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Origins & Design 19:1. Summer 1998

About the Contributors

Timothy McGrew (Ph.D., Philosophy, Vanderbilt University) is an assistant professor of philosophy at Western Michigan University and the author of The Foundations of Knowledge (Littlefield Adams, 1995) and numerous articles in the theory of knowledge. He is a recognized authority on computer chess and was an online commentator at the Internet Chess Club ( for the 1997 match between Kasparov and Deeper Blue.

John Mark Reynolds (Ph. D., Philosophy, University of Rochester) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Biola University, and also director of the undergraduate honors program, the Torrey Honors Institute. He is co-editor with J.P. Moreland of the forthcoming Zondervan volume on religion and science, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Howard J. Van Till (Ph.D., Physics, Michigan State University) has taught physics and astronomy at Calvin College for more than 30 years. Among his recent publications in the area of science and religion is “No Place for a Small God,” a chapter in the book How Large Is God? edited by John Marks Templeton.

Rikk Watts (Ph. D., Cambridge University) is Associate Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics at Regent College, Vancouver. He received his M.A. and M.Div. from Gordon Conwell Seminary. His books include Isaiah’s New Exodus and Mark (Tubingen: Wunt Verlag).

Jonathan Wells (Ph.D., Religious Studies, Yale, 1986; Ph.D. Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1994) is a postdoctoral researcher in the department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, and the author of Charles Hodge’s Critique of Darwinism (Edwin Mellen, 1988).

Hubert P. Yockey (Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Berkeley) is the author of Information Theory and Molecular Biology (Cambridge University Press, 1992), and has contributed to information theory in molecular biology and the origin of literature. He is also a whitewater rafting enthusiast.

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