Welcome to ARN-Announce
Dennis Wagner, editor
Number Fifty-Nine, October 1, 2006
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Intelligent Design Under Fire: Experts Cross-Examine the Top Proponents
of Intelligent Design Theory
I now have a new video to add to my ID “Top 10” list. For those who have been waiting to see how the leading proponents of ID answer their critics face-to-face in real-time, the wait is over.
On Friday May 12, 2006, five leading proponents of the intelligent design theory gathered at a sold-out auditorium at Biola University in Southern California and invited tough critics to join them and ask their most challenging questions. Joining ID proponents Mike Behe, Steve Meyer, Paul Nelson, Guillermo Gonzalez, and Jonathan Wells were a panel of critics including professors Bruce Weber (Biochemistry, Cal State Fullerton), Larry Herber (Geology, Cal Poly Pomona, ret.), Jim Hofmann (Liberal Studies, Cal State Fullerton), Craig Nelson (Liberal Studies Cal State Fullerton) and media contributors Charlotte Laws (columnist/author), and Keith Morrison (Dateline NBC).
Steve Meyer opened the event by defining the theory of intelligent design. Meyer stressed that ID is not an argument from ignorance, but rather a positive argument from the evidence based on four key observations:
- the discovery of irreducibly complex molecular machines and circuits
- the discovery of digital information and information processing systems in the cell
- the discovery of the “Fine Tuning” of the laws and constants of physics
- inferences based upon our knowledge of the cause and effect structure of the world
For two engaging hours the critics launched their best shots at the panel, and the ID proponents parried back with thoughtful and forceful replies to questions such as:
- Who or what is the designer?
- Why is intelligent design not being discussed in the scientific literature?
- Why would a scientist abandon the productive research program of the modern Darwinian process for one informed by intelligent design?
- When and how did design happen?
- When is consensus in the scientific endeavor important?
- And more…
This has to be the best two hour summary of the controversy that is sweeping the nation. This program provides the viewer with an interesting glimpse of some of the key scientists and philosophers behind the ID movement, as well as answers to the tough questions being asked by the critics. Order your copy today.
- What does fido have to do with ID? If you have high-speed internet access, download and watch this amazing video clip of “BigDog” and find out.
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ARN-Announce is produced by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing
accessible information on science, technology and society issues from
an Intelligent Design perspective.
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09.25.06 |