"Teach the Controversy" Resources

Teach the Controversy: The Santorum Senate Resolution on Science Education On January 8, 2002, the "No Child Left Behind Education Act," also known as Bill Number H.R.1, was signed into law by President George W. Bush. The Congressional Conference Report on the NCLB Act contained an important resolution on science education, commonly referred to as the "Santorum Language," that encourages educators to teach the controversy when controversial issues such as biological evolution are discussed. This page is a resource of articles and commentary pertaining to the Santorum Resolution.

Ohio Science Standards Update Ohio HB 481, was introduced by Representative Reidelbach and fifteen other co-sponsors on January 24, 2002. The bill requires Ohio schools to do three things: 1. Encourage the teaching of origins science objectively and without religious, naturalistic or philosophic bias or assumption. 2. Provide appropriate explanation about any material assumption that is used as a basis for an explanation in origins science; and 3. Encourage curriculum development that will promote critical thinking and help students understand the full range of scientific views regarding origins and why the subject is controversial. The bill has attracted a firestorm of political and media attention. We have collected copies of the legislation, comments, testimony and news articles and will post updates as they are available.

The Kansas School Board Controversy / IDnet Commentary and Proposed Revisions to Kansas Education Standards, Sixth Draft of Science Writing Team - December, 2000. In August 1999, the Kansas Board of Education voted 6 to 4 to remove evolution from the state's science testing standards. On Februray 14, 2001 the Kansas State Board of Education voted to restore evolution as a central theory in science classes. Not only was evolution restored, but a worldview philosophy of naturalism is now being promoted in Kansas. This letter by the Intelligent Design network proposes changes to the standard that were not accepted. The letter, the response by the writing team, and the follow-up letter clearly illustrates the naturalism worldview statements being promoted by the Kansas State Board of Education.


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