to the PBS Evolution Project
The WGBH/NOVA Science Unit, with over $14 million of backing from ex-Microsoft
baron Paul Allen, launched an 8-hour documentary series promoting Darwinism.
The program was aired on PBS September 24-27, 2001 from 8:00-10:00 p.m.
each night and will be scheduled to rerun on a regular basis (
As with the Carl Sagans Cosmos series two decades ago, the PBS Evolution
Project comes across more as evangelism for the Darwinian worldview, then
as rigorous, undebatable science. We think this program offers a great opportunity
to teach your students critical thinking skills. Return to this page often
for the latest critiques and analysis of this series.
Read what the producers of
that particular PBS series are saying:
"The Evolution Project-a television broadcast
series, Web site, and more-explores a simple yet remarkable theory that
ranks as one of the greatest breakthroughs in the annals of science. Understanding
evolution is essential to understanding the world we live in and how we--and
all life forms--came to be. Evolution underpins all biology, affecting
our health, our food supply, the very web of life. It explains how life
on earth developed, and how it continues to change. Since Charles Darwin
described the mechanism that drives it, evolution has grown from hypothesis
to scientific theory, propelled by a wealth of data discovered through
experimentation and observation."
"The goal of the Evolution Project is to heighten
public comprehension about what evolution is and how it works, and to
dispel common misunderstandings about it. The project seeks to illuminate
why evolution is relevant; to improve its teaching; to counter some misconceptions;
and to encourage a national dialogue on the issues currently surrounding
this science."
"The Evolution Project will feature a comprehensive
and engaging Web site aimed at a popular audience, with interactive games,
live online expeditions, animated narratives, and 360 virtual environments.
The project's extensive educational outreach initiative will seek to transform
the way evolution is taught and learned in schools nationwide by providing
teachers with resources that expand their content knowledge, including
an online digital library and downloadable teacher training. ("
Analysis, Commentary,
and Critique of the PBS Evolution Project
Viewers' Guide to PBS's Evolution This
guide, produced by The Discovery Insititute, is available in a downloadable
PDF file format (378kb). Or save your inkjet cartridge and order
the printed copy for $7.95 from our
web catalog.
Critique of PBS's Evolution-The Magnum Opus of a Dying Theory
Discovery Institute website dedicated to critical analysis of PBS's Evolution.
of PBS companion book Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea
(November 21, 2001) Cornelius Hunter, author of Darwin's
God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil, reviews the companion book written
by Carl Zimmer for the PBS Evolution series.
questions to Ask your Students about the PBS Evolution Series
(November 15, 2001) Encourage your students to watch
the PBS Evolution series. But when you do, ask them these 10 questions to
make sure they are developing critical thinking skills in the process.
Abridged PBS Evolution Viewer's Guide & Summary
(November 15, 2001) by Casey Luskin of the IDEA Club.
If you are looking for a quick summary and critique of the PBS Evolution
Video series, this is a good place to start.
Filmmaking (September 28, 2001)
article for World Net Daily about the PBS "Evolution" series.
File Date 11.03.01
Public Defenders (September 28, 2001)
Stephen Meyer discusses Evolution's religious overtones and
inconsistencies .
Evolution Generates a Debate (September
28, 2001) In this Washington Times article, Larry
Witham explains that a recent poll finds that a majority of Americans want
scientific criticisms of evolution presented on public TV shows that address
the topic.
- A
Critique of Douglas Theobald's "29 Evidences for Macroevolution"
(September 27, 2001) In "29
Evidences for Macroevolution," a popular FAQ at the Talk.Origins web site,
Dr. Douglas Theobald sets forth the evidence that he believes proves scientifically
that all organisms share the same biological ancestor. In this detailed
critique Ashby Camp argues that Theobald's evidence is insufficient to establish
that proposition. PDF versions available for download:
charged with "False Claim" on "Universal Genetic Code"
(September 10, 2001)
To Darwin (September 6, 2001)
John Mark Reynolds, philosopher and Director of the Torrey Honors
Institute at Biola University, offers a personal reflection on the
PBS Press Conference for the Evolution Project, held July 26, 2001
at the Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, California.
is no religious bias in the PBS Evolution Project because Ken Miller
says there isn't (July 26, 2001) Josh
Gilder provides a first-hand report on the PBS Press Conference for the
Evolution Project, held July 26, 2001 at the Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel
in Pasadena, California.
Stations Bracing for "Evolution" Backlash (August
17, 2001)
TV Column (July 26, 2001)
Lisa de Moraes from the Washington Post comments on the PBS Press
Announcement for the Evolution Series held this summer.
Check in with Chuck Colson's BreakPoint
Daily Commentary for an analysis of the PBS Evolution
Series on September 24-27, 2001.
Visit the ARN
Discussion Forum for threads discussing the PBS Evolution
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