
Welcome to ARN-Announce
by Dennis Wagner

Number Thirty-Nine, June 30, 2004

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New Video: An Evening with Phillip E. Johnson and Friends

The tip of the Intelligent Design (ID) wedge, Dr. Phillip E. Johnson, was given a tribute during the 2004 Biola Conference "Intelligent Design and the Future of Science". In attendance on the "panel" were close associates and familiar foes. Lee Strobel, well-known Christian apologist, spoke of the insights he received from leaders in the writing of his recent book The Case for the Creator. Dr. Willliam Dembski, Associate Research Professor at Biola University, talked fondly of Phil as being the pioneer of the ID movement. Dr. William Provine, the Charles A. Alexander Professor of Biological Sciences at Cornell University, and an atheist who frequently has debated Dr. Johnson, described Phil as a genuinely likeable man and "twice as smart as me." Dr. Michael Ruse, Professor of Philosophy and Zoology at Florida State University, dubbed as the "delightful detractor", had praise for Phil, and also surprised all by taking off his coat, tie, and shirt and revealing his Darwin T-shirt, to the delight of the crowd. All was in good humor.

Others who paid tribute to Dr. Johnson included Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, Director and Senior Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute, Dr. Thomas Woodward, co-author of Doubts About Darwin, a History of Intelligent Design, and Dr. Jed Mocosko, biophysicist at Wake Forest University. Dr. John Mark Reynolds, Founder and Director of the Torrey Honors Program at Biola University gave an eloquent address, dubbing Dr. Johnson as the "Wizard from Berkeley." Dr. Craig Hazen, Director of the Masters of Arts program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University announced a new Biola award, named the Phillip E. Johnson Award for Liberty and Truth. The first recipient was, of course, Dr. Johnson, who has done much in liberating minds from the Darwinian paradigm, and pointing those minds to the Truth of reality.

To order your copy of An Evening with Phillip E. Johnson and Friends video DVD go to

The Best of the 8th European Creationist Congress
11 CD Video lectures at a special bundled price (save 45%)

Although the challenge to Darwinism is not as fierce in Europe as it is in the U.S., there are a growing number of scientists who are speaking out against naturalism and in favor of design, as evidenced by the 8th European Creationist Congress held August 15-20, 2003 in Sweden. This CD set brings you some of the best presentations and top speakers from that event. Although Dr. Paul Nelson can not be counted among the European scientists, we are pleased to be able to include his talk at that event as his first video lecture available from ARN.

This exciting new format has been created with Microsoft Producer 2 and Windows Media 9 which allows us to provide video lecture material at a lower cost than the standard DVD format. These CDs can be viewed on a PC running Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP, or a MAC running OS X. The video lecture plays in a small window in the upper corner of your screen while the Power Point slide the speaker is talking from shows with great resolution in the center of your screen. The viewer can select any slide in the presentation and jump to that section of the lecture.

The following products are required to run these CDs: For the PC, Microsoft Windows Media Player 7.0 or later. Windows Media Player 9 Series or later is recommended to optimize presentation playback. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, or Netscape Navigator 7.0 or later. For the Mac running OS X v10.2 or later, Windows Media Player for Mac OS X , Internet Explorer 5.2.2 (or later) for Mac.

To order the 11 CD set and save 45% over the individual title prices, go to

Icons of Evolution Student Study Guide

By Roger DeHart

The Icons of Evolution Documentary (ARN #V025) has quickly become an ARN best seller. Now available as a companion to the video, the Icons of Evolution Student Study Guide further illuminates the concepts originated by Dr. Jonathan Wells in his popular book, Icons of Evolution (ARN #B038).

Arranged in seven sections that mirror the seven icons dissected in the video, the Icons Study Guide presents a short discussion of each icon, as well as learning goals and study questions within each sub-section. Research notes are also included at the end of the guide.

The Icons Study Guide is available as a stand-alone item, for those who already own the Documentary, or as part of the Icons of Evolution Student Study Kit (ARN #V025SKS) and the larger Icons of Evolution Study Kit with Text (ARN #V025SK)

Many parents and scholars are asking, are students learning the whole truth about Darwin's theory of evolution? According to a growing number of scientists, the answer is no. Now you can thoroughly explore this fascinating new conflict over evolution in the classroom, and educate yourself with the truth about the "Icons of Evolution" you may have taken for granted!

To order the new Icons of Evolution Student Study Guide go to:

The Integration of Faith and Learning: A World View Approach

By Robert A. Harris

One hundred years ago getting a liberal education was a good thing. It meant developing the ability to understand and argue every position on an issue and then choosing the best one based on a logical, rational decision instead of prejudice, ignorance, or blind assumptions. However, with the secular academic community adopting naturalism (in the sciences) and postmodernism (in the liberal arts), the university often has its own built-in prejudice, and a liberal education today is frequently equated with efforts to disavow students of any theistic worldview they may bring along with their quest for knowledge.

This is an issue that has concerned Richard Harris as he has taught at the university level for the past 25 years and he has written an excellent book that should assist students of faith in approaching the university world with their eyes wide open. The book is entitled The Integration of Faith and Learning: A Worldview Approach. Harris compares and contrasts the worldviews of philosophic naturalism, postmodernism, and Christian theism. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on helping students develop the practical skills needed to evaluate knowledge claims and to integrate all knowledge into a unified whole. A critical thinking approach is encouraged where faith and fact inform each other in a positive way, rather than the confrontational approach frequently found in the university.

There is a wide selection of books available on worldview issues today, but I find this one particularly helpful for college students since the author has spent his career in that environment. The questions at the end of each chapter and the additional bibliography and web references at the end of the book, make this an ideal resource for personal reflection and group discussion. Harris is currently teaching a course based on the book and posting additional discussion questions to his website related to that effort (

Although the book is written for Christians, other students of other faiths will also find the worldview approach helpful in the university setting, as will professors who teach from a postmodern or naturalistic worldview and desire to understand and communicate more effectively with their faith-oriented students.

When I was a college student getting my degree at the University of California 25 years ago, it was similar books by James Sire and Francis Schaeffer that helped me integrate my own faith with the secular academic environment. Since I have a 17 year old son going off to the university to study math and music in September, we plan to spend some time this summer reading through Harris's book together and grappling with the questions at the end of each chapter. I can't give you a better recommendation than that.

Worldview survey books abound, but what sets this one apart and makes it essential is its treatment of how knowledge functions and is propagated "in the real world." It is insufficient to merely categorize thinkers or their views. Students need to reckon with how certain claims are advanced and accepted regardless of their merits. Harris' book teaches a savvy form of skepticism that still exudes a love of truth and values the life of the mind. Highly recommended for home schoolers, youth workers, campus ministers, college students, professors, and anyone concerned with training Christian students in how to engage the world of ideas.
-Patrick Rist, Christian Leadership Ministries' Academic Initiative

About the Author:
Robert A. Harris has taught courses in writing, literature, and critical thinking at the college and university level for more than 25 years. He holds the Ph.D. from the University of California at Riverside.

To view the table of contents or order The Integration of Faith and Learning go to:

From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany

By Richard Weikart

In this compelling and painstakingly researched work of intellectual history, Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. He demonstrates that many leading Darwinian biologists and social thinkers in Germany believed that Darwinism overturned traditional Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment ethics, especially those pertaining to the sacredness of human life. Many of these thinkers supported moral relativism, yet simultaneously exalted evolutionary "fitness" (especially in terms of intelligence and health) as the highest arbiter of morality. Weikart concludes that Darwinism played a key role not only in the rise of eugenics, but also in euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination, all ultimately embraced by the Nazis. He convincingly makes the disturbing argument that Hitler built his view of ethics on Darwinian principles rather than nihilistic ones. From Darwin to Hitler is a provocative yet balanced work that should encourage a rethinking of the historical impact that Darwinism had on the course of events in the twentieth century.

Richard Weikart's outstanding book shows in sober and convincing detail how Darwinist thinkers in Germany had developed an amoral attitude to human society by the time of the First World War, in which the supposed good of the race was applied as the sole criterion of public policy and 'racial hygiene'. Without over-simplifying the lines that connected this body of thought to Hitler, he demonstrates with chilling clarity how policies such as infanticide, assisted suicide, marriage prohibitions and much else were being proposed for those considered racially or eugenically inferior by a variety of Darwinist writers and scientists, providing Hitler and the Nazis with a scientific justification for the policies they pursued once they came to power.
-- Dr. Richard Evans, Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge, and author of The Coming of the Third Reich

This is one of the finest examples of intellectual history I have seen in a long while. It is insightful, thoughtful, informative, and highly readable. Rather than simply connecting the dots, so to speak, the author provides a sophisticated and nuanced examination of numerous German thinkers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who were influenced to one degree or another by Darwinist naturalism and their ideas, subtly drawing both distinctions and similarities and in the process telling a rich and colorful story.
-- Ian Dowbiggin, Professor of History at the University of Prince Edward Island and author of A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement in Modern America

This is an impressive piece of intellectual and cultural history--a well-researched, clearly presented argument with good, balanced, fair judgments. Weikart has a thorough knowledge of the relevant historiography in both German and English."
-- Alfred Kelly, Edgar B. Graves Professor of History, Hamilton College, and author of The Descent of Darwin: The Popularization of Darwinism in Germany, 1860-1914

This is truly a well-crafted work of intellectual history, and one directly relevant to some of the most consequential ethical discussions of our present time. Christians and all people of good will would do well to ponder these arguments, recognizing how easily the best and brightest can commit the worst and darkest under the progressive banner of biological "health and fitness." The book should provoke much debate and discussion, not only among historians but among ethicists and scientists too.
--Thomas Albert Howard, Associate Professor of History, Gordon College, author of Protestant Theology and the Making of the Modern German University (forthcoming)

The philosophy that fueled German militarism and Hitlerism is taught as fact in every American public school, with no disagreement allowed. Every parent ought to know this story, which Weikart persuasively explains.
--Phillip Johnson, Professor Emeritus of Law, University of California, Berkeley, and author of Darwin on Trial and Reason in the Balance

If you think moral issues like infanticide, assisted suicide, and tampering with human genes are new, read this book. It draws a clear and chilling picture of the way Darwinian naturalism led German thinkers to treat human life as raw materials to be manipulated in order to advance the course of evolution. The ethics of Hitler's Germany were not reactionary; they were very much "cutting edge" and in line with the scientific understanding of the day. Weikart's implicit warning is that as long as the same assumption of Darwinian naturalism reigns in educated circles in our own day, it may well lead to similar practices.
--Nancy Pearcey, co-author of The Soul of Science and How Now Shall We Live

Richard Weikart's masterful work offers a compelling case that the eugenics movement, and all the political and social consequences that have flowed from it, would have been unlikely if not for the cultural elite's enthusiastic embracing of the Darwinian account of life, morality, and social institutions. Professor Weikart reminds us, with careful scholarship and circumspect argument, that the truth uttered by Richard Weaver decades ago is indeed a fixed axiom of human institutions: "ideas have consequences."
--Francis J. Beckwith, Associate Director, J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies, and Associate Professor of Church-State Studies, Baylor University

About the Author
Richard Weikart is an associate professor of modern European history at California State University, Stanislaus. He has lived in Germany over five years, including one year on a Fulbright Fellowship. He has published two previous books, including Socialist Darwinism: Evolution in German Socialist Thought from Marx to Bernstein (1999), as well as articles in German Studies Review, Journal of the History of Ideas, Isis, European Legacy, and History of European Ideas.

To view the table of contents or order From Darwin to Hitler go to:

Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing

William A. Dembski, Editor

Recent years have seen the rise to prominence of ever more sophisticated philosophical and scientific critiques of the ideas marketed under the name of Darwinism. In Uncommon Dissent, mathematician and philosopher William A. Dembski brings together essays by leading intellectuals who find one or more aspects of Darwinism unpersuasive. As Dembski explains, Darwinism has gathered around itself an aura of invincibility that is inhospitable to rational discussionto say the least: "Darwinism, its proponents assure us, has been overwhelmingly vindicated. Any resistance to it is futile and indicates bad faith or worse." Indeed, those who question the Darwinian synthesis are supposed, in the famous formulation of Richard Dawkins, to be ignorant, stupid, insane, or wicked.

The hostility of dogmatic Darwinians like Dawkins has not, however, prevented the advent of a growing cadre of scholarly critics of metaphysical Darwinism. The measured, thought-provoking essays in Uncommon Dissent make it increasingly obvious that these critics are not the brainwashed fundamentalist buffoons that Darwinism's defenders suggest they are, but rather serious, skeptical, open-minded inquirers whose challenges pose serious questions about the viability of Darwinist ideology. The intellectual power of their contributions to Uncommon Dissent is bracing.

About the Author
William A. Dembski is associate research professor in the conceptual foundations of science at Baylor University and a senior fellow with Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. The author of numerous articles on intelligent design and mathematical, philosophical, and theological matters, his books include The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities and No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligence.

"I am delighted to strongly recommend William Dembski's new book Uncommon Dissent. The scientific and philosophical underpinnings of the origins debate need to be better understood by the intellectual public, and Dembski's book is exceptionally helpful in this regard."
- Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director, Center for Computational Chemistry, University of Georgia

"I salute the intellectual honesty and courage of all the contributors who participated in writing Uncommon Dissent. These dissenters masterfully bring to light the flaws and fallacy of Darwinism, a secular ideology dogmatically rooted in naturalistic philosophy. This illuminating book constitutes another sign that a new scientific revolution is coming, one that will ultimately lead to the recognition of the quintessential role of intelligent causation in evolution and mark the end of metaphysical materialism."
- Mario Beauregard, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Research Center, Université de Montréal

"Darwin, a free thinker who dared make far-reaching conclusions based on observations, would have been dismayed to see the petrified doctrine his brainchild has become. Must we admit that all organisms are nothing but watery Turing machines evolved merely by a sequence of accidents favored by nature? Or do we have the intellectual freedom to rethink this fundamental issue, as is done in this book? I'm sure Darwin would have been glad to contribute an essay to this interesting and fearless collection, a collection every open-minded scientist and layman alike will benefit from reading."
- Eshel Ben Jacob, Maguy-Glass Chair in Physics of Complex Systems, Tel Aviv University

To view the table of contents or order Uncommon Dissent go to:

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But there's much more going on than that. For if you are like most people, you're probably sitting at your computer right now, trying to decide whether to read the whole column now or print it off. In order to be able to use your mouse or keyboard to scroll down, your brain would have to be sending the proper messages to the right muscles. And, for you to be able to sit erect in your chair, your spinal muscles would have to be working in a coordinated fashion, orchestrated by the brain. And finally, as you move your head up and down and left or right, as you search for your mouse and decide to turn on your copier, you wouldn't be able to keep your position in space if it weren't for the properly working balance organs in your ears, under the control of the brain.

To read the rest of Dr. Glicksman's latest web column on design in the human body go to:

Wired for Much More than Sound-Neurons and How They Work


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ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (

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