IN THE NEWS - August 2015 |
Devolution: Dumping info can make life better, maybe |
Uncommon Descent |
A Molecular Ambulance for DNA |
BioTechniques |
The Economist replies to Steve Meyer, seemingly |
Uncommon Descent |
A Surprise Source of Life's Code |
Scientific American |
Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science by Richard Dawkins – review |
The Guardian |
Dark Matter May Be More Complex Than Physicists Thought |
Wired |
Discovering DNA's secrets |
New York Times |
Some argue planet Jupiter formed from pebbles |
Uncommon Descent |
Rules of communication in the nucleus: genes and nuclear pores need 'interpreters' |
Science Daily |
The other Big Bang: What caused the Cambrian explosion? |
Economist |
A barcode for shredding junk RNA |
Science Daily |
Quantum 'spookiness' passes toughest test yet |
Nature |
Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed, Study Says |
New York Times |
Human genome decay and origin of life |
Creation.com |
Were cave symbols early writing attempts? |
Uncommon Descent |
Study delivers bleak verdict on validity of psychology experiment results |
The Guardian |
Research identifies a protein that helps determine the fate of RNA |
Science Daily |
Evidence suggests subatomic particles could defy the standard model |
Science Daily |
Simulating the genesis of life in a $5 toaster oven |
Nautil.us |
Dr. Hawking, relax, this is the auto-eject model |
Uncommon Descent |
Dr. Hawking, your black hole is ready now |
Uncommon Descent |
Epigenetics: The carnies have caught up |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwin's fast-evolving finches use a natural insect repellent |
New Scientist |
Plant species' genetic responses to climate change |
Science Daily |
Pigments, organelles persist in fossil feathers said to be 150 myo |
Science Daily |
Earth's extremes point the way to extraterrestrial life: Exploring the limits of life in the universe |
Science Daily |
More Flaws in Darwin's Mechanism |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Are Human Hands More Primitive Than Chimps'? |
Answers in Genesis |
Opinion: Engineering the Epigenome |
The Scientist |
Current State of the Sea Ice Cover |
NASA Cryosphere |
Free chapter on macroevolution from $80 2012 book |
Uncommon Descent |
Pushback against accepting non-evidence-based science? |
Uncommon Descent |
Black holes are a passage to another universe, says Stephen Hawking |
The Independent |
Algorithm helps identify elusive genes that express like clockwork |
Science Daily |
Are we facing a 'world without wild bees'? |
Genetic Literacy Project |
Arguing for separate but same eel species |
Uncommon Descent |
Adaptive mutation mechanism may explain some forms of antibiotic resistance: Retromutagenesis: Mutations occur in RNA first |
Science Daily |
Epigenetic Change: Lamarck, Wake Up, You're Wanted in the Conference Room! |
Evolution News and Views |
Stephen Hawking says he has a way to escape from a black hole |
New Scientist |
The Widening World of Hand-Picked Truths |
New York Times |
How did 20-30 myo salamander in amber get IN there? |
Uncommon Descent |
World’s first flower (?) 125-130 mya |
Uncommon Descent |
Can new genes arise from junk DNA? |
Uncommon Descent |
Re-thinking “adaptive radiation” |
Uncommon Descent |
Was Einstein the First to Invent E = mc2? |
Scientific American |
What is our Universe made of? |
Dead Reckoning in Human Beings: An Example of Excellent Design |
Reasons to Believe |
Why we're smarter than chickens |
Science Daily |
Giant Galaxy Ring Shouldn't Exist |
Paul Nurse: Science under attack |
SciBlogs |
Richard Dawkins: No moralist like an atheist moralist |
Uncommon Descent |
Christians in science org dismisses ID but who cares now? |
Uncommon Descent |
Physicists are more preposterous than fundies? |
Uncommon Descent |
So we can’t upload our consciousness to the Internet? |
Uncommon Descent |
Still chipping away at the sense of self |
Uncommon Descent |
Increasing the heat energy leads to decreasing the information |
Uncommon Descent |
Eibi Nevo: Evolution theory is an evolving theory |
Uncommon Descent |
Tree of Life: Sir, the dog ate my Darwin textbook |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers: Jumping genes make the Tree of Life a bush |
Uncommon Descent |
Cell Feature Resembles Power Grid |
Darwinists debate human exceptionalism |
Biologic Institute |
Inside an astrobiology meeting, with Rob Sheldon |
Uncommon Descent |
The Case for Complex Dark Matter |
Quanta Magazine |
Origin of complex cells: Can energy create information? |
Uncommon Descent |
The Search for Dark Matter Just Got Interesting |
Real Clear Science |
Watery time capsule hints at how life got started on early Earth |
New Scientist |
Give Early Man More Credit |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Breaking: Parrots, as well as chimps, becoming like us |
Uncommon Descent |
Scientists reject claims of lab-grown mini human brain |
New Scientist |
How variations in our molecular make-up are controlled within our DNA |
Science Daily |
Chameleons' swiveling eyes not as independent as once thought |
Science Daily |
Unexpected resistance mechanism found in pathogenic bacteria |
Science Daily |
Humans are 'unique super-predator' |
Darwin's Tree Am-Bushed |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Homeschoolers fear government Darwinists? |
Uncommon Descent |
Earth is outside the habitable zone? |
Uncommon Descent |
BBC announces: Chimps have entered Stone Age |
Uncommon Descent |
Biologist investigates how gene-swapping bacteria evade antibiotics |
Science Daily |
Good Fossils, But Where's the Evolution? |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Honey bees rapidly evolve to overcome new disease |
Science Daily |
Female fish genitalia evolve in response to predators, interbreeding |
Science Daily |
Animal sex signals can adaptively disappear |
Science Daily |
Earliest baboon ever found |
Science Daily |
The amazing adaptability of brain's vision center |
Science Daily |
Did Jupiter Form From Pebbles? |
Real Clear Science |
How New Genes Arise from Scratch |
Quanta Magazine |
We Will Never Be Able to Upload Our Consciousness |
Althouse |
Oldest hand hints we came down from trees earlier than thought |
New Scientist |
Frogs mount speedy defence against pesticide threat |
Nature |
What makes a planet habitable? |
Amazon’s “purposeful Darwinism” |
Uncommon Descent |
Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and
Religious Beliefs (New Book) |
Oxford University Press |
Meteorite impacts can create DNA building blocks |
Science Daily |
Key genetic event underlying fin-to-limb evolution |
Science Daily |
The Tree of Life may be a bush |
Science Daily |
Dog Ancestors Evolved From Mongoose-Like Forest Dwellers |
Discovery |
Chimpanzees and monkeys have entered the Stone Age |
Linguist comments on latest Ape speaks! claims |
Uncommon Descent |
Water worlds can’t host life? |
Uncommon Descent |
Life's X Factor |
The Scientist |
Ancient underwater plant 'could be world's first flower' |
'Dark photons': another cosmic fudge factor |
John Gideon Hartnett |
Astrobiology: The Joy of Being Wrong |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Why water worlds won't host life |
Science |
Stone tools confirmed from 3.4 mya? |
Uncommon Descent |
Richard Dawkins' moralizing atheism: Science, self-righteousness and militant belief - and disbelief |
Salon |
Consciousness evolved for the greater good, not just the self |
New Scientist |
Darwinism: The Joy of Being Clueless |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Science Reporters Don't Even Try to Be Politically Neutral |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Seeing past Darwin to a plausible history of life |
Uncommon Descent |
Bonobos prefigure language? Agenda so obvious |
Uncommon Descent |
What Science Can Tell Us About Bad Science |
The Atlantic |
Settled science part 1: Is science ever actually settled? |
The Logic of Science |
National Geographic: Bonobo peeps point to human language origin |
Uncommon Descent |
Seeing Past Darwin |
James A. Barham Blog |
Mass extinctions can accelerate evolution? |
Uncommon Descent |
Apes close to speaking? No. |
Uncommon Descent |
Planets Defy Bottom-Up Assembly |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Silly season: Vast sums to be spent seeking space aliens |
Uncommon Descent |
Paul Davies: Search for alien life on Earth |
Uncommon Descent |
Stripes offer no advantage to zebra? |
Uncommon Descent |
First it was epigenetics, now epigenomics |
Uncommon Descent |
Geology abstracts from Origins 2015 |
coresci.org |
Biology abstracts from Origins 2015 |
coresci.org |
Ribosomes can translate 'untranslated region' of messenger RNA |
Science Daily |
Be careful what you say to aliens |
New Statesman |
No evidence for multiverse offered, but none sought |
Uncommon Descent |
Beneficial Aspects of Bacteria |
Answers in Genesis |
How beneficial bacteria protect intestinal cells |
Science Daily |
OOL: Computing the origin and evolution of the ribosome from its structure |
Science Direct |
Flies that fight off parasites produce offspring with greater genetic mix |
Nature |
Comet yields 'rich array' of organics |
Evolutionists Struggle to Explain Language |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
is a Divine Intelligent Designer Just a God of the Gaps? |
Cold Case Christianity |
Multiversal truths - Is the universe alone? |
The Economist |
Horizontal gene transfer: Sorry, Darwin, it's not your evolution any more |
Evolution News and Views |
Mystery of Australia's five-legged animals cracked |
New Scientist |
Evolution peaks on tropical mountain |
Science Daily |
Humans responsible for demise of gigantic ancient mammals |
Science Daily |
Computer scientists find mass extinctions can accelerate evolution |
Science Daily |
Are we alone in the universe? Paul Davies on the search for extraterrestrial life |
Nature: More info on why octopus is smart |
Uncommon Descent |
Multilevel selection theory and the evolutionary functions of transposable elements |
Oxford Journals |
Stripes might not offer protection for animals living in groups, such as zebra, as previously thought |
EurekAlert |
How many forms can an ape take? |
Newly discovered brain network recognizes what's new, what's familiar |
Science Daily |
Octopus genome holds clues to uncanny intelligence: DNA sequence expanded in areas otherwise reserved for vertebrates |
Nature |
Big Bang Antimatter Problem Deepens |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Ancient Tissue Revolutionizing Historical Science |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Life on Earth 2.0 - Really? The discovery of Kepler-452b |
Creation.com |
Golden jackals: Two distantly related species look the same |
Uncommon Descent |
The damage false consensus does to science |
Uncommon Descent |
Did large eyes make the Neanderthals weird loners? |
Uncommon Descent |
Good and bad arguments for fine-tuning? |
Uncommon Descent |
Boxfish shell inspires new materials for flexible electronics |
Printed Electronics World |
Competition from cats drove extinction of many species of ancient dogs |
Science Daily |
Following Humbly where Nature Leads: How Scientists Embody Humility |
Slate |
Loss of the "altruistic" worker caste in ants is not accompanied by a loss of genes |
Science Daily |
Evolutionary Enigmas |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Review Essay |
Themelios |
Cosmic Conundrums |
Creation Evolution Headlines |
Patrick Matthew - the Scot who pre-empted Darwin |
Creation.com |
How Did We Get Our Teeth? |
Anwsers in Genesis |
Re-thinking ‘adaptive radiation’ - one of biology’s most important concepts |
pos-darwinista.blogspot |
Yeast double genome through interspecies mating? |
Uncommon Descent |
New call for an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis |
Uncommon Descent |
The physics of butterfly wings |
Word Press |
A tale of two museums |
World Magazine |
Experts: "Epigenetics can drive genetics” |
Uncommon Descent |
The Case Against Scholarly Consensus |
Chronicle of Higher Education |
The extended evolutionary synthesis: its structure, assumptions and predictions |
The Royal Society Publishing |
What if We All Decide that God Exists? |
New Scientist |
New water mite genus discovered |
Science Daily |
Gene deletions, duplications reveal our genetic storyline |
Science Daily |
Bonobo "Baby Talk" Reveals Roots of Human Language |
National Geographic |
Messages in the Noise |
The Scientist |
Larry Moran misses the point about Gunther Witzany |
Uncommon Descent |
Steve Pinker on faitheism |
Uncommon Descent |
Can neuroscience tell us anything about the mind? |
Uncommon Descent |
Human Evolution: 550 Million Years in 40 Seconds |
Real Clear Science |
AI will make religion obsolete soon? |
Uncommon Descent |
Science and philosophy not in competition |
Uncommon Descent |
Serious discussion: Is science broken? |
Uncommon Descent |
Natural selection can IMPEDE new species? |
Uncommon Descent |
A Mendelian myth tested, and flunks |
Uncommon Descent |
How yeast doubled its genome, by mating between species |
Science Daily |
15-23 myo scorpion |
Real Clear Science |
The mystery of Neanderthals' massive eyes |
Ediacaran reproduction fossilized? |
Uncommon Descent |
What to Teach Your Kids about Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design |
YouTube |
Teaching Your Kids about Creation with Jurassic World and Pokemon |
YouTube |
This again? Yup. Our universe might be a fake. |
Uncommon Descent |
Philosopher of science: Schoolbook Darwinism needs replacement |
Uncommon Descent |
MIT claims to have found a "language universal" that ties all languages together |
ars technica |
Debunking the biggest genetic myth of the human tongue |
Horse facial expressions similar to human ones? |
Uncommon Descent |
Bioethics accused of doing more harm than good |
Nature |
Is Our Universe a Fake? |
Space |
Mr. Epigenetics |
The Scientist |
Genomic Elements Reveal Human Diversity |
The Scientist |
Neo-Darwinism Inadequate; Needs “Extension” and “Expansion” |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
New Scientist asks What if we could talk to animals? |
Uncommon Descent |
The secret to the success of insects |
Science Daily |
Natural selection can impede formation of new species |
Science Daily |
How to Evaluate the Certainty in Scientific Discoveries |
Reasons to Believe |
Before the Big Bang: an outrageous new perspective and
its implications for particle physics (Roger Penrose, 2008) |
Proceedings of EPAC |
What if Intelligence is a Dead End? |
New Scientist |
Environment affects evolution via epigenetics |
Science Daily |
Milky Way-like galaxies may have existed in the early universe |
Science Daily |
Stability Implies Computational Tractability: Locating a Tree in a Stable Network is Easy |
Cornell University Library |
Human Enhancement: Destiny or Disaster? (YouTube) |
Science, Technology, Future |
New book - "HUMANS: The fascinating story of how early Homo sapiens became modern humans" |
My God, Your God? |
Spectacular Discovery Reveals Power Grid in Muscle Cells; Design Implications Are Profound |
Evolution News and Views |
New book - "Who Designed the Designer?" |
Ignatius Press |
Sometimes, NASA’s promotion is fun but shameless |
Uncommon Descent |
The mystery of particle generations |
Symmetry Magazine |
Largely brain absent man functions normally |
Evolution News and Views |
The Healthy Man Who Was Missing a Brain |
Real Clear Science |
Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist |
Discovery |
Scientists solve structure of the eukaryotic MCM2-7 complex |
Science Daily |
Bonobo noise challenges human uniqueness? |
Uncommon Descent |
Four legged-snake |
Creation.com |
The Prescient Placenta |
The Scientist |
Researchers are borrowing designs from the natural world to advance biomedicine |
The Scientist |
Fifty psychology terms to lose? |
Uncommon Descent |
A review of Peter Harrison's "The Territories of Science and Religion" |
LA Review of Books |
Don’t bog down bioethics in social justice! (?) |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient Viruses as Gene Therapy Vectors |
The Scientist |
Caution urged over editing DNA in wildlife (intentionally or not) |
Nature |
New insights into the production of antibiotics by bacteria |
Science Daily |
Updated fossil hominin body mass estimates |
Science Daily |
Flexible vocalizations in wild bonobos show similarities to development of human speech |
Science Daily |
Is modern science broken? |
More DNA Evidence Against Human Chromosome Fusion |
Carbon-Dating Fossils |
Origin of Life for Dummies |
Creation/Evolution Headlines |
Basic Geology Disproves Creationism? |
Answers in Genesis |
Introduction to Design Arguments: A review of a review worth viewing |
Darwin's God |
Cosmic Inflation: It Really Happened |
Reasons to Believe |
New atheists hardly open-minded says old-fashioned atheist |
Uncommon Descent |
More multiverse blather |
Uncommon Descent |
Whatever Happened to Intelligent Design? (mp3) |
Reasonable Faith |
Organic molecules, not previously observed, found in comets? |
Uncommon Descent |
Think Your Conscious Brain Directs Your Actions? Think Again |
SingularityHUB |
Reconstructing the reproductive mode of an Ediacaran macro-organism |
Nature |
Molecular Architecture of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor in Cells |
American Chemical Society |
How do we know that evolution is really happening? |
JULY 2015 NEWS |
JUNE 2015 NEWS |