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The publisher proofs for the new hardbound editions of Real Science-4-Kids Chemistry, Biology and Physics Level I have arrived and they are beautiful! Those of you who have been patiently waiting for the Physics curriculum will be rewarded for your patience with this outstanding product.
The Physics text takes concepts from high school level physics and presents them in a well-illustrated, easy to follow format for 3rd to 5th grade students. The topics covered include:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The basic laws of physics 2
1.3 How we get laws 3
1.4 The scientific method 4
1.5 Summary 7
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Force 9
2.3 Balanced forces 10
2.4 Unbalanced forces 11
2.5 Work 12
2.6 Energy 13
2.7 Summary 14
3.1 Potential Energy 16
3.2 A note about units 17
3.3 Types of potential energy 18
3.4 Energy is converted 19
3.5 Kinetic energy 19
3.6 Kinetic energy and work 20
3.7 Summary 21
4: MOTION 23
4.1 Motion 24
4.2 Inertia 25
4.3 Mass 26
4.4 Friction 26
4.5 Momentum 27
5.1 Chemical energy 29
5.2 Stored chemical energy 30
5.3 Stored chemical energy in food 30
5.4 Stored chemical energy in batteries 31
5.5 Nulcear energy 31
5.6 Summary 34
6.1 Electrical energy 36
6.2 Electric charge 37
6.3 Charging objects 38
6.4 Electric force 38
6.5 Summary 39
7.1 Moving electric charges 41
7.2 Resistance 42
7.3 Heat 43
7.4 Summary 44
8.1 Magnets 46
8.2 Magnetic fields 48
8.3 Electromagnets 49
8.4 Electromagnetic induction 49
8.5 Summary 51
9.1 Light 53
9.2 Waves 53
9.3 Visible light 56
9.4 Sound waves 57
9.5 Summary 58
10.1 Introduction 60
10.2 Energy is conserved 60
10.3 Usable energy 62
10.4 Energy sources 61
10.5 Summary
As with the previous Level I Chemistry and Biology texts, Physics I includes a detailed teacher manual that makes teaching physics simple, even for those teachers who are science challenged or have never passed or enjoyed a science class in their life! The curriculum also includes a student lab manual that provides hands-on exercises and experiments to reinforce each lesson.
To download a sample chapter of Physics I or to place your order now go to: http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/rs4k/rs50.htm
Those of you just starting the Real Science-4-Kids program can save 20% by buying the entire Level 1 hardbound collection at a bundled price: http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/rs4k/rs20.htm
People often ask what product
I would recommend as the best introduction to Intelligent Design. For
the past several years I have been recommending the Icons of Evolution
documentary, for the first step in understanding the problems with the
reigning paradigm of Darwinism, followed by the equally impressive documentary
Unlocking the Mystery of
Life, for an introduction to the concepts of design and the
scientists who are behind the movement. Once the multimedia introduction
has been completed, I recommend they move on to the half dozen books
by Dr. Phillip Johnson and then
tackle his video
debate at Stanford with Dr. William Provine of Cornell.
But now I have a new favorite to go along with the first two documentaries above, and it comes from France. Voyage Inside the Cell is a 15-minute animated journey through the cell that leaves the viewer stunned with the amazing complexity and information content of the living cell. The haunting music and soothing female narration leaves you feeling like you have just stepped off a Disney ride at the end. Although 10-year-olds may not understand all the terminology that is used in the narration, they will certainly understand they have just been guided through a factory tour of immense complexity.
The complexity of the human cell is intuitively obvious as the narrator explains that the cell is populated by an amazing array of messenger molecules, miniature structures, and biochemical micro-machines. The 3-D computer animation follows a hormone on its journey through inner space, where it penetrates a cell's membrane, reaches the nucleus, and induces mitosis. Cell components such as proteins, enzymes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and cytoplasm are all identified, while a memorable depiction of cell division captures the beauty and information rich process of cellular reproduction.
This product was developed by Christian Sardet, a researcher and President of the French Cell Biology Society, along with Laurent Larsonneur and Andreas Koch of the Digital Studios in Paris France. Support for the production was provided by the French company Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals.
When Dr. Jed Macosko recently showed this video animation at the ID and the Future of Science conference at Biola, the 40+ copies we had at our book table disappeared within 15 minutes after the lecture was over.
"The remarkable graphics really bring home in detail the large
number of molecular processes and gadgets responsible for the behavior
of a cell, including DNA replication and cellular division. Astonishing!"
-Francis Crick, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
1. Membranes,
Hormones, and Receptors
2. Signals and Calcium
3. Endocytosis
4. Mitochondria, Microtubules, and Motors
5. Cytoplasm and Centrosome
6. Inside the Nucleus: Genes
7. Nuclear Receptors and Micromachines
8. The Structure of DNA
9. DNA Makes RNA
10. From DNA to Chromosomes
11. Mitosis and Cell Division
To order your copy of the Voyage Inside the Cell animated video DVD go to http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/video_show_item.php?id=25
2004 (Paperback), Augsburg Fortress (US and Canada), 337 pp.
Perched from her home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canadian journalist and science writer Denyse O'Leary has been tracking the ID movement for several years. She has crafted a broad popular overview of the topic that distills a massive amount of technical information on biology and cosmology down to an easy read that most people can get their arms around.
Besides being a more friendly read than many of the technical books on the subject, O'Leary's book has three key strengths. First a healthy dose of her material comes from personal interviews and correspondence with key players in the movement (what else would you expect from a journalist?). Second, the book contains many charts, tables and timelines that help the reader grasp essential issues quickly. The timeline of Darwin's Theory of Evolution on page 87 and the timeline of key books that shaped the ID controversy on page 204 are just two examples. Finally, the last 90 pages of the book contain extensive research notes that allows the reader to dive as deeply into the various topics as they care to go. Especially useful are the many web site URLs provided for additional reading material.
I had the chance to chat with the author recently at an ID conference in California and it was obvious that she possessed several characteristics of a good journalist. She is a careful observer of details, and she has a passion for translating important concepts from the world of science to the everyday world where most people live.
For these reasons I would highly recommend her book to any one trying to understand the basic concepts or history of the origins controversy. The book would also be a great resource for homeschoolers who want to bring their high school age students up to speed on the issues.
"Denyse O'Leary provides a magnificent introduction to the people
and issues involved in the greatest intellectual controversy of our
Phillip Johnson
Author of Darwin on Trial
"The conflict between Darwinian evolution and intelligent
design is rapidly growing into a major scientific and cultural upheaval.
The issues are complex and the disagreements are often heated, but Denyse
O'Leary writes about them in a way that is clear, even-handed, and entertaining.
Anyone who wants to get up to speed on this history-making controversy
should read her book."
Jonathan Wells, Ph.D.
Author of Icons of Evolution
"Are life, consciousness, and values merely by-products
of blind purposeless material forces operating in cosmic history? Or
are these the result of a master intelligence intrinsic to reality?
Denyse O'Leary helps the non-specialist reader to weigh this momentous
option and come to the right conclusion."
William A. Dembski
Author of The Design Revolution
To view the table of contents or order By Design or By Chance, go to http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/book_show_item.php?id=74
On January 8, 2002, the important Elementary and Secondary Education Bill, H.R.1, more commonly known as the "No Child Left Behind Education Act," was signed into law (P. L. 107-110) by President George W. Bush. In the process of passing this bill, the Senate approved the following resolution introduced by Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) by a vote of 91-8:
It is the sense of the Senate that good science education should prepare students to distinguish the data or testable theories of science from philosophical or religious claims that are made in the name of science; and where biological evolution is taught, the curriculum should help students to understand why the subject generates so much continuing controversy, and should prepare the students to be informed participants in public discussions regarding the subject.
Because a similar version of the resolution did not appear in the House version of the bill, the Santorum Resolution was included in the Congressional Conference Report for the NCLB Act, under the "Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference" in Title I, Part A, as item 78. Item 78 says:
The conferees recognize that a quality science education should prepare students to distinguish the data and testable theories of science from religious or philosophical claims that are made in the name of science. Where topics are taught that may generate controversy (such as biological evolution), the curriculum should help students to understand the full range of scientific views that exist, why such topics may generate controversy, and how scientific discoveries can profoundly affect society.
Opponents of ID have been trying to make the case that the Santorum language was deleted from the Bill and has no impact in the classroom. However, recent letters from Congressmen involved with passing the Bill, and a letter from the Department of Education make it clear that the government recommendation regarding teaching topics of scientific origins in our public school classrooms is to teach the controversy.
To view the Santorum Senate Resolution resource page go to: http://www.arn.org/santorum.htm
In his latest "Exercise your Wonder" column, Dr. Howard Glicksman
describes three patients that died sudden, mysterious deaths. In each
case the reason was connected to a malfunction in the Hemostatis process
that stops bleeding. Glicksman wonders how Darwinian evolution could
have ever produced such a complex system without all of its progeny
winding up like the three patients. To find out more read:
Youre Hurt and Bleeding; How do you spell relief? H-E-M-O-S-T-A-S-I-S
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer
was one of our first featured authors at ARN. We recently update his
author page to add several of his new books and many new articles. You
can check them out at: http://www.arn.org/meyer/smhome.htm
are pleased to add Dr. Jay Richards, Vice President and Senior Fellow
at Discovery Institute to our featured author page. You can check out
his latest books and articles at: http://www.arn.org/richards/jrhome.htm
All of the ARN products can be ordered through our web catalog store with secure credit card ordering. There you will find a description of each product and you may add as many products as you would like to the electronic shopping cart. The suggested donation for each item includes USPS Media Mail for North American orders, which typically arrive in 5-7 days. Overseas prices include Foreign Surface shipping which may take 4-8 weeks. For faster shipping please include an additional donation and request either USPS Priority or Foreign Air. If you provide your email address, you will receive an email receipt of your order. Place your order today online at www.arn.org (click the products links on the top menu bar). If you have any problems or questions, or would rather place your order by phone, call our toll free number at 1-888-259-7102 and our staff will be happy to assist you (or leave your order with our voice mail system if we are out of the office).
ARN-Announce describes many of the upcoming events and new articles, books, videos and other resources on Intelligent Design. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (www.arn.org). Back issues of ARN-Announce can be found at www.arn.org/announce.htm
ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an Intelligent Design perspective.
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