Origins & Design

Publication Information

Origins & Design (ISSN 0748-9919) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal with two related goals: (1) to examine theories of origins, their philosophical foundations, and their bearing on culture, and (2) to examine all aspects of the idea of design. Both "origins" and "design" are intellectual grounds on which theology, philosophy, and the natural sciences find themselves with an equal interest. Thus, the editors and the editorial board of Origins & Design are drawn from these and other fields, and we welcome contributions from all interested persons.

Editor Managing Editor  Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor
Paul A. Nelson
Editorial Office:
615 Milwaukee Ave.
Suite 26
Glenview, IL
Voice and Fax: 847-832-9620
Bruce L. Gordon
History and
Philosophy of Science
Northwestern University
1818 Hinman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60208-1315
Voice: 847-832-9621
William A. Dembski
Discovery Institute
1402 Third Avenue
Suite 415
Seattle, WA 98101
Voice: 972-570-3751
Stephen C. Meyer
Department of Philosophy
Whitworth College
300 W. Hawthorne Road
Spokane, WA 99251-1502
Voice: 509-466-1000, x4548
Jonathan Wells
Molecular and
Cell Biology
111A Stanley Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
Fax: 707-427-8703

Dennis Wagner
Access Research Network
(719) 633-1772
(888) 259-7102 (orders only)
Publications Manager
Edwin P. Olson
Premier Publications
Colorado Springs, CO

Access Research Network is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization based in Colorado Springs, CO, providing accessible information on science, technology, and society issues. To reach arn: You may contact us via Internet at to drop us a note, or to request more information. We can also be contacted through the ARN web site at: Orders may be placed on our toll-free voice mail order line at: (888) 259-7102.

ORIGINS & DESIGN (ISSN 0748-9919) is published 2-4 times per year. Subscription price for 4 issues is $20 per year/$30 per year foreign (library rate: $60/U.S., $70/foreign) by Access Research Network, P.O. Box 38069, Colorado Springs, CO, 80937-8069. Second-class postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Access Research Network, P.O. Box 38069, Colorado Springs, CO 80937-8069. Change of Address: Four to six weeks' notice is required. Please include old and new addresses, including zip codes. Unsolicited material cannot be returned unless accompanied by sufficient return postage. Copyright © 1997 by Access Research Network. All submissions including letters should be sent to P.A. Nelson, 615 Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 26, Glenview, IL 60025-5636.

Back issues available for $7.00 each.

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