JULY 2015 NEWS |
2015 issue of Origins |
Geoscience Research Institute |
The Puzzle of Perfection, Thirty Years On (Michael Denton) |
Evolution News and Views |
Evolution Appears to Converge on Goals -- But in Darwinian Terms, Is That Possible? |
Evolution News and Views |
Should We Have Faith in Science? |
Evolution News and Views |
For the Origin of Life, on Earth or Elsewhere, "Ingredients and Conditions" Aren't Enough |
Evolution News and Views |
Tom Wolfe Compares Persecution of Intelligent Design Advocates to the "Spanish Inquisition" |
Evolution News and Views |
Fine-Tuning the Ratio of Small to Large Stars |
Reasons to Believe |
From the Perspective of Intelligent Design, Killing Cecil the Lion Was an Act of Egregious Vandalism |
Evolution News and Views |
Science versus Philosophy - It's Not a Competition! |
Decoded Science |
Is this the only universe? |
Symmetry Magazine |
Multiverse mania strikes again |
Uncommon Descent |
Stressed plants send animal-like signals? |
Uncommon Descent |
Weird Life: Is Ammonia-Based Life Possible? |
Reasons to Believe |
“Pions” explain universe’s invisible matter? |
Uncommon Descent |
Can We Verify Carbon Dating's Reliability? |
Reasons to Believe |
Beware feathered dino fossils hoaxes |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwin on vax vs. anti-vax |
Uncommon Descent |
Dark Pion Particles May Explain Universe's Invisible Matter |
LiveScience |
Evolution of birds' sense of smell |
Science Daily |
Stressed out plants send animal-like signals |
Science Daily |
Hacked molecular machine could pump out custom proteins |
Nature |
Pluto Has An Atmosphere, Moons, And Maybe Geological Activity. Can We Call It A Planet Now? |
Popular Science |
Key prediction of Darwinian evolution falsified? |
Uncommon Descent |
The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Response |
Amswers in Genesis |
Atheist Camile Paglia dumps on Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and others |
Salon |
Origin of life: New model may explain emergence of self-replication on early Earth |
Uncommon Descent |
Neanderthals had outsize effect on human biology |
Nature |
Feathered dinosaur fossils - but how many are real? |
Cosmos Magazine |
Quantum Mechanics and the Nature of Reality |
Reasons to Believe |
New forms of life found on Earth, none elsewhere? |
Uncommon Descent |
New model for self replication |
phys.org |
Ancient lizards amaze scientists? But why? |
Uncommon Descent |
Human Nucleome Reveals Amazing 4D World |
After the crash, can biologists fix economics? |
New Scientist |
Origins of life: New model may explain emergence of self-replication on early Earth |
Science Daily |
Pygmies show growth plasticity is key to human evolution |
Science Daily |
Faith and science can find common ground |
Nature |
What Happens When Your Brain Says You Don't Exist |
20 myo lizards identical to modern cousins |
Newfound Bacteria Expands Tree of Life |
Quanta Magazine |
You know ID is winning when … |
Uncommon Descent |
On the probability of proteins |
Power to Change |
Finally, a book on the ID debate that addresses actual issues |
Uncommon Descent |
What is the true significance of convergent evolution? |
Uncommon Descent |
Oops. New Kepler planet NOT like Earth? |
Uncommon Descent |
High time to throw thoughts on time out the window? |
Uncommon Descent |
So there is no life on Mars? So? |
Uncommon Descent |
Secular Anthropology Fails Consistently |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
Four-Footed Snake? |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
Kepler-452b Probably Isn't Like Earth |
Real Clear Science |
"Is Your Brain Really Necessary?", Revisited |
Discover Magazine |
Richard Dawkins: One man circular firing squad? |
Uncommon Descent |
Face the facts people, there is no life on Mars |
The Telegraph |
NASA says new Earth-like planet found |
Uncommon Descent |
Is there such thing as the beginning and end of time? |
New Statesman |
A single brain area makes humans unique? |
Uncommon Descent |
Life forms found at abyssal depths |
Uncommon Descent |
New forms of life found at unexpected depths |
Washington Post |
Latest no-information explanation of evolution: Small oxygen jump |
Uncommon Descent |
chromosomes in the cell nucleus may be packed into a fractal globule |
EurekAlert - AAAS |
Antibiotic Resistance Can Boost Bacterial Fitness |
The Scientist |
Gene knockout: Loss of a gene can be compensated by another gene |
Science Daily |
Brain area found that may make humans unique |
Nature |
Four-legged fossil snake is a world first |
Nature |
Bacteria Share Antibiotic Resistance |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
Feathered Velociraptor? Untangling the Spin |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
A review of Darwin's Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong |
Creation |
Is "Grandfather Turtle" the Transitional Form that Puts Creationist Claims to Rest? |
Answers in Genesis |
Science writer challenges conventional wisdom |
Uncommon Descent |
Four-legged fossil holds secret of snake's slithering origins |
New Scientist |
Four-legged snake fossil found |
Science Daily |
Small oxygen jump in atmosphere helped enable animals take first breaths |
Science Daily |
The bacterial flagellar motor: brilliant evolution or intelligent design? - Part 1 |
Evolution News and Views |
The bacterial flagellar motor: brilliant evolution or intelligent design? - Part 2 |
Evolution News and Views |
The bacterial flagellar motor: brilliant evolution or intelligent design? - Part 3 |
Evolution News and Views |
An Interview with John Horgan |
The Best Schools |
Are the origin of life people are getting desperate? |
Uncommon Descent |
Horizontal gene transfer: building the web of life |
Nature |
Human Evolution's Biggest Questions May Find Answers in New Analysis |
LiveScience |
Farming now dated to 23 kya, not 12 kya |
Uncommon Descent |
Why is “just so happened” science? |
Uncommon Descent |
When Does a Smart Mouse Become Human? |
The Scientist |
Fish flick genetic switch to dodge climate change disaster |
New Scientist |
Jurassic saw fastest mammal evolution |
Science Daily |
New theory says dark matter acts like well-known particle |
Science Daily |
The improbable evolutionary path that enabled Earth to sustain life |
Science Daily |
A cellular puzzle: The weird and wonderful architecture of RNA |
Nature |
Everyone seems to be debating Darwin’s Doubt |
Uncommon Descent |
Finding the origins of life in a drying puddle |
Science Daily |
The Limits of Modern Artificial Intelligence |
The Best Schools |
Bacteria Metabolisms Are Like Computer Circuit Boards |
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a $100-million boost |
Nature |
An Essential Prediction of Darwinian Theory Is Falsified by Information Degradation |
Evolution News and Views |
Denying ENCODE Data Won't Change the Emerging Facts of Biology |
Evolution News and Views |
Natural Variation in Gene Expression Modulates the Severity of Mutant Phenotypes |
Science Daily |
ID Podcasts with Nancy Pearcey on finding truth |
Uncommon Descent |
On “Constructor Theory” |
Uncommon Descent |
Altruism is simpler than we thought? |
Uncommon Descent |
Hot news: Theory solves origin of life |
Uncommon Descent |
How Time Got Its Arrow |
Can Science Identify the Intelligent Designer? |
Reasons to Believe |
Cell division speeds up as part of antibody selection |
Science Daily |
Altruism is simpler than we thought |
EurekAlert - AAAS |
Constructor theory solves the riddle of life |
Aeon |
An interview with a post-modern, truth-optional scientist |
Uncommon Descent |
David M Raup, paleontologist, 1933-2015 |
Uncommon Descent |
David Raup, paleontologist who transformed his discipline, 1933-2015 |
UChicago News |
The Mind of a Con Man (Postmodern truth and scientific fraud) |
NY Times |
Velociraptor's cousin had large feathered wings |
Press Association |
New kind of microbial family tree displays sudden bursts of diversification |
Science Daily |
Dinosaur find: Velociraptor ancestor was 'winged dragon' |
Creationism growth sparks concern in Ivy League |
Uncommon Descent |
Oldest animal sperm (50 myo) found inside fossilized worm cocoon |
Nature |
Human hand more primitive than chimps? |
Uncommon Descent |
Humans have more primitive hands than chimpanzees |
Science Magazine |
Cosmic inflation is dead, long live cosmic inflation! (Sept 2014) |
New Scientist |
Is the Multiverse science? (See related article on cosmic inflation above) |
Medium |
New Letters Added to the Genetic Alphabet |
Quanta Magazine |
Does the mind extend beyond the brain? |
Uncommon Descent |
Consciousness is an engineering problem |
Uncommon Descent |
The Scopes Trial Redefined Science Journalism and Shaped It to What It Is Today |
Smithsonian Magazine |
Could Travelling Waves Upset Cognitive Neuroscience? |
Discover Magazine |
Do animals use quantum information processing? |
Uncommon Descent |
A coincidence? Or a Darwin incidence? |
Uncommon Descent |
Measuring the sixth mass extinction |
Uncommon Descent |
Oldest marine animals survived longer than thought |
Uncommon Descent |
More evidence for the reality of genetic entropy |
Journal of Creation |
NOVA: Unification of mind and matter next century? |
Uncommon Descent |
Is too much attention given to genes and DNA? |
Uncommon Descent |
Life's quantum crystal ball |
Plus Magazine |
Humans evolved to be taller and faster-thinking |
Uncommon Descent |
Remember Lenski’s experiments on E coli evolution? |
Uncommon Descent |
Is life a form of signalling? |
Uncommon Descent |
Organization of human brain is nearly ideal |
Science Daily |
Humans are nowhere near as special as we like to think |
South Africans used milk-based paint 49,000 years ago |
Uncommon Descent |
Cretaceous “living fossil” coral found |
Uncommon Descent |
The fossils speak, but what do they say? |
Uncommon Descent |
Spectacular Moroccan fossils redefine evolutionary timelines |
Science Daily |
So the carbon layer isn’t magic either? |
Uncommon Descent |
Measuring the sixth mass extinction |
Cosmos Magazine |
Evidence for "Unconscious Learning" Questioned |
Discover Magazine |
How to rule a gene 'galaxy': A lesson from developing neurons |
Science Daily |
Extra DNA acts as a 'spare tire' for our genomes |
Science Daily |
Fundamental beliefs about atherosclerosis overturned |
Science Daily |
Making Up Facts to Fit a Narrative |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
The bacterial flagellar motor: brilliant evolution or intelligent design? |
Evolution of Kin Discrimination |
The Scientist |
Magic carbon layer not a sign of extraterrestrial life |
ars technica |
Has physics cried wolf too often? |
The Guardian |
The Secret Plot to Teach About Evolution in an Objective, Responsible, Engaging Manner! |
Evolution News and Views |
Why birds mimic well: Contradicts earlier claims |
Uncommon Descent |
What the textbooks don't tell you about psychology's most famous case study (Phineas Gage) |
BPS Research Digest |
Human evolution: The cradle of humankind revisited |
Nature |
ET, call pretty much anywhere at THIS point (thoughts on convergence) |
Uncommon Descent |
But who says today’s philosophers must make sense? |
Uncommon Descent |
Jerry Coyne's 'Faith Versus Fact' |
The Atlantic |
PBS asks, must we rewrite general relativity? |
Uncommon Descent |
Genetics underpinning antimalarial drug resistance revealed |
Science Codex |
Human eye sockets give wider view than “other apes” |
Uncommon Descent |
Israeli researchers mull epigenetics vs. Darwinism |
Uncommon Descent |
How small genetic change in Yersinia pestis changed human history |
Science Daily |
South Africans used milk-based paint 49,000 years ago |
Science Daily |
How our sense of smell evolved |
Science Daily |
New genus and species of 'living fossil' octocoral related to blue coral |
Science Daily |
New mechanism of DNA repair |
Science Daily |
First comprehensive analysis of the woolly mammoth genome completed |
Science Daily |
SETI Believers Are Lost in Space |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
'Map Of Life' predicts ET. (So where is he?) |
Science Daily |
Brain complexity can evolve before brain size in primates |
Science Daily |
How Physics Will Change-and Change the World-in 100 Years |
The Atlantic falls for pseudoscience |
Science-Based Medicine |
Humans evolved to be taller and faster-thinking |
Science Daily |
Cosmology's Achilles' heel |
John Hartnett |
Can Chimpanzees Cook? |
Reasons to Believe |
A new take on prey who warn predators of danger |
Uncommon Descent |
You: a trillion tiny random machines |
Uncommon Descent |
Convergent evolution: Distantly related birds, same crests |
Uncommon Descent |
Bacteria created some iron deposits by metabolizing iron? |
Uncommon Descent |
Face it, your brain ISN’T a computer |
Uncommon Descent |
Talk to the Fossils: Let’s see what they say back |
Uncommon Descent |
Irreducibly complex behaviour in worms? |
Uncommon Descent |
ID is case study in diffusion of knowledge |
Uncommon Descent |
Free will as “free won’t” |
Uncommon Descent |
JUNE 2015 NEWS |