We Welcome your Donation

If you have found this site and our material useful, we encourage you to make a donation to ARN, so that we can continue to expand our reach and provide quality educational resources to the general public. Your donation to ARN is tax-deductible*.


You may make a donation by mailing a check to:
ARN, 2601 Rigel Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Unfortunately, we can no longer accept donations electronically.


*Access Research Network is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This web site and the material provided by ARN is made possible through donations from private individuals and grants from various organizations. We are primarily staffed by a dedicated volunteer-base, so that most of our financial assistance is allowed to directly fund the production and distribution of our educational resources. You will receive a written receipt for your donation.

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