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Jonathan Wells

James Eberhart received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Ohio State University in 1963. He then spent five years in the Materials Science Department of Sandia National Laboratories (in Albuquerque, NM), ten years in the Chemical Engineering and Reactor Safety Divisions of Argonne National Laboratory (in the Chicago suburbs), and taught for four years in the Chemistry Department of Aurora University (in Aurora, IL). Jim joined the Chemistry Department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in 1982, where his primary teaching responsibilities are Physical Chemistry and Materials Science. His research interests include the behavior of fluids, the explosive boiling of superheated liquids, the application of mathematics to science, and the interplay science and worldview.


James G. Eberhart


  • Let There Be Light: Religious Issues in the Physical Science Classroom File Date: 1.09.04. Origins & Design Journal. Religious and worldview topics can be successfully integrated into the physical science classroom of public universities, if done correctly. Professor James Eberhart from the University of Colorado shares his experience and offers some suggestions.

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