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Welcome to ARN-Announce
by Dennis WagnerNumber Twenty Two, March 29, 2002
ARN-Announce is the on-line announcement and information service of Access Research Network. ARN generates announcements to the current ARN Announce list as information becomes available. You have received this message because your email address was submitted to this list. Subscription and Unsubscription information is at the end of this message.
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What the Intelligent Design movement has been lacking is a fast-paced, exciting documentary that clearly explains the evidence that is leading more and more scientists from Darwin to Design.
The problem has been solved with the recent release of Unlocking the Mystery of Life. This 67-minute documentary has been over 5 years in the making and includes some state-of-the art computer animations that reveal the incredible complexity and design of the microscopic biological world to the scientist and non-scientist alike. Through these incredible animations the viewer is treated to a tour of one of the most efficient machines in the world, the rotary motor of the bacteria flagellum. Other animation scenes transport the viewer through the amazing factory-like operation of the cell. This documentary also includes interviews with many of your favorite ID authors and research scientists including:
- Paul Nelson
- Stephen Meyer
- Dean Kenyon
- Michael Behe
- William Dembski
- Jonathan Wells
- Jed Macosko
- Scott Minnich
- Phillip Johnson
This is a great video to use in university classes, public high schools, professional societies, churches, homeschools, and just about any audience. After watching this 67 minute documentary I felt like I had just experience an executive summary of Darwin's Black Box, The Mystery of Life's Origins, and the Design Inference, three foundational books of the ID movement.
If you have been looking for the perfect tool to introduce people to the concept of Intelligent Design, then look no further. Order your copy today.
Unlocking the Mystery of Life is available from ARN for only $19.95 plus shipping. To order go to:
All of the ARN products can be ordered through our web catalog store with secure credit card ordering. Read a detailed description of each product and add as many copies as you would like to the electronic shopping cart. When you have finished, select the type of shipping (Priority for faster delivery, or Standard for lowest cost) and send the order. If you provide your email address, you will receive an email receipt of your order. Place your order today online at www.arn.org (click the products links on the top menu bar). If you have any problems or questions, or would rather place your order by phone, call our toll free number at 1-888-259-7102 and Elton or Mary will be happy to assist you.A FEW NOTES ABOUT ARN ANNOUNCE
This announcement describes many of the upcoming events and new articles, books, videos and other resources on Intelligent Design. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (www.arn.org). Back issues of ARN-Announce can be found at www.arn.org/announce.htm
ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an intelligent design perspective.
Mailing Address:
Access Research Network
PO Box 38069
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80937-8069Contact:
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(888) 259-7102 toll-free order lineOn the web: www.arn.org
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