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are pleased to announce two new ARN videos with Dr. Michael Strauss,
Associate Professor of Physics, University of Oklahoma. Many different
theories about the origin of the universe and our world have been proposed
for as long as humans have been able to reason. However, in the last
few decades scientists have made a number of observations that have
led to an unprecedented understanding of the origin and complexity of
the universe. For the first time in the history of humanity, we have
knowledge about the birth and design of the universe that is based on
scientific inquiry rather than on fabricated myths or speculation.
In this lecture recorded on the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California, Professor Strauss reviews the scientific evidence regarding the origin of the universe. He explains why the Big Bang model is the best model of the beginning of the universe given the current scientific data. Strauss also discusses the physical parameters of the universe that have allowed the universe to exist and provide an environment for supporting life. The "anthropic principle" refers to the observation that these physical parameters seem to be astonishingly well tuned to allow life to exist. The theological implications of both the big bang and the anthropic principle are discussed. The lecture concludes with an extensive question and answer session with the audience.
The second video is an exclusive interview with Dr. Strauss who is respected both in the National Laboratories where he conducts research in experimental elementary particle physics, and the university classroom where he has received many teaching awards. In this interview recorded at UC Santa Barbara, Strauss tackles a number of provocative questions relating to the origins and design of our universe. He relates how the evidence pointing to an expanding universe and a moment of creation troubled many scientists in the Twentieth century. As a result of mounting evidence for the beginning of the universe and the exquisite fine-tuning of natural laws and physical parameters necessary for life, most of these scientists have come to acknowledge a superintellect behind it all.
To order your copy of the lecture video with Michael Strauss go to : http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/video_show_item.php?id=21
To see the list of questions addressed in the interview, order your copy of the interview video with Michael Strauss go to : http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/video_show_item.php?id=22
Geoffrey Simmons, M.D.
2004 (Paperback edition), Harvest House Publishers, 318 pp.
lawyers and philosophers got the Intelligent Design movement rolling
in the early 1990s. Next the mathematicians and biologists joined
in, quickly followed by the chemists and physicists. This past year
several medical doctors have joined the fray revealing why Darwinian
just so stories fail to explain the fantastic complexity
of the human body. Howard Glicksman, M.D. recently started a monthly web column at ARN exposing why the
step-by-step theories of Darwinian evolution can not account for the
complex interdependencies of the human body. Now Geoffrey Simmons, M.D.
catalogs over 80 examples of purposeful design in the human body that
defy explanation by the Darwinian process of chance mutation and natural
Darwin might have thought twice about publishing his theories if hed had access to todays medical and microbiological discoveries. Drawing on years of research, Dr. Simmons demonstrates that the almost infinite complexity of the human anatomy simply could not have developed by chance.
For example:
The great thing about Simmons book is that you dont have to have a biology degree to understand it. Its written for the layman and includes helpful drawings, diagrams and photos to illustrate his points. At the end of the preface Simmons states that he once asked Carl Sagan why he thought humans could have developed into such complex beings through mere evolution. Sagans answer simply stated, was six billion years. Simmons concludes I thought he was wrong then, and I know hes wrong now. He then ends the book claiming I am not a theologian, nor do I pretend to be. Im merely a collector and analyzer of biological and medical facts. The data, as I see it, points directly to an Intelligent Designer, much like a car speaks for an automaker, a souffl for a chef, and a play for a playwright. Alternative explanations may yet be found or proposed, but the theory of evolution cannot satisfy what the facts demand.
Geoffrey Simmons makes Darwinisms sleight of hand
plain to see.
from the foreword by William Dembski, Ph.D.,
Baylor University, author of The Design Revolution
In What Darwin Didnt Know, Dr.
Simmons gives a marvelous, entertaining, physicianseye view
of the intricate functioning of the human body. The relentless detailing
of biological elegance and complexity overwhelms facile Darwinian stories
as a tidal wave overwhelms a beach.
Michael J. Behe, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry,
Lehigh University, and author of the best selling book Darwins
Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution
Several years ago the prestigious peerreviewed
journal Science carried a research article titled Did Darwin
Get It All Right? The subtitle answered the question with a No.
There is a tide of data mounting against the Darwinian (though not necessarily
Darwins) concept that randomness can explain the wonder of life.
In What Darwin Didnt Know, Geoffrey Simmons converts
that tide into a tidal wave of evidence. In his book, Simmons treats
us to the respect for the complexity of life he has gained as a doctor
with 35 years of experience. His frontline experience with the challenges
of maintaining life has given him insights that armchair and laboratory
biologists never have.
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D., author of The Science
of God, MITtrained nuclear physicist and earth and planetary
Sit back and enjoy as Dr. Simmons leads you on an
exhilarating romp through your own anatomy. Journey past your taste
buds. (Did you know theyre in your throat, too?) Explore the complexity
of reproduction. Celebrate the miracle of your birthday. Examine the
differences between man and ape. And in the end, be prepared to confront
the overwhelming evidence against Darwins explanation for your
Dr. Jed Macosko, professor at the University
of New Mexico and molecular biologist
To view the table of contents, read chapter 1, or order What Darwin Didnt Know, go to http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/book_show_item.php?id=68
Cornelius G. Hunter
2003 (Paperback edition), Brazos Press, 168 pp.
had the opportunity recently to chat with Cornelius Hunter in his home
in Cameron Park, California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada about
40 minutes from Sacramento. His first book, Darwins
God, was an instant success and I wanted to find out where this
relatively unknown name in the origin controversy had come from. Hunter
came across as a man deeply motivated by ideas. With a household of
children and friends enjoying the warmth of a wood burning stove and
a cup of hot apple cider, we talked about his journey from a successful
high tech career in Silicon Valley to his recent Ph.D degree in molecular
biophysics. We also talked about his personal journey from atheism to
Christian theism, and his recent experience with a local school district
when he presented a scientific critique on how the evidence for evolution
was being misrepresented in their biology textbook. Like many of his
colleagues in the ID movement, he was not raised as a Bible-believing
fundamentalist, but rather has been on a personal and scientific journey
that started from the Darwinian worldview. But having been on both sides,
Hunter now realizes the Darwinian Evolution is not a scientific theory,
or even a compelling theory. It is a religious philosophy that has found
a home in science.
At first glance, the subtitle of Hunters new book, Darwins Proof: The Triumph of Religion over Science, might lead you to believe it is the rantings of some Fundamentalist about how the Bible is superior to science. However, his thesis is the exact opposite. He argues that it is evolution rather than ID that makes the strongest religious assumptions.
In his first book Hunters focus was a scientific and historical critique of Darwinism. In this book he addresses both the scientific and historical shortcomings, as well as the philosophical and theological shortcomings of Darwinism. He explains why he finds Christian theism a more satisfying theology, and Intelligent Design a better fit with the scientific evidence as well as a better framework from which to conduct scientific research.
Many readers new to the origins debate will also find his appendix helpful which contains an easy reference guide to "Faulty Arguments for and against Evolution." If you find yourself debating classmates at school or engaged in an online forum debate on the topic, you will want to read this section first and avoid the grief of arguing down a dead end path, no matter which side of the debate you find yourself on.
The most perceptive analysis of the Darwinian controversy
I have seen. Hunter teaches you a wealth of recent biological findings
and, in a nuanced way, looks at the conclusions that can be fairly drawn.
Lawrence Johnston,
University of Idaho
To view the table of contents, read excerpts from the book, or order Darwins Proof, go to http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/php/book_show_item.php?id=67
University has taken an active interest in the ID movement for the past
10 years hosting several important events including the Mere Creation
conference in 1996, the After Materialism conference in 1999, the RAPID
conference in 2002. In April of this year new Biola Masters of Arts degree in Religion
and Science is hosting the Intelligent Design and the Future of
Science conference. The conference will kick off Thursday April 22 at
the Crowne Plaza Hotel with a Banquet Dinner and lively cast of speakers
including Phillip Johnson, Bill Dembski, Steve Meyer, David Berlinski
and ID critics Michael Ruse and William Provine.
The conference will have special sessions for science teachers and educators, in addition to tracks that focus on biochemistry, astrophysics, psychology, and philosophy. The complete list of speakers reads like the whos who of Intelligent Design:
With this kind of lineup, the conference is sure to sell out soon. To learn more about the conference or to register now go to http://www.biola.edu/id/index.cfm
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ARN-Announce describes many of the upcoming events and new articles, books, videos and other resources on Intelligent Design. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (www.arn.org). Back issues of ARN-Announce can be found at www.arn.org/announce.htm
ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (dwagner@arn.org)
Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an Intelligent Design perspective.
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