Dr. Douglas Groothuis
is the associate professor of Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. He has
served on the faculty at Denver Seminary since 1993.
Dr. Groothuis received
a Ph.D. degree in Philosophy from the University of Oregon. He holds a
M.A. degree in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
He has been an adjunct
professor at Seattle Pacific University and was the visiting instructor
in apologetics for Westminster Theological Seminary in California. He
also has been an instructor at the University of Oregon. He is the author
of Truth Decay: Defending Christianity from the Challenges of Postmodernism, Unmasking the New Age, Confronting the New Age, Christianity That
Counts, Deceived by the Light, Jesus in an Age of Controversy and The Soul in Cyberspace. He has written for scholarly journals
such as Religious Studies, Sophia, Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society, Trinity Journal, Inquiry, and Philosophia Christi as well as for numerous popular magazines such as Christianity Today,
Moody Magazine and The Christian Research Journal. He has
been interviewed by Christianity Today and has been quoted in Time Magazine and The New York Times.
Douglas R. Groothuis
- Law, Darwinism, and Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design
Francis J. Beckwith . Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003. 183 pages.
- The
Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex,
and the Meaning of Life
Armand Nicholi. Free Press, 2002.
295 pages. $25.00, hardback.
- Think
Tank Group Questions Darwin
In this Denver Post article, Douglas
Groothuis reviews Doubts
about Darwin, A
History of Intelligent Design by Thomas
Woodward. File Date: 11.24.03
- A Sharp Split on Darwin, Design: Two authors' takes on science and life
In this Denver Post article, Douglas
Groothuis reviews The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design by Jonathan Wells and Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design by Michael Shermer. File Date: 10.30.06
- Breaking Down the Wall
by Douglas Groothuis, The Constructive Curmudgeon