Kansas School Removes Evolution from State Competency Tests

The Kansas controversy began when the state school board voted to reject sections of a national standard issued by the National Academy of Sciences. Contrary to hysterical reports, the board did not ban evolution from the classroom. In fact, the new guidelines substantially increase coverage of the topic. The board merely decided not to include evolution in state competency tests-by implication, not treating it as fact beyond dispute.

  • Read this FAQ on the new 2005 Kansas Science Standards (adopted November 8, 2005)

2005 Update on Kansas Science Standards

On Tuesday, May 9, 2005, the Kansas State Board voted to submit a next to final version of the Science Standards to an outside agency for external review. This version of the Standards incorporates the changes that are described in a two page summary posted at http://www.kansasscience2005.com/ Draft_3_Changes_added_by_board.doc

The Changes reflect most of the proposals offered by the Authors of the Minority Report that were the subject of extensive hearings in May. Prior to the vote the Board was handed three documents regarding those changes:

  1. A critical Response to the changes adopted by a Majority of the Science Writing Committee on August 2, 2005. This is an important document because it states in writing the Science Establishment’s best shot at the specific changes. It is posted at: http://www.kansasscience2005.com/Response%20to%20Board%20by%20Writing%20Cmte%20August%202.doc

  2. A 20 page Reply to the Response authored by Dr. William S. Harris and Mr. Greg Lassey, on behalf of the Authors of the Minority Report, dated August 8. This document is also important because it explains why the Response is either absurd or otherwise inadequate. It is posted at: http://www.kansasscience2005.com/Reply_%20of_Authors_to_Response_of_%20Majority_%20080805.doc

  3. A two page summary of Harris/Lassey Reply, prepared August 9. It is posted at: http://www.kansasscience2005.com/Synopsis_of_Reply.doc

  4. The Reply reflects items covered in a preliminary reply dated August 2 and a seventeen page reply of Dr. Jonathan Wells to four issues raised by the Response. These documents, along with all of the others items mentioned above may be found at www.KansasScience2005.com.

The changes that have been drawing the most fire are provisions that would cause students to understand (a) that DNA gene sequences are not dictated by any known physical or chemical law, (b) that evolution postulates an unguided natural process that has no discernable direction or goal and (c) the scientific controversy over the origin of life.

The final vote on the Changes is expected at the October 11, 2005 board meeting.

December 2000 – IDnet Commentary and Proposed Revisions to Kansas Education Standards, Sixth Draft of Science Writing Team

On Februray 14, 2001 the Kansas State Board of Education voted to restore evolution as a central theory in science classes. Not only was evolution restored, but a worldview philosophy of naturalism is now being promoted in Kansas. This letter by the Intelligent Design network proposes changes to the standard that were not accepted. The letter, the response by the writing team, and the followup letter clearly illustrates the naturalism worldview statements being promoted by the Kansas State Board of Education. For further information on the Kansas Science Standards visit the IDNet website at: http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/ .

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Note: This is an audio file and requires Real Media Player to listen
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