says one astrophysicist. Charles Lineweaver, of the University of New South Wales, says the probability of a solar system harboring life-sustaining planets is directly proportional to the amount of metal in that system's star.
With Little Evidence, String Theory Gains Influence New York Times, February 13, 2001
New Evidence for Life on Mars? By BBC News Online's Ivan Noble. Scientists have published what they claim is conclusive evidence that bacteria once lived on Mars.
Phillip Johnson Speaks to University of New Mexico Crowd Albuquerque Tribune, February 20, 2001.
Human Genome Map Has Scientists Talking about the Divine San Francisco Chronicle, February 19, 2001
Against Sociobiology First Things, January, 2001
Oh My Darwin! Who's the Fittest Evolutionary Thinker of Them All? Lingua Franca, November, 1999.
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