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Welcome to ARN-Announce
by Dennis WagnerNumber Twenty Three, May 9, 2002
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- Icons of Evolution: Video Documentary now Available
- A Critique of Darwinist Icons: Video Lecture and Interview with Jonathan Wells
- Icons of Evolution Study Kit: Both videos and the book Save 17%
- The Return of the Wedge Update Column
In the last issue we announced a new documentary video on Intelligent Design called Unlocking the Mystery of Life. It is the hottest selling product we have ever offered. We now are receiving orders for 10, 20 and 50 copies at a time from folks who want to hand them out to students, friends, family, teachers and coworkers.
In this issue we are pleased to announce another block-buster documentary Icons of Evolution which Im sure will become our next best seller.
icon (
) n.
- An image; a representation.
- An important and enduring symbol.
- One who is the object of great attention and devotion; an idol: He is... a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation
A little over a year ago Jonathan Wells published the book Icons of Evolution in which he documented how biology textbooks are using faulty icons as evidence for evolution, such as Haeckels Embryos and Pepper Tree Moths.
Now an exciting documentary is available to communicate the important points of the book to a wider audience. Like Unlocking the Mystery of Life, this video will be enjoyed by junior high students as well as Ph.D. scientists. One viewer described this as a punchy video. After you realize what they have been trying to pass off as scientific evidence for evolution in textbooks, you want to stand up and punch somebody.
Those with a sense of history will also enjoy the subtle Scopes Trial in Reverse story that opens the video. Icons of Evolution documents the struggle of Roger Dehart, a public school science teacher, who was harassed, reassigned, and finally driven from his job, because he dared to challenge the Icons in front of his students.
Together, these two new documentaries offer a great one-two punch with Icons of Evolution explaining whats wrong with the current theory and Unlocking the Mystery of Life presenting the alternative of Intelligent Design.
Icons of Evolution is also the first video product we are offering in DVD format. The DVD edition includes several bonus DVD features including: 10 questions to ask your biology teacher, frequently asked questions, recommended web sites, recommended books, and chapter selection.
If you have been looking for the perfect tool to explain to people why you dont bow down and worship the Icons of Evolution, then look no further. Order your copy today.
Icons of Evolution: Documentary is available from ARN for only $19.95 (VHS) or $24.95 (DVD) plus shipping. To order go to: http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/video_show_item.php?id=16
If you are the type that likes to dig beneath the surface, or you are just a little bit curious about who this guy Jonathan Wells really is, then you will enjoy our newest ARN lecture video A Critique of Darwinist Icons : Lecture and Interview with Jonathan Wells.
Recorded at the University of California at Santa Barbara, this video includes a 40-minute lecture and 40-minute question and answer period with the author.
Following Jonathan Wells' acclaimed book, Icons of Evolution, this video lecture/interview with Dr. Wells focuses on 6 of the 10 icons in the book. Wells shows how biology textbooks distort the scientific evidence to promote Darwinian evolution and the naturalistic philosophy that underlies it.
Darwin called his theory "descent with modification." In the first half of his lecture Wells tackles "descent" by examining three textbook icons: Darwin's Tree of Life, Homology in Vertebrate Limbs, and Haeckel's Embryos. In the second half of his lecture Wells examines "modification" with a close look at three more icons: the Peppered Moths, Darwin's Finches, and Four-Winged Fruit Flies.
The video concludes with an exclusive interview with Dr. Wells in which he answers a series of questions about his book and the surprising reaction of the scientific community to his work.
This video is recommended for all students and educators who are studying biological and evolutionary topics, and it is a great study aid for those who are reading the book Icons of Evolution.
A Critique of Darwinist Icons: Lecture and Interview with Jonathan Wells is available from ARN for $24.95 (VHS ) plus shipping. To order go to: http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/video_show_item.php?id=14
If you really want to master the ICONS critique of evolution then buy this video study kit and save some bucks. First, watch the ICONS documentary video for a masterful overview of the issues. Next watch Jonathan Wells lecture at UC Santa Barbara and learn from an exclusive interview with the author. Finally dive into the details of his fully referenced book that explains the problems with each Icon and grades current biology textbooks on their use of these Icons. The Icons study kit contains both of the videos listed above, as well as the book Icons of Evolution. Save 17% when you order as a set
Icons of Evolution Video Study Kit including the video documentary, the video lecture and the book is available from ARN for $49.95 (VHS ) plus shipping. To order go to: http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/coverimages/v025sk.htm
We are pleased to announce we are resuming our Wedge Update Column. Receiving the torch from Phillip Johnson will be Mark Hartwig, a 17-year veteran of the origins debate and co-founder of Access Research Network. Mark served for 10 years as managing editor of Origins Research, now published as Origins and Design. His articles on science and science education have appeared in such places as The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, Focus on the Family, Moody, World and many other newspapers and magazines.
In his first column Hartwig gauges just how desperate the Darwinists are to defend their turf by taking a look at Lawrence Krauss' recent essay in the New York Times ("Odds Are Stacked When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience," April 30). He also takes the National Science Foundation to task for the bullying tactics revealed in their recent science literacy survey. You can read all about it at http://www.arn.org/wedge.htm
All of the ARN products can be ordered through our web catalog store with secure credit card ordering. Read a detailed description of each product and add as many copies as you would like to the electronic shopping cart. When you have finished, select the type of shipping (Priority for faster delivery, or Standard for lowest cost) and send the order. If you provide your email address, you will receive an email receipt of your. Place your order today online at www.arn.org (click the products links on the top menu bar). If you have any problems or questions, or would rather place your order by phone, call our toll free number at 1-888-259-7102 and Elton or Mary will be happy to assist you.
ARN-Announce describes many of the upcoming events and new articles, books, videos and other resources on Intelligent Design. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (www.arn.org). Back issues of ARN-Announce can be found at www.arn.org/announce.htm
ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an Intelligent Design perspective.
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