word sex comes from the Latin word secare which
means to separate or divide. Each of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes are separated from each other and placed within gametes called male sperm and female eggs. Human reproduction requires that the 23 chromosomes in
the sperm be joined to the 23 chromosomes in the egg to form a new human being.
The natural way this takes place is through sexual intercourse. This
involves the male depositing sperm from his erect penis deep into the female’s lubricated vagina so they
can travel through the cervix into the body of her uterus so one of them can
swim to and join up with an egg.
accomplish this task the male reproductive system (see above) is equipped with testicles
(also called testes), which, under the direction of hormones (see below),
produce sperm which travel through its genital duct system and external
genitalia out of his body. The female reproductive system (see above) is equipped
with external genitalia and a genital duct system to guide the sperm into her
body toward an egg that has, under the direction of hormones, been released
from one of her ovaries. The sperm and egg usually meet up in one of the
fallopian tubes of the uterus where the newly formed one-celled zygote forms a new human life. It soon starts to divide becoming an embryo which then migrates into the body of the uterus and implants in its lining
allowing it to grow and develop into a baby that exits the mother`s womb about
nine months later.
a given person’s survival does not depend on having the right parts working properly for
reproduction, we all know that without enough people having adequate sexual
function, the existence of the human race would be impossible. Moreover, as
difficult as it may be to explain the development of the different parts and
control mechanisms needed for human males and females to reproduce, we must also
realize that they must have come about simultaneously since neither a male nor a female is capable of continuing the human
race without the other.
this impressive array of the different structures of the male and female
reproductive systems, with the right specifications being placed exactly where
they need to be to allow them, under the control of a complicated hormonal
system, to do what they`re supposed to do, some evolutionary biologists conclude that this
set-up represents “bad design” and evidence for their theory; that life came
about solely from the unguided and purposeless
forces of natural selection acting on random variation (genetic mutation). In
particular, they point to the descended human male testicles contained
in a sack of skin called the scrotum that hangs outside his body. Since many
other animals (including a few mammals) have their testes safely tucked up
inside their body, neoDarwinists claim that for such
a vital male organ to be placed in such a vulnerable position represents “bad
this article I’ve chosen to cite just one critic, Dr. Abby Hafer,
who received her doctorate in zoology from Oxford University and teaches human
anatomy and physiology. The three composite quotes in the next section come
from her book The Not-So-Intelligent
Designer: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not.
This is a very important topic for her and would seem to be the main reason for
her book as in her introductory chapter she states “The male testicle is a
great first argument against ID (intelligent design) in the human body, and
this brings me to the alternative title for this book: Evolution, Intelligent Design and Men’s Testicles: Why Evolution
Explains the Human Body and Intelligent Design Does Not”.
The Critic Speaks
The testicles hang
outside the body in a sack of skin called the scrotum. Why? Because human body
temperature is too hot for sperm production. Having normal body temperature be
too hot for sperm production is bad design. So the testicles have to hang outside the body in the scrotum, thereby
putting a vulnerable organ in a vulnerable place. Putting a valuable and
vulnerable organ in such a vulnerable location is bad design. Men are put to all sorts of inconvenience
and risk severe pain and worse because of this unfortunate positioning. One
would think that God could do better. But if the testicles were designed, then
one wonders why God didn’t protect them better. Couldn’t the Designer have put
them inside the body, or encased them in bone, or at least put some bubble wrap
around them? Is this the best that the Designer can do?
But what if warm
body temperature and sperm production just can’t go together? Here’s one
solution. You’d think that the Designer would try to give us humans, who were
made in his image, the best deal that he could manage, wouldn’t you? But he
didn’t. Some warm-blooded animals have testicles that hang outside the body
when this is needed, but can be pulled up inside the body out of harm’s way
when this is the safer option. Actually lots of mammals get this deal. For
instance, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs can all do this. So when they want
to breed, the testicles can hang outside and stay cool. But when they’re not
breeding, they can be pulled up inside for safekeeping. Think of the
convenience! Many men would kill for
this option. First off, men could control their fertility easily, in a
convenient and nonpermanent way. They could pull their testicles in most of the
time but when they wanted to breed, they could pull their testicles out for a
few days to make fresh sperm. So who does the Designer like better—mice or men?
Does the Creator
like frogs better than men, our cold-blooded relatives don’t have this problem,
and their sperm-making equipment is safely inside them, where a vulnerable
organ ought to be.
Filling in the
Male or Female?
knows that a human being is biologically either male or female. And
most people know that the nucleus in each human cell normally contains 23 pairs
of chromosomes which house the genetic material needed to produce the essential
molecules for life. There are even some
who know that, in addition to providing 22 somatic chromosomes, the female egg
always provides an X chromosome and the male sperm provides either an X
or Y chromosome to make a female (XX) or a male (XY) human
person. But what most people don’t know is how the body decides whether to make
male or female parts and that without at least 12 properly working factors it either automatically becomes female by default or an infertile male. In
other words, without at least these 12 properly working factors human life
would be impossible.
For the first 7 or 8 weeks of life the human embryo is asexual because the gonads
haven’t yet declared themselves to be either testes or ovaries. Human
embryology tells us that the undifferentiated gonads are destined to become
ovaries by default unless acted upon by a molecule called the Testis Determining Factor (TDF). The genetic information needed to produce TDF is usually
located on the Sex Determining Region of the Y chromosome (SRY). This explains why a male must have a Y
chromosome. By telling the primordial gonads to become testes, the TDF on the
SRY is the 1st properly working factor, the master switch that makes the body go down the male track rather
than female. But becoming a male with all the properly working parts for
reproduction involves much more.
The testes produce testosterone,
a steroid hormone derived from cholesterol. Five different chemical reactions
using five different enzymes encoded on four different somatic chromosomes are
used to convert cholesterol into testosterone (fig.1). If any one of these five
enzymes were to be missing or not working properly, there would be no
testosterone, no males and no humanity. If you’re keeping count, these
represent the 2nd to 6th properly working factors needed for male fertility resulting in continuation of the human race.
Each human embryo begins life with two different
undeveloped genital duct systems, the (male) Wolffian ducts and the (female) Mullerian ducts. The Wolffian ducts have androgen receptors which if adequately stimulated by testosterone
will direct them to develop into the male genital duct system consisting of the
epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicle. If the primordial gonads become
ovaries instead and there’s no testosterone around, or the androgen receptors
are missing or not working properly, the Wolffian ducts automatically
degenerate and disappear. In contrast,
unless directed otherwise, the Mullerian ducts automatically develop into the female
genital duct system consisting of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and upper
vagina. The androgen receptor is the 7th properly working factor that’s needed for a fertile male human to reproduce the species.
addition to testosterone, the testes also produce Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH). AMH
attaches to the specific AMH receptors on the Mullerian ducts and directs them to degenerate and disappear. This is
very important for male fertility because if both duct systems develop they
physically interfere with each other which results in male sterility. Without
these 8th and 9th properly working factors,
male fertility would be impossible and so would human existence.
external genitalia develop from the urogenital sinus, swellings, folds and
tubercle. If the gonads do not become testes and produce testosterone these
automatically develop into the female external genitalia which consists of the lower vagina, labia, and clitoris. For this tissue to become normal male external
genitalia requires much more stimulation of the androgen receptors than what
testosterone can provide. The cells in these tissues use an enzyme, called 5-alpha reductase to convert
testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a stronger stimulator
of the androgen receptor (see fig. 1 above). When DHT attaches to the androgen
receptors in these embryonic tissues it makes them develop into the penis, the
scrotum and the prostate gland.
An XY male with a rare genetic disorder called 5-alpha
reductase deficiency will have normally functioning testes and a normal male
genital duct system but his external genitalia will be deformed and ambiguous
making him incapable of participating in sexual intercourse and rendering him
infertile. So, 5-alpha reductase is the 10th properly working factor needed for the male human to be able to perform sexual intercourse.
In the later embryo and early fetal stages the testes
are located in the back of the abdominal cavity just below the kidneys. As
figure 2 shows, from the 8th to 15th week of gestation,
during the transabdominal phase, the gubernaculum, a cord of gelatinous
connective tissue mainly consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, pulls the
testes forward and downward into the inguinal region (groin). Then from the 25th to 35th week of gestation, during the inguino-scrotal
(passage) phase, the gubernaculum pulls the testis through the inguinal canal
into the scrotum and usually by the 40th week this passageway closes
This last phase takes place by the gubernaculum
undergoing changes in its structure at the direction of a hormone called
insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) attaching to a relaxin/insulin-like
family peptide receptor 2 (RXFP2). Failure of the testis to descend into the
scrotum results in cryptorchidism which results in male infertility. So, INSL3
and RXFP2 are the 11th and 12th properly working factors needed for human male fertility.
In summary, the human embryo is destined to become
female by default, or an infertile male, unless acted upon by at least 12 properly
working factors. If any one were to be absent or defective then human reproduction
would be impossible and so would human existence.
Male Maturation (Puberty)
Although humans are sexually
differentiated as male or female at birth, they are not able to reproduce. Most
children begin to show the beginning signs of sexual development by the end of
the first decade. Over the next few years they undergo sexual and bodily
maturation in a process called puberty. Puberty is a constellation of physiological
changes that not only enables male and female humans to reproduce but also
prepares them for their natural role in the family.
The production of the sex hormones is regulated by the hypothalamus and
the pituitary. The hypothalamus secretes Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
which attaches to specific receptors on certain cells in the pituitary and
tells them to send out the gonadotropins, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). It is FSH and LH that attach to specific
receptors on the testes or the ovaries to produce the sex hormones,
testosterone in males and estrogen (and later progesterone) in females.
The hypothalamus and pituitary can detect the blood level of the sex
hormones sent out by the gonads and in response they modulate the release of
their hormones (see fig.3). If the blood level of the sex hormone goes up, the
release of GnRH from the hypothalamus, and FSH and LH from the pituitary goes
down. If the blood level of the sex hormone goes down, the release of GnRH from
the hypothalamus, and FSH and LH from the pituitary goes up. This inverse
relationship is called feedback
inhibition. The blood level of the sex hormone feeds back on the
hypothalamus and the pituitary and inhibits them so that together they keep the
sex hormones at the proper level called a set
point. Feedback inhibition is common to many hormone systems in the
In the first decade of life it appears that the hypothalamus and the
pituitary are very sensitive to the feedback inhibition of the sex hormones. This
means that prior to puberty, very low levels of testosterone and estrogen are
able to prevent the hypothalamus from releasing its GnRH and the pituitary its
FSH and LH. This results in very low blood levels of testosterone and estrogen
prior to puberty and so no sexual development.
A few years before puberty the adrenals increase their output of
androgens (male hormones) which causes a small growth spurt and the development
of pubic and axillary hair in both sexes. What actually triggers the beginning
of puberty is, as yet, poorly understood. However, what is known to happen is
that the hypothalamus and the pituitary start to become progressively less
sensitive to the sex hormones. This diminished feedback inhibition of the sex
hormones on the hypothalamus and the pituitary results in them slowly
increasing their output of GnRH and the gonadotropins, FSH & LH. By the
time puberty is in full swing the levels of gonadotropins and the sex hormones
have been raised significantly.
During male puberty, more FSH and LH attach to specific receptors in
the testes and cause an increase in testosterone production while at the same
time giving them the ability to produce sperm. Puberty in the male also results
in the progressive increase and coarsening of facial, chest, axillary,
abdominal, extremity, and pubic hair, with enlargement of the vocal cords and
deepening of the voice. Moreover, with the associated increase in the pituitary
output of Growth Hormone (GH), the male experiences a significant linear growth
spurt and the development of his musculoskeletal system as well. Furthermore,
along with the capacity for sperm production, puberty brings on enlargement of
the penis, scrotum, and testes. Finally, testosterone not only plays a major
role in sexual differentiation, development, and maturation, but also in the
desire for sexual relations. In addition, testosterone is important in giving
the male the ability to maintain an erection for adequate penetration into the
vagina and ejaculation during sexual intercourse. All of these developments
prepare the boy to become a man and later a father.
In summary, without at least GnRH, FSH, LH,
estrogen and testosterone and their specific receptors, the right sensitivities
of their target tissues and the negative feedback control mechanism that
maintains the right levels and effectiveness of each hormone, the maturation of
the male (and female) reproductive tissue would be impossible and so would
human existence.
Male FertilityFor
a man to be able to reproduce he has to send out enough sperm having a normal
appearance and motility. Sperm production begins in the seminiferous tubules of
the testes and ends in the epididymis where the sperm mature and are stored for
ejaculation (see figure above).
process of sperm production begins with germ stem cells dividing by mitosis to
form two identical cells with the full complement of 23 pairs of chromosomes
(diploid). Half of these cells remain as germ stem cells for lifelong sperm
production. The other half go through two further divisions by meiosis to form
four sperm cells. Instead of 23 pairs of chromosomes, each sperm contains only
one set of 23 chromosomes (haploid), 22 somatic and 1 sex chromosome (X or Y).
production in most mammals is exquisitely sensitive to temperature. To remain
fertile the testes must be 2oC – 8oC below the core
temperature. For the human male it’s 33oC, about 4oC
below the normal core temperature of 37oC. The reasons for this are
poorly understood. They seem to be related to there being an optimal
temperature range for certain important enzymes used in the formation and
maturation of human sperm to work properly as well as higher temperatures
causing certain toxic chemicals to build up.
this regard, it is interesting to note that in the last few decades scientists
have discovered the presence of heat
shock proteins (stress proteins) in all species, from bacteria to humans.
Under stresses like heat, cold, UV light, wound healing and tissue remodeling,
these chaperone proteins help to stabilize certain cellular proteins, allowing
the cell to continue to function properly and prevent programmed death
(apoptosis). Among other reasons, the presence and functionality of different
stress proteins may explain why certain mammals, like elephants, and other
animals like birds, that have a core temperature of 40oC, can
produce adequate sperm despite having intra-abdominal (undescended) testes (see
human male is able to produce sperm year-round. This means that his testes must
always remain at the right temperature. Just because the testes are housed
outside the body in the scrotum doesn’t automatically mean that this can be accomplished
as physical and environmental factors may conspire against it. That’s why the
male scrotum has several mechanisms in place to try to protect it and keep the
temperature of the testis, as Goldilocks would say, “just right”.
testicle is surrounded and protected by a fibrous membrane called the tunica
albuginea. Also, to prevent injury and facilitate mobility one testicle usually
rides higher than the other and they are able to slide by each other without
difficulty. In addition, the skin of the scrotum is very thin and baggy which
allows for more loss of heat by radiation. It also has a high density of sweat
glands which automatically kick into gear to give off heat by evaporation with
elevations in temperature.
within the scrotum, just below its surface is the dartos muscle and within the
spermatic cord is the cremaster muscle. When
the temperature drops, both the dartos and cremaster muscles automatically
contract which reduces the scrotal surface area and loss of heat, and lifts the
testis up closer to the warmer abdominal cavity respectively. When the
temperature rises, both muscles relax which increases the scrotal surface area
and loss of heat (dartos) and drops the testes further away from the warmer
abdominal cavity (cremaster).
the arteries and veins which take blood to and from the testes in the scrotum
(pampiniform plexus) are set up to pass close by each other to act as a
counter-current heat exchange which helps to keep the testes cooler.
summary, without the protective tissue and temperature control mechanisms
present within the male reproductive system, adequate sperm production would be
impossible and so would human existence.
Three Questions
So, besides human testicles needing
to be located in the scrotum to keep them cooler than the core body temperature
to allow for proper sperm production, there’s a lot more to male fertility and
human reproduction than what’s mentioned above by this critic. In other words,
just because descended testicles are potentially at risk for injury and could
possibly be considered “badly designed” doesn’t automatically mean that the human
male (and female) reproductive systems came about by the unguided and purposeless forces of natural selection
acting on random variation (genetic mutation).
To jump to this conclusion using this
false dichotomy without pointing out what else is involved and needs to be explained is frankly not only
disingenuous but unscientific. In fact, it’s a non sequitur which in and of
itself in no way “explains the human body” as the critic claims. Here are three questions to which
this critic doesn’t even allude, never mind try to answer, which should give
the reader pause.
In what
order and from where did the new genetic and other information come that
specifies the size, shape, assembly, material specifications and placement of
all of the parts of the male and female reproductive systems and what is the
real probability that these two systems could have come about simultaneously by
undirected forces while remaining functional in intermediate organisms each
step along the way?
In what
order and from where did the new genetic and other information come that
specifies and controls the maturation process (puberty) of the reproductive
organs and the secondary sexual characteristics for both male and female humans
and what is the real probability that these two systems could have come about
simultaneously by undirected forces while remaining functional in intermediate
organisms each step along the way?
In what
order and from where did the new genetic and other information come that
specifies the different parts needed for male testicular protection and temperature
control and what is the real probability that such a system could have come
about by undirected forces while remaining functional in intermediate organisms
each step along the way?
are you willing to accept the undirected
forces of natural selection acting on random variation as the definitive
answer to the above questions? The “smoke and mirrors” of neo-Darwinism
which doesn’t even try to account for the simultaneous development of the male
and female reproductive systems, their later maturation and the mechanisms in
place to protect and control the temperature of the testes to allow for
adequate sperm production?
It’s important to realize that natural selection acting on random variation (genetic mutation) means exactly what it says. Over time, life required a gazillion bits of new
genetic information (not natural selection) to bring about new structures with
new functions. All natural selection did was preserve the life that was up and
running properly and able to survive due to these gazillion undirected genetic
mutations. But keep in mind, natural selection cuts both ways.
on what we know about how life actually works neo-Darwinism may explain
the survival of the fittest but not
the arrival of the fittest. That’s
because when it comes to survival, logic tells us that the same power that
natural selection had to preserve human life when the male and female
reproductive systems simultaneously came into existence, later matured and testicular
protection and thermoregulation worked properly, would have also prevented it
from surviving if any one of the parts of these systems were missing, misplaced
or defective.
known engineering principles needed to bring about the functional capacities of
all of these parts that resulted in human existence means that, in principle,
not only does Darwin’s theory of gradualism fail, but so do all the other
neo-Darwinian attempts to replace it. What do you think?
![]() |
Figure 4: A piece of small bowel has migrated down to the testes in an inguinal hernia. The internal (deep) inguinal ring is the opening from the abdomen to the inguinal canal. The external (superficial) inguinal ring is the exit from the inguinal canal to the scrotum. |
necessity for the testicle and spermatic cord to move from inside the abdomen
through a passageway that remains a potential weak spot, mainly for males at birth
and later in life, clearly would have put our ancient ancestors at risk for
inguinal hernias. Depending on its size and the amount and type of tissue
within it (fatty tissue and/or a loop of small intestine) some men find it to
be just a nuisance whereas others find it debilitating.
the tissue within the inguinal hernia can’t be pushed back into the abdomen
(reduced) then it is said to be incarcerated and this puts it at risk of
strangulation. Strangulation of an inguinal hernia is a life-threatening
condition where muscle tightening and swelling within the restricted space results
in reduced blood flow which causes tissue death and brings on other
complications, all
of which can soon lead to total body death.
noted above, the incidence for hernia surgery in men in their lifetime is 25%.
Moreover 20 million surgical repairs of inguinal hernias are done annually
throughout the world. Furthermore, about one-quarter of those are done
emergently, usually due to incarceration and possible life-threatening
strangulation, which in one study had a mortality of 6%. This goes to show you that
the risk of inguinal hernia from the need for males to have descended testicles
for adequate sperm production would have impacted the survivability of our
ancient male ancestors much more than any of what Dr. Hafer describes as her “bad design” concerns. Nevertheless, from an engineering perspective,
since humanity has continued to survive over the last 300,000 years, the
trade-off has been worth it because the system continues to work.
Finally, male
fertility is negatively impacted by various activities, conditions and toxins. This includes overheating of
the testicles from frequent saunas or wearing tightly fitting underwear,
anxiety, depression, smoking, alcohol, marijuana, viral and sexually transmitted
infections, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, toxins, radiation, surgery,
medications, diabetes, thyroid disease, aging and obesity.
despite all of these circumstances having the potential to negatively impact
adequate sperm production and with it human survival, it would appear that even
user abuse and degradation has been taken into account by the Designer.
fact that human male testicles descend into the scrotum during gestation to
keep their temperature 4oC below the body’s core temperature so that
years later (after puberty) they can have adequate sperm production, even
though this puts them at some risk for external injury, points to foresight. What Dr. Marcos Eberlin defines as “The need to anticipate—to look into the
future, predict potentially fatal problems with the plan, and solve them ahead
of time.” To claim, as Dr. Hafer and many of her
colleagues do, that this represents “bad design” in the human body is not only
misguided but, based on engineering principles, totally absurd. What do you
Howard Glicksman M. D. graduated from the University of Toronto in 1978. He practiced primary care medicine for almost 25 yrs in Oakville, Ontario and Spring Hill, Florida. He now practices palliative medicine for a Hospice organization in his community. He has a special interest in how the ethos of our culture has been influenced by modern science’s understanding and promotion of what it means to be a human being.
Copyright 2022 Dr. Howard Glicksman. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.