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Mark Hartwig  

Mark Hartwig


  • Crumbling Icons
    December 2000 Boundless review of Jonathan Wells' Icons of Evolution. File Date: 2.26.01.
  • Evolution Controversy Not Caused by Religious Fanatics
    Article written for Montgomery Journal, August 25, 1999, about the August 1999, Kansas School Board decision to exclude evolution from the state science testing standards.
  • Evolution Theater: A View from the Peanut Gallery
    In this opinion/editorial published December 24, 200 in the Santa Barbara News-Press, Mark Hartwig examines the climate surrounding the current rhetoric behind the creation/evolution debate. File Date: 5.23.01.
  • Flat Wrong
    1997 article published in Teachers in Focus magazine, in which Hartwig reviews Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians by Jeffrey Burton Russell. File Date: 8.17.00.
  • The Meaning of Intelligent Design
    For decades, Darwin’s theory of evolution has reigned supreme. But that reign is being threatened by the growing band of scientists and other scholars who are promoting intelligent design. Although ID has met with vigorous opposition, it is gaining significant ground — and attracting the respectful attention of some of the world’s finest thinkers. File Date: 8.22.01.
  • Missing Evidence
    Moody Magazine 1991 review of Phillip Johnson's Darwin on Trial. File Date: 2.27.01.
  • PBS's "Evolution" More of the Same
    Article from Citizen Link published September 24, 2001. Why don't they get it? For decades now, that question has vexed many leading scientists, who can't understand Americans' refusal to embrace Darwin's theory of evolution. Despite ongoing efforts to convince us that evolution is a fact, polls consistently show that Americans just don't buy it. File Date: 12.31.02.
  • Rigid Dogma
    In this article from the September 2000 issue of Teachers in Focus magazine, Hartwig explores the thought processes of scientific "experts" - and reveals some surprising conclusions. File Date: 8.22.00.
  • Skewed Science: A Review of Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science
    Mark Hartwig discusses the recently released guidebook, Teaching about Evolution, noting in particular its dogmatic and skewed treatment of evidence. File Date: 12.15.98.
  • The End of Creationism?
    Article written for Citizen Magazine, August, 2000. File Date: 8.11.00.
  • Was Darwin Right After All?
    In this Boundless article, Mark Hartwig responds to the claims that the recent mapping of the human genome supports Darwian theory. File Date: 4.19.01.
  • The World of Design
    Is "intelligent design" legitimate science? Or is it just religion in disguise? In this article from Teachers in Focus magazine, Hartwig provides a beginner's guide to the world of intelligent design. File Date: 9.10.00.

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