
Welcome to ARN-Announce
Dennis Wagner, editor

Number Forty-Eight, August 26, 2005

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President Bush: Teach the Controversy

During a round-table interview with reporters from five Texas newspapers on Monday August 2, 2005, President Bush said he believes schools should discuss "intelligent design" alongside evolution when teaching students about the creation of life. “I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," Bush said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, the answer is yes."

Bush’s comments have generated leading stories about Intelligent Design on Nightline, NPR, Larry King Live, New York Times, USA Today, and Time Magazine (with the August 15th cover issue titled “Evolution Wars”).  In general, the media seems to be getting better on covering the issues, editorials, opinion pieces appear to be more balanced.  However, some of the same misconceptions about what ID is, and is not, are still being repeated.  Check out John West’s comments on the Time Magazine report.  If you know someone that is interested in a quick introduction to ID, send them to our Frequently Asked Questions about Intelligent Design web page or our new highlight links on our home page.

14 New Debate and Lecture Videos from Veritas Forum

We recently added 14 new debate and lecture videos to our catalog from Veritas Forum. As we have discussed before, our view of origins, whether it be intelligent design, theistic evolution, materialistic naturalism, pantheism, or some other alternative, impacts one's view of many other topics, such as the existence of evil, the problem of pain, death, the nature and purpose of history, human rights, ethics, philosophy, theology, etc.

Veritas stages Forums at universities across the country, which engage students and faculty in thoughtful intellectual dialogue on all of these important issues. They bring together some of the best theists in the country to address these import topics from a Judeo/Christian framework in an academic setting.  I don’t have space to describe them all here, but click on any of the titles below to learn more.  Of particular interest may be the debate between Gary Habermas and Antony Flew. As you may remember noted British philosopher Antony Flew made the news not long ago when he announced he was abandoning his atheistic worldview, in part because of the growing evidence for design.

Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All?
James Sire

Christianity vs. Scientific Naturalism
Willian Lane Craig vs. Garrett Hardin Debate

A Lawyer Examines the Case for Christianity
John Warwick Montgomery


Why Human Rights are Impossible Without Religion
John Warwick Montgomery

Faith and Reason
J.P. Moreland

J.P. Moreland


Jesus' Resurrection: History or Hallucination?
Craig vs. Lüdemann

Nietzsche vs. Jesus
Dallas Willard

Time for Truth
Os Guiness

Near Death Experiences
Gary Habermas

Jesus' Resurrection: Atheist and Theist Dialogue
Haberman and Flew

Right and Wrong As a Key to the Meaning of the Universe
J.P. Moreland

Is One True Religion Even Possible?
William Lane Craig

Beyond the Passion
William Lane Craig

Life Will Break Your Heart
Greg Jesson


Yellow & Pink

By William Steig

Some times we make the origins debate more complex than it needs to be and it takes a children’s book to boil it down to the basic issues.  Such is the case with Yellow & Pink by William Steig.   This delightful book about two wooden dolls who suddenly become self-aware and wonder about their origins is a delight to read with any 3 to 8 year old, and provides a great launching pad for addressing that age-old questions “Mommy, where did I come from?”  Although you won’t find the words Intelligent Design or Evolution in this book you will quickly recognize the underlying philosophical arguments for both, boiled down to their essence. 


In Yellow & Pink ...Steig has created a pair of characters who seem the embodiments of his bright esthetic. Named for the colors of their freshly painted costumes, Pink and Yellow are wooden dolls left out to dry in the sun. They are odd fellows, bumpkins, incorrigables, clowns, countrymen of Beckett's Vladimir and Estragon, Laurel and Hardy. Philosophers both, they no sooner "awaken," come to life, than they begin to ponder by what means they might have arrived in this world. "How," Yellow demands ..."could anyone make something like me, so intricate, so perfect? Or, for that matter, like you." ... One marvels at the expressiveness, the nearness to animation, of Steig's vibrant drawings.
– Leonard Marcus, The Washington Post Book World

Steig is incomparable. Bravo! A yellow and a pink puppet lie in the sun, waiting for their paint to dry. They ponder their origin. They speculate. They debate. As soon as they've settled on a solution, a mysterious man unsettles their theory. Who is this man? The reader must decide.
Los Angeles Times Book Review

Original, witty, provocative.
– Zena Sutherland, Chicago Tribune

A comic fable that has more clout than the most fervent homily.
Publishers Weekly

Order your copy of Yellow & Pink.

Is human sexual reproduction better explained by Darwinian evolution or Intelligent Design? Find out in Dr. G’s most recent column:  Sex and the Single Gene: Becoming a Man is Not as Easy as X+Y


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ARN-Announce is produced by Dennis Wagner (

Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an Intelligent Design perspective.

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