

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis - Peter Saunders interviews John Lennox FOCLOnline
What in the World Is Your View? - Worldview Series J.R. Miller
Scientific Evidence For Life After Death - Gary Habermas Gary Habermas
In Defence of the Soul - Dr. Ralph Weir Oxford University
Why I believe in God: John Lennox interview with Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing Premiere Unbelievable?
Evolution’s False Predictions: Introduction Darwin's God
Molecules Don't Care About Life! Discovery Science
Protein Evolution Darwin's God
Histone proteins cannot tolerate much change Darwin's God
Can Science Explain Everything? Dr. Lennox & Dr. Tour Dr. James Tour
The Emergence of Life on Earth UCTV Seminars
Exposing the lies of Dave Farina, aka "Professor Dave" The God talk
Dr. Matt McLain discusses the "Carboniferous Explosion" of Amphibians Creation Unfolding
Exploring Feathered Dinosaurs with Dr. Matt McLain and Dr. Marcus Ross Creation Unfolding
More perfect than we imagined: A physicist’s view of life University of Washington
The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics -- And why I don't believe it YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder
10 Questions on Fine Tuning with Stephen Meyer Sean McDowell
Can Scientists Answer These Questions? RNA Abiogenesis Chemical Natural Selection & more Dr. James Tour
Live Q&A with Dr. James Tour on the Origin of Life Challenge Dr. James Tour
We've made life in the lab, right? Scientists with faith + abiogenesis theory of origin of life Dr. James Tour
Why Hands-On Chemistry Experiments Can't Simulate A Prebiotic Earth (Ep. 4) Stephen Meyer
Can cells think? | Michael Levin The Well
Does God Exist? | The Scientific Case For Intelligent Design - Dr. Stephen C. Meyer Freedom Pact
Oxford Mathematician Destroys Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!) Daily Dose of Wisdom
PhD Physicist Refutes Popular Claims Against Intelligent Design & God: Interview with Dr. Brian Miller CJM
Extravagant Claims: James Tour & Stephen Meyer Critique Origin of Life Research (Ep. 2) Stephen Meyer
The Science, Theology and Philosophy of Life // William Lane Craig and James Tour on Life's Origins Dr. James Tour
William Lane Craig: "What evidence do we have for God's existence?" Livermore Lab Events
Fossil Sequences: Evidence for evolution or special creation? - Part 4 Creation Unfolding
Can Intelligent Design Explain Evolution? - Casey Luskin Andrew Klavan
Return of the God Hypothesis | A Conversation with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer and Dr. Roi Yozevitch Dose of Greatness
“Is the Cosmological Argument Still Sound?” With Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer Reasonable Faith
John Lennox: Why did Hawking say you must choose between God and science? Practical Wisdom
Can Science Find God? feat. Stephen Meyer and Michael Shermer Bryan Callen
Intelligent Design: Science or Philosophy? William Lane Craig Dr. Craig Videos
Intelligent Design Expert on the the Big Bang and the James Webb Telescope PowerfulJRE
James Tour & Stephen Meyer Bring Clarity to the Origin of Life Debate (Ep. 1) Stephen Meyer
Origins of the RNA-Protein World – Lost in Translation? John Sutherland, Cambridge
Why Dawkins is wrong Denis Noble
Thermodynamics Expert Addresses Dave Farina: Chemistry Points to ID | Interview w Dr. Brian Miller CJM
Dave Farina of Professor Dave Explains: Reflection on the abiogenesis debate with James Tour Critical Faculty
Exposing the lies of Dave Farina, aka "Professor Dave" The God Talk
Otangelo Grasso debate with Grayson on the Origin of Life Based Theory
Can Mutations Plus Co-option Produce Novel Structures? Part 5 Creation Unfolding
Christian Worldview 101 Joseph R. Miller
What is Consciousness? Stephen Braude
It's not AI consciousness that worries me, but their intelligence. Sabine Hossenfelder
12 Questions about the Origin of the Universe (w/ Stephen Meyer) Dr. Sean McDowell
The (Crazy) State of Origin-of-Life Research (w/ James Tour) Dr. Sean McDowell
The 5 core principles of life | Nobel Prize-winner Paul Nurse Big Think
Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life? Dr. James Tour
How Do Scientists Think Life Originated? Dr. Craig Videos
Why Believe in God? w/ William Lane Craig and Michael Ruse Bryan Callen
Stephen Meyer: Has Humanity Forgotten God? 2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith
Matt Walsh Responds To Prof. Dave's What Is A Woman Video Matt Walsh
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer on the Scientific Status of Intelligent Design & the Multiverse The Carpenter's Desk
Christianity & Origins of Life Research w/ Jim Tour and William Lane Craig Capturing Christianity
Shroud of Turin: The evidence, that corroborates Jesus' historicity and biblical identity The God talk
Science, Mathematics, and Beauty - Prof Andy McIntosh Truth in Science
The shaky foundations of cosmology | Bjørn Ekeberg Institute of Art and Ideas
Origin of Life: Controversial Chemist Shakes up Scientific Community | Problems with Primordial Soup Dr. James Tour
Dr. Brian Miller - Intelligent Design, Thermodynamics, And The Origin of Life Archives of Creation
Michael Levin | Cell Intelligence in Physiological and Morphological Spaces SEMF
Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali: Where does order in nature come from? Premier Unbelievable?
Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Religion and Gender | The Full Interview Piers Morgan Uncensored
A Jewish Defense of the Trinity - The Case for Messiah One for Israel
Apologetics Roadshow
Evolution as a Religious Theory Darwin's God
Design Patterns in the Human Body Discovery Science
11 Archaeological Finds for the Gospels (Dr. Titus Kennedy) Dr. Sean McDowell
Return of the God Hypothesis, Dr. Stephen Meyer Church of Southland
Dr. Robert P. George | "God, Natural Law and the Crisis of Morality in the West" Southern Seminary
The Death Knell for Life from an RNA world The God talk
Dr. James Tour: How Did Life Come into Being? Socrates in the City
Dr. Tour Unmasks Double-Standards & Inaccurate Commentary - Steve Benner, Part 01 Dr. James Tour
Dr. Tour MINES Data on Origin of Life Claims - Steve Benner, Part 02 Dr. James Tour
Dr. Tour SHINES LIGHT on Scientific Paradoxes on Origin of Life - Steve Benner, Part 03 Dr. James Tour
Does science make belief in God unreasonable? More Than Cake
Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray Hoover Institution
Reasoning With Unbelievers
Dr. Greg Bahnsen
"I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist": Dr. Frank Turek at Ohio State University Eric Chabot
A skeptical look at Atheism Andy McIntosh
Antony Flew's Conversion from Atheism Max Bauer
Dr. Craig DESTROYS Hume's Argument Against Miracles with a Simple Analogy Capturing Christianity
The Early Creeds: Historical Facts About Jesus from 30 to 55 AD | Gary Habermas NOBTS Apologetics
Dealing with Factual Doubt - Gary Habermas Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA
Dealing with Emotional Doubt - Gary Habermas Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA
Tugging at Our Hearts: The Biblical Imagery of Heaven - Gary Habermas Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA
Is God Ignoring Me? Making Sense of God's Silence - Gary Habermas Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA
Did the Resurrection Really Happen? | William Lane Craig Veritas Forum at UCSB
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas) Capturing Christianity
Answering the Problems of Evil with Dr. Clay Jones Capturing Christianity
The Problem of Suffering and the Goodness of God - Ravi Zacharias at Johns Hopkins Veritas Forum
Why Suffering? Finding Meaning in our Difficult World - Ravi Zacharias C. S. Lews Institute
Answering 5 Big Objections to Christianity with Dr. Jerry Walls  Capturing Christianity
Answering the Problems of Evil with Dr. Clay Jones Capturing Christianity
From Atheism to Christianity: Why This Scientist Accepted Jesus
Capturing Christianity
Another Intelligent Atheist Changes His Mind Living Waters
Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? Nabeel Qureshi Rice Chi Alpha
More than a Defense: 10 episode apologetics series with Jonathan Bartlett BP Learning
The Universe Next Door - Dr. Mokulis, Meet Dr. Denton! - Tom Woodward Apologetics.org
Did Jesus Exist? - Bart Ehrman & Robert Price Debate Bart D. Ehrman
Dr. Craig Calmly Refutes Dr. Ehrman's 'Conflicting Gospels' Argument Capturing Christianity
Stephen Meyer Interviews John Lennox about going "Against the Tide" Discovery Science
Are the Gospels Historically Reliable? - Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona Debate Mike Licona
Jesus' Resurrection: Atheist, Antony Flew, and Theist, Gary Habermas, Dialogue Veritas Forum
Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist's Conversion Testimony) Acts 17 Apologetics
Dr. David Wood shares his testimony @ IPC Hebron | Houston MARZ TV Productions
The Loud Absence - Where is God in Suffering? John Lennox at Harvard Med School Veritas Forum
Learn How To Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century - Ravi Zacharias Saddleback Church
Reasonable Faith Animated Videos Dr. Craig Videos
Apologetics Academy Collection Jonathan McLatchie
How Can a Good God Allow Evil? Does Life Have Meaning? - Dr. Ravi Zacharias 100 Huntley Street
My Journey to Christ - Nabeel Qureshi Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: The Christian Testimony of Nabeel Qureshi Acts 17 Apologetics
Q&A with Dr. Craig Hazen and Dr. J.P. Moreland Reveal Conference
Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil? - John MacArthur Ligonier Ministries
Is Jesus the Only Way? - John MacArthur Ligonier Ministries
Why Believe Jesus Christ is God? Christ Community Chapel
William Lane Craig Responds to Bart Ehrman's Wild Comments on @CosmicSkeptic Capturing Christianity
Learn How To Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century with Ravi Zacharias Saddleback Church
Where in the Bible does Jesus actually say he is God? | Michael Ramsden Zacharias Trust
Did Jesus Claim to Be God in His Teachings? drcraigvideos
Did Jesus Really Claim to be God? (Q&A with Ravi Zacharias) Christ Community Chapel
A New, Mind-blowing Solution to the Problem of Evil (Justin Mooney) Capturing Christianity
Why Do You Think Richard Dawkins Won't Debate You? (Question to Wiliam Lane Craig)
The New Atheists: Old Arguments New Attitude - Greg Koukl Apologetics Canada
Dr. Craig Breaks Down Nearly EVERY BOOK He's EVER Written! Capturing Christianity
Dr. Frank Turek Answers Questions on Evolution, Apologetics, and Memes Capturing Christianity
Powerful Arguments for Dualism Capturing Christianity
Freeman Dyson - 'God appears to be a mathematician' Web of Stories
Does Math Point to God? William Lane Craig + Graham Oppy Capturing Christianity
What of People Moving Towards Pantheism & Panentheism Based on Quantum Physics? Dr. Craig Videos
The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeology at Iowa State Veritas Forum
Dr. Mike Licona Refutes 3 SUPER WEIRD Theories About the Resurrection Capturing Christianity
THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: Is it believable? Two Atheists Interview Christian Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
James Tour & Rebecca McLaughlin: Confronting Christianity Science & Faith Podcast
"Agree to Argue" - New YouTube Channel Reasons to Believe
How Did the Universe Begin? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer PragerU
Did the Universe Begin to Exist? William Lane Craig vs Alex Malpass Capturing Christianity
James Tour and Fritz Schaefer: The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God The Science & Faith Podcast
Stars, Cells, and God | Does the James Webb Space Telescope Reveal that the Big Bang Never Happened? Reasons to Believe
The Fine-Tuning Argument // 90-Minute Q&A with Dr. Luke Barnes Capturing Christianity
Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind? Closer To Truth
The Big Bang is Probably Not What You Think It Is Domain of Science
Sir Roger Penrose & William Lane Craig • The Universe: How did it get here & why are we part of it? Unbelievable?
Stephen Meyer Discusses the Big Bang, Einstein, Hawking, & More Discovery Science
Did the Universe Begin to Exist? William Lane Craig vs Alex Malpass Capturing Christianity
A Cosmologist Explains Why the Universe is Fine-Tuned for Life (Dr. Luke Barnes) Capturing Christianity
Answering Objections to the Fine-Tuning Argument with Dr. Robin Collins and Dr. Josh Rasmussen Capturing Christianity
Stephen Meyer Shatters The Myth Of The Multiverse (Science Uprising 04) Discovery Science
Counterprogramming for Cosmos 3.0: Two New Videos from Science Historian Mike Keas Evolution News
Frank Tipler: The Singularity Discovery Science
God and the Astronomer Illustra Media
Big Universe. Bigger God. Illustra Media
The Heavens Declare Illustra Media
Of Fingertips and Galaxies - 2 Minute Wonders series John 1010 Project
How Did the Universe Begin? - The Kalam Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig Dr. Craig Videos
The Kalam Cosmological Argument and Fine-Tuning: A Documentary First Cause Argument
On the Origin and Design of the Universe - Michael Strauss ARN - Origins 101
The Mounting Evidence for Design - Hugh Ross ARN - Origins 101
The Privileged Planet Illustra Media
The Privileged Planet - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards ARN - Origins 101
On the Origin of the Cosmos - An Interview - Michael Strauss ARN - Origins 101
Creation of the Cosmos - Walter Bradley ARN - Origins 101
Fine Tuning, Intelligent Design, and Naturalism - Robin Collins ARN - Origins 101
Timelapse of the Entire Universe Melodysheep
Hubble's Amazing Universe BBC
Hubble: Universe in Motion Cosmic Journeys
John Lennox Reflects on Stephen Hawking's Life & Beliefs Fixed Point Foundation
Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 1 RZIM
What Happened Before the Big Bang? Fermilab
Must Multiple Universes Exist? Closer to Truth
The Drake Equation is Useless (Part 1) - Ask a Spaceman! Paul M. Sutter
The Drake Equation is Useless (Part 2) - Ask a Spaceman! Paul M. Sutter
Was the universe made for us? Sabine Hossenfelder
Where do atoms come from? Sabine Hossenfelder
Dr. Tour EXPOSES the False Science Behind Origin of Life Research Rice University
James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life Discovery Science
Dr. James Tour - Synthetic Organic Chemist on the Origins of Life The Eric Metaxas Radio Show
The Science & Faith Podcast - James Tour & Brian Miller: Thermodynamics and Origin of Life Dr. James Tour
Addressing Abiogenesis & Common Misconceptions (15 videos) Dr. James Tour
Scientists are Clueless on the Origin of Life | Lecture @ Andrews University
Dr. James Tour
Abiogenesis Hypothesis ULTRA Pack! Free Course w/ Rice University Chemist Dr. James Tour
Are we close to discovering the Origin of Life? James Tour vs Lee Cronin Unbelievable?
Podcast: Walter Bradley on the new, expanded edition of The Mystery of Life’s Origin Uncommon Descent
Walter Bradley on Origin of Life Research (Part 1) Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020
James Tour: The Origin of Life Has Not Been Explained Discovery Science
Thermodynamics, the Origin of Life, and Intelligent Design - Brian Miller Dig and Delve
The protein folding problem: a major conundrum of science: Ken Dill TEDxSBU
Michael Denton Discusses The Miracle of the Cell ID the Future
DNA Is Code: Who Coded It? (Science Uprising 03) Discovery Science
On the Origin of Life - Dr. James Tour Syracuse University
The Origin of Life: An Inside Story - James Tour The Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University
How Did Life Begin? - Michael Behe IDquest
Origin: Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance Philip Cunningham
The Mystery of the Origin of Life: James Tour Discovery Science
Stuart Bartlett on What “Life” Means Mindscape Podcast
Programming of Life Programming of Life
Programming of Life 2: Earth Programming of Life
Energy and Matter at the Origin of Life Gresham College
Thermodynamics and Origins of Life: A Conversation with Brian Miller Apologetics Academy
Origin (Trailer for 2016 film on the origin of life) Illustra Media
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution - Stephen Meyer vs. Peter Ward (rematch) Talk of the Times - Seattle, WA
Abiogenesis: The Faith and the Facts - Edward Peltzer ARN - Origins 101
How on Earth did life begin? Lee Cronin, Perry Marshall and Denis Noble on the origins of life Unbelievable?
Focus on the Origin of Life - Dean Kenyon ARN - Origins 101
Focus on the Origin of Life - Charles Thaxton ARN - Origins 101
Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics, Part 1 Stephen Meyer
How Did Life Begin? - Michael Behe IDquest
Life on Earth May Have Started Almost Instantaneously Daily Galaxy
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter Hoover Institution
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves Discovery Science
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves Socrates in the City
Less is More: How Darwinian Evolution Helps Species Adapt by Breaking Genes - Michael Behe
Dig and Delve
Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin Discovery Science
Evolution and the Experts - Douglas Axe Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020
Protein structure cannot evolve by mutations, shows study undercutting Darwin - Axe, Meyer & Nelson Solemn Existence
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter Hoover Institution
James Tour & John Sanford: Genetic Entropy & Genome Degeneration Science & Faith Podcast
Evolution: Not A Chance! - Dr. David Menton  
Listen: Molecular Biologist Douglas Axe Explains the Protein Evolution Problem Evolution News
Maxwell’s Angel: God and the Physics of Design in Life's Molecular Machines | Paul D. Ashby C.S. Lewis Society of California
Brilliant and Beautiful, but Wrong Detecting Design
DARWIN'S RIVAL: Alfred Russel Wallace's Fight for INTELLIGENT Evolution | Feat. Michael Flannery Rational Religion
Great Minds: Meyer, Medved on the Origin of Animal Life Discovery Science
Queen Mary University of London
Uncommon Knowledge with David Berlinski on “The Deniable Darwin” Hoover Institution
Michael Behe Is Returning With His Latest Book, Darwin Devolves Discovery Science News
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves Socrates in the City
The Edge of Evolution: the Limits of Darwinism - Michael Behe Book TV - CSPAN 2
The Fossil Record: Implications for Neo-Darwinian Evolution (with Dr. Günter Bechly) Apologetics Academy
Fossil Discontinuities: A Refutation of Darwinism and Confirmation of Intelligent Design - Gunter Bechly Uncommon Descent
A Paleontologist on Why the “Cambrian Explosion” Label Persists Discovery
Evolution - Dr. James Tour  
Genetics Proves Design and Disproves Evolution - Dr. Stephen Meyer - 1 of 2 NephilimFree
Genetics Proves Design and Disproves Evolution - Dr. Stephen Meyer - 2 of 2 NephilimFree
Anatomist Dr. David Menton Responds to "Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body" Answers in Genesis
"Darwin's Corrosive Idea" John West Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020
The Dependency Graph of Life: A Conversation with Dr. Winston Ewert Apologetics Academy
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven Prager U
Jonathan Wells Presents His Latest Book Zombie Science Discovery Science
Darwin's Nightmare (Basics of Intelligent Design Biology, Ep. 1) Discovery Science
Information Enigma Discovery Science News
Darwinian Evolution: A Pseudo-Science based on Unrestrained Imagination and Bad Liberal Theology Philip Cunningham
What are the Limits of Darwinism? - Michael Behe at the University of Toronto Power to Change - Students
Darwin's Doubt Stephen C. Meyer - YouTube Channel
Darwinian Evolution Fails the Five Standard Tests of a Scientific Hypothesis Philip Cunningham
Darwin's Heretic - Alfred Wallace Alfred Wallace - YouTube Channel
John Sanford - How Darwin Got It Wrong Creation
Cell-Directed Mutations Blyth Institute
Genetic Entropy Debate: Salvador Cordova vs. Ron Garret Standing for Truth
Iconoclast: One Journalist's Odyssey through the Darwin Debates Discovery Science News
Revolutionary (Trailer) Discovery
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design - Stephen Meyer Reasons: Conversations on Science and Faith
Stephen Meyer & Eric Metaxas Discuss "Darwin's Doubt" Socrates in the City
Darwin's Dilemma (Documentary) Illustra Media
"Darwin's Doubt" with Stephen Meyer Socrates in the City
Is Evolution Compelling? - from the Hunter-Ruse debate Cornelius Hunter
What are the Limits of Darwinism? - Michael Behe Power to Change - University of Toronto
On a Theory of Conservation: Stasis Is Natural; Is Evolution? - Art Battson ARN - Origins 101
The Biotic Message - Walter ReMine ARN - Origins 101
An Interview with Walter ReMine ARN - Origins 101
On the Theory of Evolution - Michael Ruse, Bruce Tiffney, Jonathan Wells ARN - Origins 101
How Darwinists Think - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
A Critique of Darwinist Icons (Icons of Evolution) - Jonathan Wells ARN - Origins 101
The Cambrian Explosion - Stephen Meyer and Marcus Ross ARN - Origins 101
Darwinism on Trial - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
Focus on Darwinism - Michael Denton ARN - Origins 101
Doubting Darwin: An Interview with Scott Minnich ARN - Origins 101
Blind Watchmaker: A Skeptical Look at Darwinism - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
Molecular Machines and the Death of Darwinism - Wells, Dembski, Nelson, Macosko ARN - Origins 101
Focus on Darwinism - An Interview with Dean Kenyon ARN - Origins 101
Darwinian Evolution Fails the Five Standard Tests of a Scientific Hypothesis  
Doubts on Darwinism - JP Moreland IDquest
Dinosaurs in Wyoming formation - Dr. Kurt Wise Truett McConnell University
What is the Fossil Record? - Dr. Marcus Ross Is Genesis History?
Is Homology Evidence for Evolution? | Long Story Short, Ep. 1 Discovery Science
A Whale of an Evolution Tale | Long Story Short, Ep. 2 Discovery Science
Does Science Point To God? - Stephen Meyer Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020
Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix? | John Lennox & Pascal Wallisch Veritas Forum at NYU
J.P. Moreland: Discerning God's Voice - When God Seems Silent Biola University
One God or Many Universes? Stephen Meyer Explores How Fine-Tuning Points to Intelligent Design Discovery Science
Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis Socrates in the City
What's Wrong with Atheism? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer PragerU
A New, Mind-blowing Solution to the Problem of Evil (Justin Mooney) Capturing Christianity
Is there a God? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Peter Atkins (Part 1) Jonathan McLatchie
Is there a God? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Peter Atkins (Part 2: Q&A) Jonathan McLatchie
Does God Exist? - William Lane Craig debates Austin Dacey Wintery Knight (Review and link to video)
Dr. Craig Rebuts the "Best Atheist Arguments" from Ricky Gervais and Co. Capturing Christianity
Genesis 1 BibleProject
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the SAME GOD? (Dr. Tomas Bogardus) Capturing Christianity
Freeman Dyson - 'God appears to be a mathematician' Web of Stories
Michael Ruse vs John Lennox • Science, Faith, and the Evidence for God Unbelievable?
Does Atheism Poison Everything? | Debate: Christopher Hitchens vs. David Berlinski Fixed Point Foundation
If There Is No God, Murder Isn't Wrong PragerU
Atheism, Theism, and Overcoming Bias // @CosmicSkeptic + Josh Rasmussen Capturing Christianity
Evidence for God's Existence Apart from the Bible - Ashby Camp The Outlet
Where did the laws of nature come from? Hugh Ross vs Peter Atkins Unbelievable?
Does God Exist? - Dr. Gordon Stein (Athiest) vs Dr Greg Bahnsen (Jesus follower) UC Irvine
Is It Reasonable To Believe There Is A God? - Lawrence Krauss vs William Lane City Bible Forum - Australia
Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis Socrates in the City
Krauss, Meyer, Lamoureux: What’s Behind it all? God, Science and the Universe. Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto
Does the Existence of Evil Exculpate God As the Cause of the Universe? J. Warner Wallace
What We Missed in Genesis - William Lane Craig Reasonable Faith
Miracles and Probability: Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Brian Blais Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: Is it believable? Two Atheists Interview Christian Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
Is Faith Delusional? Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
The God Delusion Debate - Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox Fixed Point Foundation
Deconstructing New Atheist Objections to the Arguments for God and Q&A Reasonable Faith
My Journey to Christ - Nabeel Qureshi Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
A Medical Doctor THOROUGHLY DEBUNKS the Hallucination Hypothesis Capturing Christianity
If the Multiverse Is True, Is There a Need for God? Hugh Ross - Reasons to Believe
Is God Great? - Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox Fixed Point Foundation
Is Faith Delusional? - John Lennox & Ravi Zacharias Cherubim Church
The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) Living Waters
Does God Exist? What the Modern World Has Forgotten Harding University
Hugh Ross - Lawrence Krauss on Genesis 1:1 Sentinel Apologetics
Has Science Buried God? - University of Chicago Open Forum with John Lennox Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Is there evidence for a Cosmic Creator - Hugh Ross vs Lewis Wolpert True Science
Big Universe. Bigger God. Illustra
How Do I Know God Exists? - Dinesh D'Souza Theology, Philosophy and Science
World's Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God Because of Science Y227
An atheist changes his mind about God godnewevidence
The Privileged Planet Illustra Media
Michael Shermer and Alister McGrath: Is God a Figment of Our Imagination? Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto
Latest Scientific Evidence for God's Existence - Hugh Ross Theology, Philosophy and Science
Scientific Arguments For A Creator - Victor Stenger vs Hugh Ross Atheist vs. Theist Debates
The Proof For God Without the Bible - JP Moreland Max Bauer
God and Stephen Hawking - John Lennox IDQuest
Atheist turned Christian - Alistar McGrath CBC - The Hour
The Existence of God - Ravi Zacharias Apologia Acts 17:17
The Hiddenness of God - Ravi Zacharias RZIM
The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel Illustra Media
Questions and Answers with Professor John Lennox  
Scientific Proof of God - Gerald Schroeder Science Finds God
Atheist Dogma Debunks Itself - John Lennox  
Why God Won't Go Away - Alister McGrath LICC Media
Atheist Physicists Prove God - Anthropic Principle Fails  
We Don't Do God? - Christopher Hitchens and John Haldane Veritas Forum at Oxford University
Does the God of Christianity Exist? - Christopher Hitchens, William Lane Craig, Douglas Wilson, Lee Strobel, and Jim Dennison Christianity Today
Can Physics Prove God and Christianity? Frank Tipler vs Lawrence Krauss Skeptics Society
Does God Exist Debate - Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig Biola University
Does God Exist? - Jonathan McLatchie vs Charles Villet Monash University
Does God Exist? - Frank Turek vs Christopher Hitchens Debate Christian Apologetics
Does God Exist? - John Lennox vs. Michael Shermer Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, Australia
God: Fact or Fiction? - John Lennox Veritas Forum at UNC
Philosophy, Science and the God Debate (Part 1) - Alister McGrath, Keith Ward and John Lennox Christian Television Association
God and Cosmology - William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll - 2014 Greer Heard Forum Reasonable Faith
What’s Behind it all? God, Science and the Universe - Lawrence Krauss, Stephen C. Meyer, and Dennis Lamoureux Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto
God, Science & the Big Questions: Leading Christian Thinkers Respond to the New Atheism - J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and John Lennox Reasonable Faith
Has Science Buried God? - Lennox vs. Dawkins Debate Fixed Point Foundation at Oxford University
Has Science Buried God? - Dr. John Lennox Veritas Forum at Arizona State University
Did Science Kill God? - Dr. John Lennox Veritas Forum at UCLA
God: Fact or Fiction? - Dr. John Lennox Veritas Forum at Vanderbilt University
The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski Theology, Philosophy and Science
The Atheist Delusion Movie Living Waters
Science Has Found "Proof" of the Existence of God Fact Reality
Truth in a Time of Crisis | Ravi Zacharias Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Powerful Arguments for Dualism Capturing Christianity
Gary Habermas Answers Questions on NDE's, the Nature of Resurrection Appearances, & Lots More Capturing Christianity
Aliens, the Multiverse, or God? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer PragerU
Understanding Intelligent Design — The Humpty-Dumpty Experiment and What It May Mean Subboor Ahmad with Paul Nelson
Stephen Meyer—Return of God Hypothesis: 3 Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe Skeptic
By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator Hoover Institution
What Is Intelligent Design? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer PragerU
An Empirical Argument for Intelligent Design - Michael Behe Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020
New Video of Scientists Speaking Out about Intelligent Design Uncommon Descent
Fearfully, Wonderfully, Deliberately: The Argument for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry - Michael Behe Dig and Delve
Is Intelligent Design Defensible? Michael Behe Says YES! Dr. Sean McDowell
Stephen Meyer Investigates Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design (Lecture 1) Discovery Science
A Summary of the Evidence for Intelligent Design Granville Sewell
Wonders of Creation: Defined Design Apologetics Press
Why Human Skeletal Joints Are Masterpieces of Engineering Discovery Science
Evolution by Design: Exploring an Evolution-Compatible Natural Theology - Zachary Ardern FOCLOnline
Evolutionary Theory is a Big Deal - George Sinclair Dig and Delve
Causes & Consequences - John Patrick Dig and Delve
Dig and Delve Q&A 2019-1: Pastor George Sinclair, Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Michael Behe Dig and Delve
Dig and Delve Q&A 2019-2: Brian Miller, Robert Larmer Dig and Delve
Summary of intelligent design discussion, with Ben Shapiro and Stephen C. Meyer Wintery Knight
The Primacy of Information for Science: A Conversation between Fred Skiff and Bill Dembski Spry Things
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven Prager U
Someone Must Have the Answer! (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 1) Discovery Science
The Complexity of Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 2) Discovery Science
The Power of Evolution (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 3) Discovery Science
The Effects of Mutation (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 4) Discovery Science
The X-Factor in Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 5) Discovery Science
Intelligent design, creation, and evolution: Interview with Eric Chabot Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
Videos Now Available from the Recent ID Conference In Austria Evolution News
Biology and Design series Geoscience Research Institute
Intelligent Design 3.0 - Stephen C. Meyer Stephen C. Meyer
Marcos Eberlin: The Intelligent Design of Water Makes it a Supernatural Liquid Discovery Science
Michael Behe Investigates Evolution and Intelligent Design Discovery U
Does Information Create the Cosmos? Closer to Truth
How Do We See Intelligent Design in Nature? - Dr. Paul Nelson Is Genesis History?
Message from the Molecules – They Say “Intelligent Design” Discovery Science
Habitabilty for Billions of Humans Reasons to Believe
Illustra Media Collection Illustra
Biology and Design series Geoscience Research Institute
Illustra Media Celebrates Animal Diversity Creation-Evolution Headlines
Purposeful Design at the Foundation of Life - Michael Behe IDquest
Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film Creation-Evolution Headlines
Stephen Meyer - Evolution & Intelligent Design (2018) LoveYourNeighbour
Habitability for the Redemption of Billions - Hugh Ross Reasons to Believe
Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines Discovery Institute
Bacterial Flagellum - A Sheer Wonder Of Intelligent Design Philip C
The Genius of Birds – Paul Nelson Origins
Water, Ultimate Giver of Life, Points to Intelligent Design Discovery Science News
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution 2.0 - The Protestant Reformation of Evolutionary Biology Cosmic Fingerprints
Design DisQuisitions - Collections of YouTube videos related to Darwinian Theory and ID by subject and speaker  
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design Stephen Meyer - IDQuest
Irreducible Complexity vs Evolution | RE: Intelligent Design | Michael J. Behe Theology, Philosophy, and Science
The Creation Conversation - Part 1 - Stephen Meyer and Michael Behe  
Bacterial Flagellum - A Sheer Wonder Of Intelligent Design Philip Cunnigham
Intelligent Design Vs. Evolution 2.0 - Perry Marshall debates Stephen Meyer Cosmic Fingerprints
A German Scientist Speaks Out about Intelligent Design Discovery Science News
Stephen Meyer Debates Oxford University Chemist Peter Atkins Unbelievable
Design Beyond DNA: A Conversation with Jonathan Wells Apologetics Academy
ID theorists Steve Meyer and Doug Axe on Royal Society meeting (audio) Uncommon Descent
Webinar with Dr. Douglas Axe Apologetics Academy
Unbelievable? Is design in nature undeniable? - Doug Axe vs Keith Fox Premiere Christian Radio
Journey Inside The Cell Discovery Institute
Information Enigma Discovery Science News
Biology of the Baroque Discovery Science News
C.S. Lewis & Intelligent Design C.S. Lewis Web
Privileged Species Discovery Science News
Fire-Maker: How Humans Were Designed to Harness Fire & Transform Our Planet - Michael Denton privilegedspecies.com
Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed - Douglas Axe www.undeniabledesign.org
The Creation Conversation, Part 1 - Michael Behe and Stephen Meyer Watermark
The Creation Conversation, Part 2 - Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer and David Berlinski Watermark
Intelligent Design: The Biochemical Evidence - Michael Behe Apologetics Academy
Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Documentary) Illustra Media
The Privileged Planet (Documentary) Illustra Media
EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed (Documentary) Premise Media
Creation, Evolution or Both? - Hugh Ross, Fuz Rana, Harry Nelson, Kevin Plaxco ARN - Origins 101
Intelligent Design: From the Big Bang to Biology - Michael Behe ARN - Origins 101
Intelligent Design Under Fire - Panel Discussion at Biola University ARN - Origins 101
Irreducible Complexity - Michael Behe ARN - Origins 101
Convergent Evolution - Fuz Rana ARN - Origins 101
Paradigm of Design: The Bacterial Flagellum - Scott Minnich ARN - Origins 101
Becoming - If you ever need a reminder of the reality of design...s Aeon Video
Detecting Design in Biology - William Dembski and Niall Shanks ARN - Origins 101
Scientists and Their Molecular Machines - H. "Fritz" Schaefer, Michael Behe ARN - Origins 101
Humans: Did We Evolve or Were We Created? Philip Cunningham
Perry Marshall takes on Behe's Darwin Devolves Evolution 2.0
Why Isn't Intelligent Design Science? Tomorrow's World Viewpoint
Are lipid bilayers fine-tuned? Sphingolipid Biology
The Nature and Problems with Scientific Naturalism - J.P. Moreland FOCL Online
The Scientism Delusion - Ian Hutchinson Veritas Forum at UC San Diego
William Dembski - Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism? Closer to Truth
Three Big Ways Christianity Supported the Rise of Modern Science Explained by Historian Michael Keas Discovery Science
Three Big Myths about the History of Christianity and Science Exposed by Historian Michael Keas Discovery Science
The Primacy of Information for Science: A Conversation between Fred Skiff and Bill Dembski Spry Things
The Many Inadequate Justifications of Methodological Naturalism - Robert Larmer
Dig and Delve
Robert Larmer, God of the Gaps and Naturalism TJump
Why Evolution is Different Granville Sewell
Richard Dawkins Debates Alister McGrath Debates Online 
Michael Flannery on the Origin of Darwin’s Worldview ID the Future
Darwinian Materialism and/or Methodological Naturalism vs. Reality Uncommon Descent
Atheistic Naturalism vs. The Laws of Nature Philip Cunningham
Can Science Study God? Stated Casually
Why Science without Faith Leads to Post-Modernism - Jonathan Patrick
Dig and Delve
Is There Anything Wrong with "God of the Gaps" Reasoning? - Robert Larmer
Dig and Delve
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel Tom Huston
Darwinian Materialism and/or Methodological Naturalism vs. Reality Uncommon Descent
Information and the End of Materialism - William Dembski ID Quest
Monopolizing Knowledge: Can Science Explain Everything? - Ian Hutchinson Veritas Forum at Wesleyan
Darwin was an ideological figurehead not a scientist - John C. Sanford Ratio Christi
The trouble with Richard Dawkins - Michael Ruse Public Christianity
Can science explain everything? - John Lennox vs Peter Atkins Unbelievable?
Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism 2016 Conference The Blyth Institute
The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism C.S. Lewis Web
One Nation Under Darwin - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
David Berlinski on Science, Philosophy, and Society Hoover Institution
James Tour Speaks About Technology and Evolution  
God, Science, and Technology BP Learning
VFX Artist Reveals the True Scale of Atoms: If atoms were the size of tennis balls Corridor Crew
Is Infinity Real? BackReaction
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas) Capturing Christianity
What Can History Reveal About Christianity? Laura Robinson vs. Mike Licona Capturing Christianity
Gary Habermas Shares Historical Information Most People Don't Know About Jesus
Gary Habermas
5 Facts for the Resurrection by 36 AD Gary Habermas
This Historian has NEW Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Capturing Christianity
Three Big Ways Christianity Supported the Rise of Modern Science Explained by Historian Michael Keas Discovery Science
Are Religion and Science in Conflict? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer PragerU
The Science and Faith Podcast Dr. James Tour
Three Big Myths about the History of Christianity and Science Exposed by Historian Michael Keas Discovery Science
Finding true Judaism | In conversation with Jeff Morgan of @Jews for Jesus Dr. James Tour
Christian Origins of Modern Science? - Professor Peter Harrison Pepperdine University
The Bible Project (Excellent short animated summaries of books of the Bible and more) BibleProject
MIRACLES & PROBABILITY: Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Brian Blais Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
Why Would God Need A Blood Sacrifice Before He Could Love His Creation? Dr. Craig Videos
90 Minutes of Evidence for Noah's Flood - Dr. Kurt Wise Is Genesis History?
Origin, Meaning, Morality, Destiny - Ravi Zacharias Ligonier Ministries
Life's Four Big Questions, Q and A – by Ravi Zacharias The Bible-smith Project
Ravi Answers On God And The Bible, Abortion, Homosexuality, And War Nathan Prindler2
God's Will - Ravi Zacharias pmailletvideos
Peter van Inwagen - Big Questions in Free Will Closer to Truth
Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix? | Dr. John Lennox Claremont Center for Reason, Religion, and Public Affairs
Galileo and Medieval Science - James Hannam stjohnstimeline.co.uk
A Brief History of Atheism Rational Religion
What Can History Reveal About Christianity? Laura Robinson vs. Mike Licona Capturing Christianity
The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War 1
Discovery Science
Does Science Make Faith Obsolete? - James Tour Veritas Forum
Tolerance Under Fire - Ravi Zacharias at Dartmouth College The Veritas Forum
Signposts from a Suffering World Gordon College
Does Presuppositionalism Make ANY Sense?
Capturing Christianity
A Retrospective Look at The Origin of Species ARN - Origins 101
The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection HHMI BioInteractive Video
Realism vs. Materialism (Science Uprising 01) Discovery Science
No, You're Not a Robot Made Out of Meat (Science Uprising 02) Discovery Science
Jeffrey Schwartz: You Are More than Your Brain - Science Uprising Extra Content Discovery Science
Science and the Bible in Harmony Reasons Forum
Science & Faith - Dr. James Tour 100 Huntley
Why Did God Create Hominids? Fazale Rana - Reasons to Believe
Theistic Evolution - Stephen C. Meyer Biola University
God and/or Evolution - Michael Behe and Joshua Swamidass Veritas Forum
Creation in Scripture - Wayne Grudem Biola University
Who Defines What Is Real? - J.P. Moreland Biola University
What is Randomness? - Part 3 - Pseudorandomness, Periodicity, & Sufficient Iteration David Nguyen
On Human Uniqueness - Ann Gauger Biola University
Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film Creation-Evolution Headlines
God and Evolution: A Critique of Theistic Evolution Phoenix Seminary
God and Evolution: The Problem with Theistic Evolution IDquest
God and/or Evolution? - Michael Behe and Joshua Swamidass Veritas Forum
Four Lies the Culture Tells About the Truth - J. Warner Wallace Cold-Case Christianity
A Debate: Which Worldview Produces the Best World? Joel McDurmon vs. Richard Carrier
Why We Know Christianity is True J. Warner Wallace
Resurrection: Can the Bible Be Trusted? - Dr. James Tour Rice University
Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Is God Great? Debate Fixed Point Foundation
What Happens To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel? Planet Zion
Enigmata as infinitum: Questions of ultimate causation - Dr. David Galloway Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgo
John Lennox: The Question of Science and God - Part 1 Socrates in the City
John Lennox: The Question of Science and God - Part 2 Socrates in the City
Debate - Christopher Hitchens vs Alister McGrath - Is Religion a Poison or a Cure?  
Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Can Atheism Save Europe? Debate Fixed Point Foundation
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel Tom Huston
Creation in Scripture - Wayne Grudem Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series
Does the discovery of 200,000-year-old human remains in Israel challenge the biblical view of human origins? Fazale Rana - Reasons to Believe
Poison or Cure? Religious Belief in the Modern World - Christopher Hitchens vs Alister McGrath Georgetown University
Who Defines What Is Real? - J.P. Moreland Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series
On Human Uniqueness - Ann Gauger Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series
How Do We Handle Creation Controversies Within the Local Church? Reasons to Believe
David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions Hoover Institution
Genesis 1 and Science: Discord or Harmony? - Hugh Ross Theology, Philosophy and Science
The Amazing First Verse of the Bible PNN News
Genesis 1 and Science: Discord or Harmony? - Hugh Ross Theology, Philosophy and Science
Genesis and the Age of the Earth Trinity International University
Lawrence Krauss vs John Lennox - Science, the Universe, The God Question  
Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser vs. Ken Ham and Jason Lisle - Genesis Debate Sentinel Apologetics
Debate: Hugh Ross vs. Ken Ham TBN
Thinking Creation video series Geoscience Research Institute
The Nature of Evil and Suffering - John Lennox vs Michael Shermer Theology, Philosophy and Science
Does Atheism Poison Everything? - Christopher Hitchens vs David Berlinski Fixed Point Foundation
Answering New Atheist Objections and Fallacies - John Lennox Theology, Philosophy, and Science
Gödel, Infinity, and Jesus Christ as the Theory of Everything Philip Cunningham
Religion and Science: Can They Co-exist? - John Lennox NWU
What are 7 days of creation? - John Lennox Centre for Public Christianity
Hugh Ross Debates Kent Hovind - How Old Is the Earth? John Ankerberg
The Genesis Files: The Meaning and Purpose of Creation - John Lennox Theology, Philosophy, and Science
Atheist Dogma Debunks Itself - John Lennox 1GodOnlyOne
Debate: Atheists vs Christians - Krauss and Shermer vs D'Souza and Hutchinson Intelligence2 Debates
Is Religion Intellectually Dangerous? - John Lennox Power to Change
How Darwin Destroyed Reason: Formal and Final Causes - A Lecture by Prof. Stephen Clark Tyndale Philosophy
The New Atheism Discussion - John Lennox Theology, Philosophy, and Science
Darwin’s Beliefs - Anthony O'Hear Ian Ramsey Centre
Faith Has Its Reasons - Part 1 - John Lennox Ridley Melbourne College
Faith Has Its Reasons - Part 2 - John Lennox Ridley Melbourne College
Seven Days That Divide the World - John Lennox Socrates in the City
Should Christians Divide over the Age of the Earth? - Michael Horton, Stephen Meyer, Del Tackett, R.C. Sproul Jr, and R.C. Sproul Theology, Philosophy and Science
Understanding the Early Chapters of Genesis - Interview with Inspiring Philosophy Capturing Christianity
The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski Socrates in the City
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality Nancy Pearcy at The Heritage Foundation
Is Human Life Intrinsically Valuable?- Richard Weikart debates Peter Singer and Sue Blackmore Premiere Christian Radio
C.S. Lewis and Evolution C.S. Lewis Web
The Theological Roots of Modern Science - H. Fritz Schaefer ARN - Origins 101
Can Science Know the Mind of God? - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
The Right Questions - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
The Days of Genesis - Lee Irons ARN - Origins 101
Focus on Origins: From the Big Bang to Biology - Robert Newman ARN - Origins 101
Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic Philosophy? - Phillip E. Johnson vs William Provine ARN - Origins 101
Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? - Phllip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
Focus on Darwinism - Phllip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
Darwin: A Myth for the Post-Christian Mind - Stephen Meyer Ligonier Ministries
God and Evolution - A Conversation Between Ann Gauger and S. Joshua Swamidass Village Forum
The Surprising Science of Adam & Eve - Dr. S Joshua Swamidass Capturing Christianity
Understanding the Early Chapters of Genesis - Interview with Inspiring Philosophy Capturing Christianity
Swamidass and the Genealogical Adam and Eve J. R. Miller
The Question of the Historicity of Adam and Eve (Doctrine of Man - Part 13) Reasonable Faith
When Did Adam Live? - William Lane Craig Reasonable Faith
Did Adam and Eve Live Recently? William Lane Craig + Joshua Swamidass Capturing Christianity
Free Will, Souls, and the Problem of Evil | Richard Swinburne and Alex O'Connor Cosmic Skeptic
The Deepest Evil – Part 1 InGrace TV
Was Hitler anti-Christian? - A debate between Richard Weikart and Richard Carrier Premiere Christian Radio Podcast
The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War I Discovery Science News
From Darwin to Hitler University of California
Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism BBC
Darwinism and the Death of Humanity - Richard Weikart NDSU
Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism Discovery Science News
Raising Questions About Evolution in the Schools - Phillip E. Johnson ARN - Origins 101
Should Intelligent Design Be Taught in Public Schools? - Deamer, Darling, Nelson, D'Angostino ARN - Origins 101
Multi-scale Modeling of Chromatin and Nucleosomes - Animation of DNA, histones, epigenetic modifications Supercomputational Life Science
ATP Synthase: The power plant of the cell Discovery Science News
The Workhorse of the Cell: Kinesin Discovery Science News
First-ever data-driven videos illuminate RNA’s mysterious folding process Northwestern University
On the Origin of Phyla - James Valentine ARN - Origins 101
The Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection with Mutations - Bill Basener International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems, and Conservation Biology
Nature by Numbers - An Awesome Animation Cristóbal Vila
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives The Scientist
How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms The Scientist
Watching a salamander grow from a single cell Uncommon Descent
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