About Access Research Network

ARN Logo

7668 Dartmoor Ave, Goleta, CA 93117, 805-448-9505

Access Research Network is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society.

We focus on such controversial topics as genetic engineering, euthanasia, computer technology, environmental issues, creation/evolution, fetal tissue research, AIDS, and so on. Through our publications and product offers, we give you the infomation you need to orient yourself in today's scientific and technological world and make informed decisions.

But science and technology are only half the picture. We put science topics in perspective by looking at related political, ethical and philosophical issues--so you can get a well-rounded understanding of the hot issues.

In our articles and publications we cover a host of issues--most of them controversial. Although we never shy away from controversy, we don't let it consume us either. We've mixed a little ancient proverbial wisdom with some common sense to develop the ARN approach to controversial topics.


Meet the People Behind ARN

ARN Board of Directors

ARN Staff

Dennis Wagner
Dawn Freeman
Kevin Wirth
Director of Product Development
and Media Relations
Tom Magnuson
Juliet Ofwono
Samuel S. Chen
(Student Division of ARN)

Friends of ARN

These are the folks who help provide much of the information and subject matter expertise found on this server.

Mike Behe Phil Johnson John Mark Reynolds
David Berlinski Mike Keas Richard Weikart
John Angus Campbell Eric Larson Jonathon Wells
William Lane Craig Gregg Wilkerson John Wiester
Bill Dembski Alvin Plantinga Hubert P. Yockey
Dave Probert    


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