About SpencerSpencer Wagner has been studying the accordion since age 7 with Dan and Kim Christian of the Young Musicians of America studio in Colorado Springs. He enjoys all types of music, but his favorites to perform on the accordion include jazz and classical. He recently recorded his first CD, "The Classic Accordion," released April 7, 2004. This project includes many of his favorite international classics arranged for solo accordion. Spencer was born in Santa Barbara, California and grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his parents, Dennis and Priscilla Wagner and his two brothers Austin and Skylar. Spencer completed this project during his junior and senior years at Cheyenne Mountain High School. In addition to his accordion studies under Dan and Kim Christian, Spencer has been active in the Rocky Mountain Accordion Society where he has won over 40 trophies in the RMAS annual competition in both accordion and keyboard. He also enjoys live performance opportunities and has performed as part of the YMA Accordion Band, the Cheyenne Mountain High School Band program, CMHS Talent Show, NHS Auction Night, Open Mike Night, private engagements, and at the Broadmoor Hotel. Spencer is also an outstanding student (National Honor Society, National Merit Finalist), enjoys reading, playing chess, camping (Eagle Scout), and playing field hockey (selected as a member of the Men's Under 16 and Men's Under 20 U.S. National Field Hockey Team). Through his Field Hockey endeavors he has enjoyed international travel to Canada, Mexico, Holland and Germany. Beginning in the Fall of 2004 he will attend Denver University where he plans to major in Math and Music (Lamont School of Music) as a DU Alumni Scholar. |