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The Dinosaur Exhibit
The Museum opened the Darwin Centre in 2002, which houses 22
million biological specimens stored in jars, including creatures collected by
Charles Darwin on his HMS Beagle expedition. It also provides state-of-the-art
laboratory facilities for nearly 100 Museum zoologists. But my hopes were
dashed when I found out the Darwin Centre was accessible by tour only and all
tours had been filled for the day. Perhaps one of our UK friends can arrange a tour of the Darwin Centre and send us a first-hand report. Video
lectures and other information are available online,
but like the dinosaur exhibit, it probably is more impressive to walk through
the collections yourself.
Next I jumped upstairs to stroll through the “From the Beginning” exhibit which is a monument to Darwin’s modern-day creation story. The exhibit draws a comparison between the life of the universe and a 12-hour clock. Using the idea that it is now midnight, the exhibit communicates that multi-cellular organisms emerged after 10 p.m, and human beings evolved just 20 seconds ago. The whole Darwinian story of life’s development is laid out along a timeline in the long hall. I found it interesting that the whole exhibit is based on the simple statement at the entrance “we don’t know exactly when or how life first started…” I found it very refreshing that such an honest statement was made at the beginning of the exhibit, but also very frustrating that the average museum visitor probably missed the significance of the assumption for the rest of the exhibit.
This month ARN is releasing two new products that explore the origin of life problem in great detail. The first is a book by Stuart Pullen titled: Intelligent Design or Evolution: Why the Origin of Life and the Evolution of Molecular Knowledge Imply Design. Pullen does a fantastic job summarizing the results of origin of life research to date, and explaining why the research results, along with our modern understanding of molecular information and knowledge, eliminates all naturalistic explanations for the origin of life.
The second product is a DVD lecture by researcher Edward Peltzer titled Abiogenesis: The Faith and the Facts. As a graduate student in the 1970s, Peltzer developed ground-breaking chemical techniques for analyzing hydroxycarboxylic acids in the Murchison Meteorite, which yielded important information in origin of life research. In this lecture held at the University of California Santa Barbara, Peltzer explains that we have four options to consider and test for the origin of life:
I would love to see the National History Museum in London, or any museum for that matter, build a true “From the Beginning” hall based on the information contained in Pullman’s book and Peltzer’s lecture. Such an exhibit would make it clear that after 50 years of intensive scientific research we have no natural explanation for the origin of life, and in fact the evidence clearly indicates that naturalistic processes alone prohibit the origin of life.
After leaving the timeline, I wandered over to the “Our
Place in Evolution” exhibit above the main entrance hall where you are afforded
the opportunity to compare modern human skulls with those of living and fossils
“relatives”. Before visiting this exhibit, I would recommend a thorough review
of chapter 10 of Vij Sodera’s excellent book One Small
Speck to Man: the Evolution Myth. In this chapter, which contains some of
the best photos of fossil evidence I’ve seen, Sodera examines chimpanzee, ape,
australopithecines, Homo habilis, archaic Homo sapiens and modern man evidence
and concludes there is no evidence for australopithecines having evolved from a
common ancestor of chimpanzees, or for modern humans having evolved from
australopithecines. So the human-like fossil evidence actually paints a
completely different picture from that which is commonly portrayed in museums
like this. Instead of man evolving from apes via crude-looking ancestors, the
evidence points to populations of ancient human beings having passed through
some morphological changes (whether from inbreeding and/or disease) before
these groups gained the modern human form.
To put it another way, the fossil evidence contains only human and non-human bones, with no convincing evidence for any intermediaries. Apes have always been apes and Man has always been Man. Ah, but what about the similarities in DNA between humans and apes that can also be found in the museum? For that I would refer you to chapter 12 of Sodera’s book where he examines the chromosome and DNA evidence in detail and here is his conclusion:
“In summary, there is no demonstrable trend in chromosome number, size and shape from simple to complex animals; and rearrangements in chromosomes are not responsible for the observable differences either between different animals or between apes and human beings. Furthermore, the evolution of ape ancestors into humans requires there to have been a large number of lineages of isolated inbreeding populations, resulting in a number of distinct genetic intermediaries between humans, living apes, Homo habilis and australopithecines. There is no evidence to support such a notion. Finally, the evidence of mitochondrial DNA is ambiguous and unreliable, and lends no support to the notion that apes evolved into humans.”
Since Vij Sodera is a British surgeon residing in West Sussex, author of three acclaimed surgical textbooks, and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh I would like to nominate him to the Board of Directors for the Natural History Museum in London to see if he can guide them from the land of Darwinian Fairytales back to genuine Museum of Natural History.
A day at the Natural History Museum in London is a wonderful experience. The building is magnificent. The collection of fossils is brilliant (sorry, a little British-speak rubbed off on me). But, as you walk through, see if you can sharpen your critical thinking skills by separating out the data from the theories. Before you go, read Darwinian Fairytales by Austrialian philosopher David Stove (or if you don’t have time at least read Denyse O’Leary’s excellent summary notes of Stove’s book). Spend a couple weeks digesting the data presented in Vij Sodera magnificent book One Small Speck to Man. Now with your baloney detector fully operational, tour the museum and decide if Darwin’s theory of evolution which claims all of life can be explained by processes of random mutations and natural selection is a scientific fact--or a cultural fairytale of the western world. The fossils in the museum are real, and very interesting to look at, but the dotted lines in Darwin’s tree of life that try to connect the fossils all together in a seemless naturalistic story are still dotted, and that is what makes Darwin’s theory the Modern Day Creation Story and not a fact of science.
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ARN-Announce is produced by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
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